Xenoverse 2 Best Saiyan Build 2023 (2025)

1. Builds | Dragon Ball XenoVerse Wiki - Fandom

  • Goku (Super Saiyan Blue Kaioken) Build · Vegeta (Super Saiyan Blue) Build · Goku (Super Saiyan Blue) Build · Universal Saiyan · Black Goku Build · Super Saiyan 2 ...

  • This page serves as a repository for player created builds. Please create a new page and use the following example format, then create a link to your build here. Builds created on this page will be removed. The following build is only an example for formatting purposes. Note: you can make Builds here Health: 40 Ki: 40 Stamina: 40 Basic Attack: 40 Strike Super: 40 Ki Super: 37 Body: Uniform Legs: Uniform Hands: Uniform Feet: Uniform Accessory: Angel Halo Z-Soul: I'm an Android. Super 1: Kamehameh

2. OP Male Saiyan build | Fandom - Dragon Ball Wiki

  • Nov 3, 2023 · And i've come up with a few builds in the time we've had so far. But I think this is my best one yet. Male Saiyans do okay super attack damage, ...

  • So as y'all know, level 120 has changed build…

3. Best Attributes and Builds for Saiyan in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2

4. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2: Namekian Build Guide - TheGamer

  • The best ultimate skill for a Namekian build that primarily focuses on melee attacks is the Death Meteor skill. You can earn this attack by completing Expert ...

  • Pick the best skills and equipment for your Namekian build in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

5. The Relentless Deity Build (Contest Submission) | AnimeEsports.com

  • Jul 31, 2023 · ... best Saiyan transformation in terms of damage. Much like ... I hope you enjoy. dude. 5 subscribers. DRAGON BALL XENOVERSE 2 Build Test 3.

  • Introduction This is a female Saiyan basline build. What that means is that it provides a baseline to follow when leveling this character. Lets start with the race and gender were using for this build

6. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best QQ Bang Formula Recipes - Game Rant

  • Sep 28, 2022 · Components: Zen-Oh's Clothes + Super Saiyan 4 Suit (Goku) + Super Mix Capsule Z · HP: 1 · Ki: -1 · STA: 5 · Basic ATK: 5 · Strike Supers: 5 · Ki Blast ...

  • QQ Bang Formulas let players change costume stats in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2. These are the best recipes for the QQ Bangs in the game.

7. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 - TheGamer

  • Goku Black's Super Saiyan Rose Ultra Supervillain form in Xenoverse 2. ... Pick the best skills and equipment for your Namekian build in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2.

  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 allows you to play out your dreams of being part of the Dragon Ball universe, taking on the many characters in a series of 3D-arena battles.

8. [Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans

  • May 24, 2024 · Super Saiyan God Super Saiyan Saiyan Evolution (abysmally long name) is probably the best transformation in the entire game bar none. The damage ...

  • [Top 10] Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Best Movesets for Saiyans

9. 20 Strongest Characters In Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Ranked

  • Jun 23, 2024 · Characters like Orange Piccolo, Super Saiyan God Goku, and strong fusions like Vegito give Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 a powerful roster.

  • Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 has a powerful roster of fighters between characters like Super Saiyan Goku Black and Ultra Instinct Goku.

10. Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 Guide: Saiyan Build - GameSkinny

  • Apr 22, 2024 · To create a solid Xenoverse 2 Saiyan build, Male Saiyans have more health than Female Saiyans, so you can use QQ bangs to raise these and others ...

  • Check this guide for building a Saiyan character in Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2!

Xenoverse 2 Best Saiyan Build 2023 (2025)


How to build the best saiyan in Xenoverse 2? ›

Just get your stamina and ki to where you want it, max out your super of choice, then use basic attack and health as a dump stat. Saiyans have to invest a lot into health to see any real returns, so it's best to not even touch the stat unless you're fine with all your other stats.

What is the best Saiyan transformation for Ki blasts? ›

For Ki Blast Supers, Super Vegeta 2 is the best, along with the Z Soul "This is Super Vegeta".

What are male saiyans good at in Xenoverse 2? ›

Saiyan Males posses several good qualities about them, they have decent range on their basic attacks, as well as two step cancels that can be used on blocking enemies, making their neutral game strong.

What is the strongest Saiyan mode? ›

Unlike Super Saiyan God, where the Saiyan appears more youthful and slender in built, the Saiyan's physical form stays the same. According to Dragon Ball Z: Extreme Butōden, Super Saiyan Blue is the most powerful Super Saiyan transformation.

What is the best Super Saiyan form? ›

Between Legendary Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God, Super Saiyan God is by far the strongest form of Super Saiyan. As for the actual strongest, it's between Super Saiyan 4, from Dragon Ball GT, and Super Saiyan God, from Battle of Gods.

Which Saiyan is stronger than Goku? ›

Cabba and Caulifla from Universe 6 are incredibly powerful Saiyans who have been introduced in Dragon Ball Super, but they still rank below Goku and Vegeta. Kale and Broly are both Legendary Super Saiyans who rank among the strongest characters in the series, but Gohan potentially surpasses them all.

Which race is strongest Xenoverse 2? ›

Saiyans are crazy strong, especially with their Super Saiyan transformations. Perfect if you wanna go all out with power boosts!

What is the weakest Saiyan transformation? ›

As False Super Saiyan is the weakest of the Super Saiyan levels, Goku's hair didn't turn yellow, but his pupils disappeared, and his aura gained a gold tinge. He also received a huge power boost, although he wasn't able to maintain it for very long.

How to make Super Saiyan 10? ›

Super Saiyan 10 is achieved by a ritual of Saiyans with evil energy, the one as Super Saiyan 10 gets their soul corrupted, the evil power was such that the warrior cannot bear it so it always failed.

Which Goku transformation is best? ›

In the Universe survival arc, Goku triggered the Ultra Instinct form during the Tournament of Power amid the battle with Jiren. This form is considered the most powerful form in the history of the Dragon Ball series. It is more of a technique than a transformation as far as the fandom is concerned.

Who is the strongest DLC character in Xenoverse 2? ›

The Strongest Version of Broly Yet

Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2 includes an older version of the infamous Legendary Super Saiyan, Broly, who appears in three Dragon Ball Z movies. Broly (Full Power Super Saiyan) is Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2's 21st DLC character, and this version easily trumps his predecessor in the game.

Who is the number one strongest Saiyan? ›

Currently, the title of the strongest Saiyan in Dragon Ball Super goes to Gohan. During the new Dragon Ball Super: Super Hero movie which has been declared canon, Gohan was stated to have surpassed Goku and Vegeta.

Who is the coolest Saiyan? ›

Coolest Super Saiyan Forms, Ranked
  • Vegeta in Super Saiyan Second Grade from Dragon Ball Z © Provided by CBR.
  • Goku Black charging up his Super Saiyan Rose form in Dragon Ball Super © Provided by CBR.
  • Goku smiles and shows off Super Saiyan Full Power © Provided by CBR.

How to make Super Saiyan Xenoverse 2? ›

Fight Vegeta

time rift. Head over there and he'll want to fight you every now and then. After fighting and beating him a second time, you'll get the chance to get the Super Saiyan ability from second mission, "Saiyan Awakening", once you've spoken to his family (Bulma and Trunks).

Who is the strongest in Xenoverse 2? ›

1 Goku (Ultra Instinct)

In the gameplay of Dragon Ball Xenoverse 2, Goku (Ultra Instinct) does this through various skills that emphasize pure power and pure resistance, proving this form as one of Goku's most powerful in the franchise.

Is it possible to get Super Saiyan God in Xenoverse 2? ›

Start by wishing for Shenron to make you a Super Saiyan God. You'll need 7 Dragon Balls to do this, which can be farmed in Parallel Quests. Then, befriend the mentors Goku, Vegeta, Gohan & Videl, Gotenks, and Pan. Then, you can collect the Super Saiyan God transformation from Beerus on top of Orange Star High School.

What is the best species in Xenoverse 2? ›

Male Saiyans have the base Attack power, while Female Saiyans have the strongest Blast attack power. Male Earthlings have the highest Strike Super power, but unless you get the DLC, there's not a lot of Strike ultimate moves that are actually worth equipping.

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