Tests reviewed in The Mental Measurements Yearbook series | Buros Center for Testing (2024)

The following is a complete list of tests reviewed in the Mental Measurements Yearbook series, from the 9th MMY (1985) through the present. Click here forordering information. Also, individual test reviews may be obtained through Test Reviews Online.



A-4 Police Officer Video Test, 18th MMY
A.S.S.E.T.S.: A Survey of Students' Educational Talents and Skills, 10th MMY
AAMD Adaptive Behavior Scale, 9th MMY
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale--Residential and Community, Second Edition, 13th MMY
AAMR Adaptive Behavior Scale--School, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Abbreviated Torrance Test for Adults, 17th MMY
ABC Inventory to Determine Kindergarten and School Readiness (The), 10th MMY
Aberrant Behavior Checklist, 12th MMY
Ability Explorer, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Abuse Disability Questionnaire, 17th MMY
Abuse Risk Inventory for Women, Experimental Edition, 11th MMY
Academic Achievement Battery Comprehensive Form, 20th MMY
Academic Achievement Battery Screening Form, 20th MMY
Academic Achievement Battery, 21st MMY
Academic Advising Inventory, 10th MMY
Academic Competence Evaluation Scales, 16th MMY
Academic Intervention Monitoring System, 17th MMY
Academic Perceptions Inventory [2000 Revision], 15th MMY
Access Management Survey, 12th MMY
ACCESS--A Comprehensive Custody Evaluation Standard System, 14th MMY
Accountant Staff Selector, 16th MMY
Accounting Aptitude Test, 13th MMY
Accounting Program Admission Test, 12th MMY
ACCUPLACER: Computerized Placement Tests, 13th MMY
ACDI-Corrections Version and Corrections Version II, 14th MMY
ACER Advanced Test B40, 9th MMY
ACER Advanced Test B90: New Zealand Edition, 12th MMY
ACER Advanced Tests AL and AQ (Second Edition) and BL-BQ, 9th MMY
ACER Applied Reading Test, 12th MMY
ACER Checklists for School Beginners, 9th MMY
ACER Chemistry Item Collection: Year 12 (Chemtic), 9th MMY
ACER Class Achievement Test in Mathematics, 9th MMY
ACER Higher Tests, 9th MMY
ACER Intermediate Test G, 9th MMY
ACER Listening Test, 9th MMY
ACER Mathematics Profile Series, 9th MMY
ACER Mathematics Tests: AM Series, 9th MMY
ACER Mechanical Reasoning Test [Revised 1997], 15th MMY
ACER Paragraph Reading Test, 9th MMY
ACER Physics Unit Tests: Diagnostic Aids, 9th MMY
ACER Spelling Test-Years 3-6, 9th MMY
ACER Test of Employment Entry Mathematics, 15th MMY
ACER Test of Reasoning Ability, 12th MMY
ACER Tests of Basic Skills--Blue Series, 12th MMY
ACER Tests of Basic Skills--Green Series, 12th MMY
ACER Tests of Basic Skills--Orchid Series, 15th MMY
ACER Word Knowledge Test, 11th MMY
Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment [2015 Update], 20th MMY
Achenbach System of Empirically Based Assessment, 16th MMY
Achievement Identification Measure--Teacher Observation, 11th MMY
Achievement Identification Measure, 10th MMY
Achievement Motivation Inventory, 17th MMY
Achievement Motivation Profile, 14th MMY
Achievement Test for Accounting Graduates, 13th MMY
Achieving Behavioral Competencies, 13th MMY
Ackerman-Banks Neuropsychological Rehabilitation Battery, 15th MMY
Ackerman-Schoendorf Scales for Parent Evaluation of Custody, 12th MMY
ACT Assessment Program, 9th MMY
ACT Evaluation/Survey Service (The), 12th MMY
ACT Evaluation/Survey Service, 9th MMY
ACT Study Power Assessment and Inventory, 12th MMY
ACT Study Skills Assessment and Inventory (College Edition), 12th MMY
AD/HD Comprehensive Teacher's Rating Scale, Second Edition [1998 Revision], 14th MMY
Adaptation of the Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence for Deaf Children (An), 11th MMY
Adapted Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development, 12th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, 15th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Assessment System, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Assessment Systemâ-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Diagnostic Scale, 21st MMY
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale, 12th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Evaluation Scale, Revised, 14th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Inventory for Children, 9th MMY
Adaptive Behavior Inventory, 10th MMY
Adaptive Behavior: Street Survival Skills Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Adaptive Employee Personality Test, 21st MMY
Adaptive Functioning Index, 9th MMY
Adaptive Style Inventory, 13th MMY
ADD-H: Comprehensive Teacher's Rating Scale, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Additional Personality Factor Inventory--2, 9th MMY
Adelphi Parent Administered Readiness Test, 9th MMY
ADHD Rating Scale-5, 21st MMY
ADHD Rating Scale–IV, 15th MMY
ADHD Symptom Checklist--4, 15th MMY
ADHD Symptoms Rating Scale, 15th MMY
Adjective Check List (The), 9th MMY
Adjustment Scales for Children and Adolescents, 14th MMY
Administrative Series Modules, 18th MMY
Adolescent American Drug and Alcohol Survey with Prevention Planning Survey, 16th MMY
Adolescent and Adult Psychoeducational Profile, 11th MMY
Adolescent and Child Urgent Threat Evaluation, 18th MMY
Adolescent Anger Rating Scale, 15th MMY
Adolescent Apperception Cards, 14th MMY
Adolescent Coping Scale, 13th MMY
Adolescent Diagnostic Interview, 12th MMY
Adolescent Dissociative Experiences Scale, 14th MMY
Adolescent Drinking Index, 12th MMY
Adolescent Language Screening Test, 10th MMY
Adolescent Psychopathology Scale--Short Form, 15th MMY
Adolescent Psychopathology Scale, 14th MMY
Adolescent Separation Anxiety Test, 9th MMY
Adolescent Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory-A2, 20th MMY
Adolescent Symptom Inventory--4, 15th MMY
Adolescent/Adult Sensory Profile, 16th MMY
Adult Attention Deficit Disorder Behavior Rating Scale, 13th MMY
Adult Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale, 14th MMY
Adult Basic Learning Examination, Second Edition, 11th MMY
Adult Career Concerns Inventory, 12th MMY
Adult Growth Examination, 11th MMY
Adult Language Assessment Scales, 14th MMY
Adult Manifest Anxiety Scale (The), 16th MMY
Adult Neuropsychological Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Adult Personality Inventory [Revised], 14th MMY
Adult Personality Inventory, 12th MMY
Adult Personality Inventory, 9th MMY
Adult Rating of Oral English, 14th MMY
Adult SASSI-4, 21st MMY
Adult Self Expression Scale, 9th MMY
Adult Self-Report Inventory-4, 19th MMY
Adult Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Advanced Measures of Music Audiation, 12th MMY
Advanced Multi-Dimensional Personality Matrix Abridged–Big 5 Personality Test, 19th MMY
Affective Domain Descriptor Program, 9th MMY
Affective Perception Inventory, 9th MMY
Affective Perception Inventory/College Level (The), 11th MMY
Affective Sensitivity Scale, 9th MMY
Age Projection Test, 12th MMY
Ages & Stages Questionnaires¨: Social-Emotional, Second Edition, 20th MMY
Ages & Stages Questionnaires: Social-Emotional: A Parent-Completed, Child-Monitoring System for Social-Emotional Behaviors, 16th MMY
Ages and Stages Questionnaires, 14th MMY
Ages and Stages Questionnaires: A Parent-Completed, Child-Monitoring System, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Ages and Stages Questionnaires: A Parent-Completed, Child-Monitoring System, Third Edition, 18th MMY
Aggression Questionnaire, 15th MMY
AGS Early Screening Profiles, 12th MMY
AH Vocabulary Scale, 9th MMY
AH1 Forms X and Y, 9th MMY
AH6 Group Tests of High Level Intelligence, 10th MMY
Ahr's Individual Development Survey, 9th MMY
Air Conditioning Specialist (Form SWA-C), 17th MMY
Alberta Essay Scales: Models, 9th MMY
Alcadd Test, Revised Edition (The), 11th MMY
Alcohol Clinical Index, 13th MMY
Alcohol Dependence Scale, 10th MMY
Alcohol Use Disorders Identification Test, 14th MMY
Alcohol Use Inventory, 12th MMY
ALEKS PPL (Placement, Preparation and Learning), 21st MMY
Allied Health Professions Admission Test, 12th MMY
Alphabet Mastery, 9th MMY
Alternate Uses, 9th MMY
Alzheimer's Disease Caregiver's Questionnaire, 16th MMY
Alzheimer's Quick Test: Assessment of Parietal Function, 16th MMY
Am I Musical? Music Audiation Games, 16th MMY
American Drug and Alcohol Survey (The), 12th MMY
American High School Mathematics Examination, 11th MMY
American Invitational Mathematics Examination, 11th MMY
American Junior High School Mathematics Examination, 11th MMY
American Occupational Therapy Association, Inc. Fieldwork Evaluation for the Occupation Therapist (The), 12th MMY
Amsterdam Short-Term Memory Test, 17th MMY
Analytic Learning Disability Assessment, 9th MMY
Analytical Aptitude Skills Evaluation, 15th MMY
Analyzing the Communication Environment, 14th MMY
Anger Disorders Scale, 17th MMY
Anger Regulation and Expression Scale, 19th MMY
Ann Arbor Learning Inventory, 11th MMY
Ann Arbor Learning Inventory, 9th MMY
Anomalous Sentences Repetition Test (The), 12th MMY
ANSER System-Aggregate Neurobehavioral Student Health and Educational Review (The), 9th MMY
Antisocial Process Screening Device, 16th MMY
Aphasia Diagnostic Profiles, 13th MMY
Applicant Risk Profiler, 17th MMY
Applied Knowledge Test, 9th MMY
Apraxia Battery for Adults, 9th MMY
Apraxia Battery for Adults, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Apraxia Profile: A Descriptive Assessment Tool for Children (The), 14th MMY
Aprenda: La prueba de logros en espanol--Segunda edicion, 14th MMY
Aprenda: La prueba de logros en espanol, 13th MMY
APT Inventory (The), 13th MMY
Aptitude Interest Inventory, 13th MMY
Aptitude Profile Test Series, 15th MMY
Arabic Proficiency Test, 16th MMY
Areas of Worklife Survey [Fifth Edition Manual], 21st MMY
Arithmetic Skills Assessment Test, 14th MMY
Arizona Articulation and Phonology Scale, Fourth Revision, 21st MMY
Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale, Second Edition, 11th MMY
Arizona Articulation Proficiency Scale, Third Revision, 16th MMY
Arizona Battery for Communication Disorders of Dementia (The), 12th MMY
Arlin Test of Formal Reasoning, 9th MMY
Armed Services Vocational Aptitude Battery [Forms 18/19], 9th MMY
Armed Services-Civilian Vocational Interest Survey, 10th MMY
Arousal Seeking Tendency Scale, 13th MMY
Ashland Interest Assessment, 14th MMY
ASIST: A Structured Addictions Assessment Interview for Selecting Treatment, 13th MMY
Asperger Syndrome Diagnostic Scale, 15th MMY
ASPIRE (A Sales Potential Inventory for Real Estate), 12th MMY
Assess Expert System, 19th MMY
ASSESS Personality Battery [Expert System Version 5.X], 14th MMY
Assessing and Teaching Phonological Knowledge, 14th MMY
Assessing Linguistic Behaviors: Assessing Prelinguistic and Early Linguistic Behaviors in Developmentally Young Children, 11th MMY
Assessing Motivation to Communicate, 14th MMY
Assessing Reading Difficulties: A Diagnostic and Remedial Approach, 9th MMY
Assessing Specific Competencies, 12th MMY
Assessing Your Team: Seven Measures of Team Success, 14th MMY
Assessment and Placement Services for Community Colleges, 11th MMY
Assessment for Persons Profoundly or Severely Impaired, 11th MMY
Assessment for Persons Profoundly or Severely Impaired, 15th MMY
Assessment for Persons With Profound or Severe Impairments-Second Edition, 21st MMY
Assessment in Infancy: Ordinal Scales of Psychological Development, 9th MMY
Assessment in Mathematics, 9th MMY
Assessment in Nursery Education, 9th MMY
Assessment Inventory for Management, 13th MMY
Assessment of Adaptive Areas, 14th MMY
Assessment of Aphasia and Related Disorder, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Assessment of Aphasia and Related Disorders, Second Edition (The), 10th MMY
Assessment of Basic Competencies, 9th MMY
Assessment of Basic Language and Learning Skills-Revised (The), 21st MMY
Assessment of Career Decision Making, 10th MMY
Assessment of Chemical Health Inventory, 13th MMY
Assessment of Children's Language Comprehension, 1983 Revision, 10th MMY
Assessment of Classroom Communication and Study Skills, 17th MMY
Assessment of Classroom Environments, 18th MMY
Assessment of Competencies for Instructor Development, 11th MMY
Assessment of Comprehension and Expression 6-11, 16th MMY
Assessment of Conceptual Organization (ACO): Improving, Writing, Thinking, and Reading Skills, 12th MMY
Assessment of Coping Style, 9th MMY
Assessment of Core Goals, 12th MMY
Assessment of Fluency in School-Age Children, 10th MMY
Assessment of Individual Learning Style: The Perceptual Memory Task, 11th MMY
Assessment of Intelligibility of Dysarthric Speech, 10th MMY
Assessment of Interpersonal Relations, 13th MMY
Assessment of Language-Related Functional Activities, 15th MMY
Assessment of Literacy and Language, 18th MMY
Assessment of Living Skills and Resources, 13th MMY
Assessment of Multiple Intelligences, 19th MMY
Assessment of Parenting Skills: Infant and Preschooler, 14th MMY
Assessment of Phonological Processes--Revised (The), 12th MMY
Assessment of Phonological Processes, 9th MMY
Assessment of Practices in Early Elementary Classrooms, 15th MMY
Assessment of Qualitative and Structural Dimensions of Object Representations, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Assessment of Reading Growth, 9th MMY
Assessment of School Needs for Low-Achieving Students: Staff Survey, 11th MMY
Assessment of Skills in Computation, 9th MMY
Assessment of Spirituality and Religious Sentiments, 19th MMY
Assessment of Story Comprehension, 21st MMY
Assessment, Evaluation, and Programming System for Infants and Children (AEPS): Second Edition, 18th MMY
Athletic Milieu Direct Questionnaire, 21st MMY
Athletic Motivation Inventory, 12th MMY
Attention Deficit Disorder Behavior Rating Scales, 13th MMY
Attention Deficit Disorder Evaluation Scale--Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale Secondary-Age Student (The), 14th MMY
Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder School Observation Code, 21st MMY
Attention Test Linking Assessment and Services, 18th MMY
Attention-Deficit Scales for Adults, 14th MMY
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder Test, 14th MMY
Attentional and Interpersonal Style Inventory (The), 14th MMY
Attitude Toward School K-12, 9th MMY
Attitude Toward School, 9th MMY
Attitudes Related to Tolerance 9-12, 9th MMY
Attitudes Toward Industrialization, 15th MMY
Attitudes Toward Mainstreaming Scale, 12th MMY
Attitudes Toward Mainstreaming Scale, 9th MMY
Attitudes Toward Working Mothers Scale, 9th MMY
Attitudes Towards Guns and Violence Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Auditory Continuous Performance Test, 13th MMY
Auditory Discrimination and Attention Test (The), 12th MMY
Auditory Phoneme Sequencing Test, 20th MMY
Auditory Processing Abilities Test, 16th MMY
Auditory Selective Attention Test, 13th MMY
Auditory Skills Assessment, 19th MMY
Australian Chemistry Test Item Bank, 9th MMY
Australian Developmental Screening Checklist, 15th MMY
Australian Developmental Screening Test, 15th MMY
Australian Test for Advanced Music Studies, 9th MMY
Autism Detection in Early Childhood, 18th MMY
Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning (First Edition), 9th MMY
Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Autism Screening Instrument for Educational Planning, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Autism Spectrum Rating Scales, 19th MMY
Autistic Continuum: An Assessment and Intervention Schedule, 15th MMY
Autobiographical Memory Interview, 17th MMY
Automated Office Battery, 11th MMY


[Bender-Gestalt Test], 11th MMY
Bader Reading and Language Inventory, 10th MMY
Balanced Assessment in Mathematics, 16th MMY
Balanced Emotional Empathy Scale (The), 13th MMY
Ball Aptitude Battery, 9th MMY
Ball Aptitude Battery, Form M, 16th MMY
Balloons Test, 17th MMY
Bangs Receptive Vocabulary Checklist (The), 11th MMY
Bankson Expressive Language Test-Third Edition, 21st MMY
Bankson Language Screening Test, 9th MMY
Bankson Language Test--2, 11th MMY
Bankson-Bernthal Test of Phonology, 12th MMY
Barclay Classroom Assessment System (The), 9th MMY
Barclay Classroom Assessment System (The), 9th MMY
Barclay Learning Needs Assessment Inventory, 9th MMY
Barkley Adult ADHD Rating Scale-IV, 19th MMY
Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale–Children and Adolescents, 19th MMY
Barkley Deficits in Executive Functioning Scale, 19th MMY
Barkley Functional Impairment Scale–Children and Adolescents, 19th MMY
Barkley Functional Impairment Scale, 19th MMY
Barkley Sluggish Cognitive Tempo Scale--Children and Adolescents, 21st MMY
BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory, 14th MMY
BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Short Development Edition, 16th MMY
BarOn Emotional Quotient Inventory: Youth Version, 15th MMY
BarOn Emotional Quotient-360, 16th MMY
Barrier to Employment Success Inventory, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Barriers to Employment Success Inventory, Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Barsch Learning Style Inventory, 9th MMY
BASC Monitor for ADHD, 14th MMY
BASC-2 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System, 18th MMY
BASC-2 Progress Monitor, 20th MMY
BASC-3 Behavioral and Emotional Screening System, 20th MMY
BASC-3 Flex Monitor, 21st MMY
Basic Achievement Skills Individual Screener, 9th MMY
Basic Achievement Skills Inventory, 17th MMY
Basic Early Assessment of Reading, 16th MMY
Basic Economics Test, 11th MMY
Basic Educational Skills Test, 9th MMY
Basic English Skills Test, 11th MMY
Basic Inventory of Natural Language, 9th MMY
Basic Language Concepts Test, 10th MMY
Basic Living Skills Scale, 10th MMY
Basic Number Diagnostic Test [2001 Revision], 15th MMY
Basic Number Diagnostic Test, 9th MMY
Basic Number Screening Test [1996 Edition], 15th MMY
Basic Number Screening Test [2001 Edition], 16th MMY
Basic Number Screening Test, 9th MMY
Basic Personality Inventory, 12th MMY
Basic Reading Inventory, Eighth Edition, 15th MMY
Basic Reading Inventory, Eleventh Edition, 20th MMY
Basic Reading Inventory, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Basic Reading Inventory, Seventh Edition, 12th MMY
Basic Reading Inventory, Seventh Edition, 14th MMY
Basic School Skills Inventory--Diagnostic, 9th MMY
Basic School Skills Inventory--Screen, 9th MMY
Basic School Skills Inventory, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Basic School Skills Inventory, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Basic Skills Assessment, 9th MMY
Basic Skills Inventory, 9th MMY
Basic Skills Locater Test, 15th MMY
Basic Tests Series, 11th MMY
Basic Visual-Motor Association Test, 9th MMY
BASIS-A Inventory [Basic Adlerian Skills for Interpersonal Success--Adult Form], 13th MMY
Bateria III Woodcock-Munoz(tm), 17th MMY
BaterÌa IV Woodcock-Muñoz™, 21st MMY
Bateria Woodcock-Munoz--Revisada, 13th MMY
Battelle Developmental Inventory Screening Test, 11th MMY
Battelle Developmental Inventory, 10th MMY
Battelle Developmental Inventory(tm), 2nd Edition, 17th MMY
Battery for Health Improvement 2, 17th MMY
Battery for Health Improvement, 14th MMY
Bay Area Functional Performance Evaluation, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Bayley Infant Neurodevelopmental Screener, 13th MMY
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Bayley Scales of Infant and Toddler Development-Third Edition, Screening Test, 17th MMY
BDI-FastScreen for Medical Patients, 16th MMY
Beck Anxiety Inventory [1993 Edition], 13th MMY
Beck Depression Inventory [1993 Revised], 13th MMY
Beck Depression Inventory--II, 14th MMY
Beck Hopelessness Scale [Revised], 13th MMY
Beck Scale for Suicide Ideation, 13th MMY
Beck Youth Inventories for Children and Adolescents: Second Edition, 18th MMY
Beck Youth Inventories of Emotional & Social Impairment, 15th MMY
Becker Work Adjustment Profile, 11th MMY
Becker Work Adjustment Profile: 2, 17th MMY
Bedside Evaluation and Screening Test of Aphasia, 11th MMY
Bedside Evaluation of Dysphagia, 14th MMY
Bedside Evaluation Screening Test, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Beery Picture Vocabulary Test and Beery Picture Vocabulary Screening Series, 12th MMY
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 5th Edition, 17th MMY
Beery-Buktenica Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, Sixth Edition (Beery VMI) (The), 19th MMY
Behavior Analysis Forms for Clinical Intervention, 9th MMY
Behavior Analysis Language Instrument, 11th MMY
Behavior Assessment System for Children [Revised], 14th MMY
Behavior Assessment System for Children [Second Edition], 17th MMY
Behavior Assessment System for Children, 13th MMY
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Behavior Assessment System for Children, Third Edition, Parenting Relationship Questionnaire, 20th MMY
Behavior Change Inventory, 11th MMY
Behavior Dimensions Rating Scale, 11th MMY
Behavior Dimensions Scale, 14th MMY
Behavior Disorders Identification Scale-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Behavior Disorders Identification Scale, 12th MMY
Behavior Evaluation Scale--2, 12th MMY
Behavior Evaluation Scale-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Behavior Evaluation Scale, 9th MMY
Behavior Intervention Monitoring Assessment System, 19th MMY
Behavior Rating Instrument for Autistic and Other Atypical Children, 9th MMY
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Adult Version, 17th MMY
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Preschool Version, 16th MMY
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function-Self-Report Version, 16th MMY
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, 15th MMY
Behavior Rating Inventory of Executive Function, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Behavior Rating Profile, 9th MMY
Behavior Rating Profile, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Behavior Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Behavioral Academic Self-Esteem, 9th MMY
Behavioral Academic Self-Esteem, 9th MMY
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Behavioral and Emotional Rating Scale: A Strength-Based Approach to Assessment, 14th MMY
Behavioral and Psychological Assessment of Dementia, 18th MMY
Behavioral Assessment of Pain Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Behavioral Assessment of Pain-2 Questionnaire, 19th MMY
Behavioral Characteristics Progression, 11th MMY
Behavioral Deviancy Profile, 9th MMY
Behavioral Objective Sequence, 15th MMY
Behavioral Summary, 19th MMY
Behaviors & Attitudes Drinking & Driving Scale, 20th MMY
Behaviors and Experiences Inventory, 15th MMY
Behaviour Problems: A System of Management, 11th MMY
Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome for Children, 17th MMY
Behavioural Assessment of the Dysexecutive Syndrome, 14th MMY
Behavioural Inattention Test, 17th MMY
Belbin Team-Roles Self-Perception Inventory, 14th MMY
Bell Object Relations and Reality Testing Inventory, 14th MMY
Bell Relationship Inventory for Adolescents, 19th MMY
Bem Sex-Role Inventory, 9th MMY
Bench Mark Measures, 9th MMY
Benchmark of Organizational Emotional Intelligence, 17th MMY
Benchmarks [Revised], 15th MMY
Bender Visual-Motor Gestalt Test, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test, 11th MMY
Bennett Mechanical Comprehension Test, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Benton Visual Retention Test, Fifth Edition, 13th MMY
Benton Visual Retention Test, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Benziger Thinking Styles Assessment (The), 16th MMY
Ber-Sil Spanish Test (The), 10th MMY
Ber-Sil Spanish Test, 9th MMY
Bessell Measurement of Emotional Maturity Scales, 9th MMY
BEST Instruments, 13th MMY
BEST Literacy, 19th MMY
BEST Plus 2.0, 21st MMY
BEST Plus: Oral English Proficiency Test, 17th MMY
Beta III, 16th MMY
Beta-4 , 21st MMY
Bieger Test of Visual Discrimination, 9th MMY
Biemiller Test of Reading Processes, 9th MMY
Bilingual English-Spanish Assessment, 21st MMY
Bilingual Home Inventory, 11th MMY
Bilingual Oral Language Test, 9th MMY
Bilingual Syntax Measure II, 9th MMY
Bilingual Syntax Measure, 9th MMY
Bilingual Verbal Ability Tests, 14th MMY
Biographical and Personality Inventory, Series II, 11th MMY
Biographical Inventory Form U, 9th MMY
Birkman Method, 17th MMY
Birmingham Cognitive Screen: Brain Behavior Analysis, 20th MMY
Birth to Three Assessment and Intervention System, 11th MMY
Birth to Three Assessment and Intervention System, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Birth to Three Developmental Scale, 9th MMY
Block Survey and S.L.I.D.E. (The), 12th MMY
Bloom Sentence Completion Survey, 9th MMY
Bloomer Learning Test, 9th MMY
Boder Test of Reading-Spelling Patterns (The), 9th MMY
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts--Preschool Version, 11th MMY
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts--Revised, 10th MMY
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts-3 Preschool, 16th MMY
Boehm Test of Basic Concepts-Third Edition, 16th MMY
Booker Profiles in Mathematics: Numeration and Computation, 13th MMY
Booklet Category Test, Second Edition (The), 14th MMY
Booklet Category Test, Second Edition (The), 9th MMY
Boston Assessment of Severe Aphasia, 12th MMY
Boston Diagnostic Aphasia Examination-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Boston Qualitative Scoring System for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, 15th MMY
Bracken Basic Concept Scale--Revised, 14th MMY
Bracken Basic Concept Scale--Third Edition: Receptive, 18th MMY
Bracken Basic Concept Scale, 10th MMY
Bracken Basic Concept Scale: Expressive, 18th MMY
Bracken School Readiness Assessment, 16th MMY
Bracken School Readiness Assessment, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Braille Assessment Inventory, 14th MMY
Brain Injury Rehabilitation Trust Memory and Information Processing Battery, 19th MMY
BrainMap (The), 11th MMY
Bricklin Perceptual Scales, 11th MMY
Brief Battery for Health Improvement 2, 17th MMY
Brief Cognitive Status Exam, 20th MMY
Brief Neuropsychological Cognitive Examination, 14th MMY
Brief Symptom Inventory 18, 15th MMY
Brief Test of Attention, 15th MMY
Brief Test of Head Injury, 13th MMY
Brief Visuospatial Memory Test--Revised, 15th MMY
Brigance Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills, 9th MMY
BRIGANCE Diagnostic Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills, Revised, 14th MMY
BRIGANCE Diagnostic Employability Skills Inventory, 14th MMY
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Skills, 9th MMY
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development, 9th MMY
Brigance Diagnostic Inventory of Essential Skills, 9th MMY
BRIGANCE Diagnostic Life Skills Inventory, 14th MMY
BRIGANCE Early Preschool Screen for Two-Year-Old and Two-and-a-Half-Year-Old Children, 11th MMY
BRIGANCE Infant & Toddler Screen, 15th MMY
Brigance K & 1 Screen for Kindergarten and First Grade, 9th MMY
BRIGANCE K & 1 Screen for Kindergarten and First Grade Children [Revised], 12th MMY
Brigance Preschool Screen-II, 17th MMY
Brigance Preschool Screen, 10th MMY
Brigance(r) Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development-II, 17th MMY
BRIGANCE(r) Early Preschool Screen-II, 17th MMY
BRIGANCE(r) K & 1 Screen-II, 17th MMY
BRIGANCE¨ Inventory of Early Development III, 20th MMY
BRIGANCE¨ Screens III, 20th MMY
BRIGANCE® Comprehensive Inventory of Basic Skills II, 19th MMY
BRIGANCE® Inventory of Early Development II, 19th MMY
Bristol Achievement Tests, 9th MMY
Bristol Achievement Tests: English Language, 9th MMY
Bristol Achievement Tests: Mathematics, 9th MMY
Bristol Achievement Tests: Study Skills, 9th MMY
Bristol Language Development Scales, 12th MMY
British Ability Scales (The), 9th MMY
British Ability Scales: Second Edition, 16th MMY
British Ability Scales: Spelling Scale, 12th MMY
British Picture Vocabulary Scale, Second Edition (The), 16th MMY
British Spelling Test Series, 16th MMY
Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales for Children and Adolescents, 15th MMY
Brown Attention-Deficit Disorder Scales, 14th MMY
Brown Executive Function/Attention Scales, 21st MMY
Bruininks Motor Ability Test, 19th MMY
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, 9th MMY
Bruininks-Oseretsky Test of Motor Proficiency, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Burks Behavior Rating Scales, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Burks' Behavior Rating Scales, 11th MMY
Burns Brief Inventory of Communication and Cognition, 14th MMY
Burns/Roe Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to Twelfth Grade, Fifth Edition, 14th MMY
Burns/Roe Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to Twelfth Grade, Sixth Edition, 17th MMY
Burns/Roe Informal Reading Inventory: Preprimer to Twelfth Grade, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Burt Word Reading Test, New Zealand Revision, 9th MMY
Bury Infant Check, 10th MMY
Business Administration Scale for Family Child Care, 20th MMY
Business Analyst Skills Evaluation [One-Hour], 16th MMY
Business Analyst Skills Evaluation, 10th MMY
Business Critical Thinking Skills Test (The), 18th MMY
Business-focused Inventory of Personality (UK Edition), 20th MMY
Buswell-John Diagnostic Test for Fundamental Processes in Arithmetic, 9th MMY
Butcher Treatment Planning Inventory, 14th MMY


[Computer Programmer Test Package], 11th MMY
C-1 and C-2 Correctional Officer Tests, 18th MMY
C-BDQ Correctional Officer Background Data Questionnaire, 18th MMY
C-PAC: Clinical Probes of Articulation Consistency, 9th MMY
C.O.A.C.H.: Cayuga-Onondaga Assessment for Children with Handicaps, Version 7.0, 11th MMY
Calibrated Ideational Fluency Assessment, 19th MMY
Calibrated Neuropsychological Normative System, 19th MMY
California Achievement Tests Writing Assessment System, 11th MMY
California Achievement Tests, Fifth Edition, 13th MMY
California Achievement Tests, Forms C and D, 9th MMY
California Child Q-Set (The), 9th MMY
California Computerized Assessment Package, 14th MMY
California Critical Thinking Disposition Inventory [2007 Edition] (The), 18th MMY
California Critical Thinking Dispositions Inventory (The), 12th MMY
California Critical Thinking Skills Test [Revised], 18th MMY
California Critical Thinking Skills Test, 12th MMY
California Diagnostic Mathematics Tests, 11th MMY
California Diagnostic Reading Tests, 11th MMY
California Measure of Mental Motivation, 18th MMY
California Older Adult Stroop Test, 21st MMY
California Psychological Inventory, 9th MMY
California Psychological Inventory, Revised Edition, 11th MMY
California Psychological Inventory, Third Edition, 15th MMY
California Q-Sort (Revised Adult Set), 14th MMY
California Test of Personality, 9th MMY
California Verbal Learning Test-Third Edition, 21st MMY
California Verbal Learning Test, Children's Version, 13th MMY
California Verbal Learning Test, Research Edition, Adult Version, 13th MMY
California Verbal Learning Test, Second Edition, Adult Version, 16th MMY
Call Center Skills Test, 16th MMY
Callahan Anxiety Pictures, 9th MMY
Cambridge Prospective Memory Test, 17th MMY
Camden Memory Tests (The), 21st MMY
Camelot Behavioral Checklist, 9th MMY
Campbell Interest and Skill Survey, 13th MMY
Campbell Leadership Index, 12th MMY
Campbell Organizational Survey, 12th MMY
Campbell-Hallam Team Development Survey, 14th MMY
Canadian Achievement Survey Tests for Adults, 14th MMY
Canadian Achievement Tests, Form A, 9th MMY
Canadian Achievement Tests, Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Canadian Achievement Tests, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Canadian Achievement Tests, Third Edition, 16th MMY
Canadian Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 7, 12th MMY
Canadian Occupational Interest Inventory, 9th MMY
Canadian Test of Cognitive Skills, 13th MMY
Canadian Tests of Basic Skills, Forms 7 and 8, 11th MMY
Candidate Profile Record (The), 12th MMY
Canfield Instructional Styles Inventory, 11th MMY
Canfield Learning Styles Inventory, 11th MMY
Canfield Time Problems Inventory, 9th MMY
CAP Achievement Series, 9th MMY
CAP Assessment of Writing, 12th MMY
Capute Scales (The), 19th MMY
CARE-2 Assessment: Chronic Violent Behavior Risk and Needs Assessment, 18th MMY
Career Adaptive Behavior Inventory, 9th MMY
Career Anchors: Discovering Your Real Values, Revised Edition, 13th MMY
Career Assessment Inventories for the Learning Disabled, 9th MMY
Career Assessment Inventory--The Enhanced Version, 10th MMY
Career Assessment Inventory, Second Edition (Vocational Version), 11th MMY
Career Attitudes and Strategies Inventory: An Inventory for Understanding Adult Careers, 13th MMY
Career Beliefs Inventory, 12th MMY
Career Decision Scale, 9th MMY
Career Decision-Making Self-Efficacy Scale, 14th MMY
Career Development Inventory [Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc.], 13th MMY
Career Development Inventory, 9th MMY
Career Directions Inventory [Second Edition], 17th MMY
Career Directions Inventory, 10th MMY
Career Exploration Inventory (The), 13th MMY
Career Exploration Inventory: A Guide for Exploring Work, Leisure, and Learning, Fifth Edition, 21st MMY
Career Exploration Series, 1992 Revision, 13th MMY
Career Exploration Series, 9th MMY
Career Factors Inventory, 14th MMY
Career Guidance Inventory, 11th MMY
Career Guidance Inventory, 9th MMY
Career Interest Inventory, 13th MMY
Career Interests Test, 9th MMY
Career IQ Test, 14th MMY
Career Motivation Profile, 19th MMY
Career Occupational Preference System--Professional Level Interest Inventory, 14th MMY
Career Planning Survey, 15th MMY
Career Problem Check List, 9th MMY
Career Profile System, Second Edition (The), 13th MMY
Career Skills Assessment Program, 9th MMY
Career Thoughts Inventory, 14th MMY
Career Transitions Inventory, 15th MMY
Career Values Card Sort, 13th MMY
Caregiver-Teacher Report Form, 14th MMY
Caregiver's School Readiness Inventory, 12th MMY
Careprovider Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile, 19th MMY
Carey Temperament Scales, 14th MMY
Carlson Psychological Survey, 9th MMY
Carroll Depression Scales, 14th MMY
Carrow Auditory-Visual Abilities Test, 9th MMY
CASAS Functional Writing Assessment [Picture Task], 20th MMY
CASAS Life and Work Listening Assessments, 19th MMY
CASAS Life and Work Reading Assessments, 19th MMY
Caso Test for Limited English-Speaking Students, 9th MMY
CAT/5 Listening and Speaking Checklist, 13th MMY
Category Test, 18th MMY
CERAD (Consortium to Establish a Registry for Alzheimer's Disease) Assessment Battery, 12th MMY
CERAD Behavior Rating Scale for Dementia, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Change Abilitator, 14th MMY
Chapin Social Insight Test, 16th MMY
Chart of Initiative and Independence, 9th MMY
Charteris Reading Test, 12th MMY
Checking Individual Progress in Phonics, 17th MMY
Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder-Short Form, 21st MMY
Checklist for Autism Spectrum Disorder, 20th MMY
Checklist for Child Abuse Evaluation, 12th MMY
Checklist of Adaptive Living Skills, 12th MMY
Checklist/Guide to Selecting a Small Computer, 9th MMY
ChemTest (Form AC), 17th MMY
ChemTest (Form AR-C), 19th MMY
Chicago Early Assessment and Remediation LaboratorY, 11th MMY
Child "At Risk" for Drug Abuse Rating Scale (The), 12th MMY
Child Abuse Potential Inventory, Form VI (The), 10th MMY
Child and Adolescent Adjustment Profile [Revised], 15th MMY
Child and Adolescent Adjustment Profile, 9th MMY
Child and Adolescent Memory Profile, 20th MMY
Child and Adolescent Risk Evaluation: A Measure of the Risk for Violent Behavior, 17th MMY
Child Anxiety Scale, 9th MMY
Child Behavior Checklist, 13th MMY
Child Behavior Checklist, 9th MMY
Child Care Inventory, 12th MMY
CHILD Center Operational Assessment Tool (The), 9th MMY
Child Development Center Q-Sort, 9th MMY
Child Development Inventory, 13th MMY
Child Development Review, 14th MMY
Child Neuropsychological Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Child Sexual Behavior Inventory, 14th MMY
Child Symptom Inventory 4 [2002 Update], 16th MMY
Child Symptom Inventory 4, 15th MMY
Child/Home Early Language & Literacy Observation Tool, 21st MMY
Childhood Autism Rating Scale (The), 11th MMY
Childhood Autism Rating Scale, Second Edition, 19th MMY
Childhood Trauma Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Children at Risk Screener: Kindergarten and Preschool, 13th MMY
Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, 10th MMY
Children of Alcoholics Screening Test, 9th MMY
Children's Abilities Scales, 10th MMY
Children's Academic Intrinsic Motivation Inventory, 10th MMY
Children's Aggression Scale, 18th MMY
Children's Apperception Test [1991 Revision], 13th MMY
Children's Apperception Test, 9th MMY
Children's Apperceptive Story-Telling Test, 12th MMY
Children's Articulation Test, 12th MMY
Children's Attention and Adjustment Survey, 12th MMY
Children's Auditory Verbal Learning Test-2, 12th MMY
Children's Category Test, 13th MMY
Children's Color Trails Test , 16th MMY
Children's Communication Checklist-2: United States Edition, 18th MMY
Children's Depression Inventory [2003 Update], 17th MMY
Children's Depression Inventory 2nd Edition, 19th MMY
Children's Depression Inventory, 11th MMY
Children's Depression Rating Scale, Revised, 14th MMY
Children's Depression Scale [Second Research Edition], 12th MMY
Children's Depression Scale, 9th MMY
Children's Interview for Psychiatric Syndromes, 15th MMY
Children's Inventory of Anger, 15th MMY
Children's Inventory of Self-Esteem, 12th MMY
Children's Inventory of Self-Esteem, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Children's Measure of Obsessive-Compulsive Symptoms, 19th MMY
Children's Memory Scale, 14th MMY
Children's Organizational Skills Scales, 18th MMY
Children's Personality Questionnaire, 1975 Edition, 9th MMY
Children's Personality Questionnaire, 1985 Edition, 13th MMY
Children's Problems Checklist, 10th MMY
Children's Psychological Processes Scale, 19th MMY
Children's PTSD Inventory: A Structured Interview for Diagnosing Posttramatic Stress Disorder, 17th MMY
Children's Role Inventory, 13th MMY
Children's Speech Intelligibility Measure, 17th MMY
Children's Test of Nonword Repetition (The), 16th MMY
Children's Version of The Family Environment Scale, 10th MMY
Childrens Adaptive Behavior Report, 9th MMY
Childrens Adaptive Behavior Scale, 9th MMY
Childrens Adaptive Behavior Scale, Revised, 10th MMY
Chinese Proficiency Test, 13th MMY
Chinese Speaking Test, 13th MMY
Choosing Outcomes & Accommodations for Children (COACH): A Guide to Educational Planning for Students with Disabilities, Third Edition, 21st MMY
Christensen Dietary Distress Inventory, 13th MMY
Chronic Pain Coping Inventory, 18th MMY
Chronicle Career Quest, 12th MMY
CID Phonetic Inventory, 11th MMY
CID Picture SPINE, 11th MMY
CID Preschool Performance Scale, 12th MMY
Cigarette Use Questionnaire, 18th MMY
City University Colour Vision Test, Second Edition 1980 (The), 13th MMY
Clarity Well-Being Measures, 21st MMY
Clark-Beck Obsessive-Compulsive Inventory, 16th MMY
Clark-Madison Test of Oral Language, 10th MMY
Clarke Reading Self-Assessment Survey, 9th MMY
Clarke Sex History Questionnaire for Males-Revised, 16th MMY
Class Achievement Test in Mathematics, 11th MMY
Class Activities Questionnaire (The), 9th MMY
Classification of Violence Risk, 21st MMY
Classroom Assessment Scoring System Infant, 20th MMY
Classroom Assessment Scoring System Toddler, 20th MMY
Classroom Assessment Scoring System, 19th MMY
Classroom Communication Screening Procedure for Early Adolescents: A Handbook for Assessment and Intervention, 11th MMY
Classroom Communication Skills Inventory: Listening and Speaking Checklist (The), 13th MMY
Classroom Environment Scale, Second Edition, 10th MMY
Classroom Learning Screening, 9th MMY
Classroom Reading Inventory, Seventh Edition, 10th MMY
Claybury Selection Battery, 9th MMY
Clerical Abilities Battery, 11th MMY
Clerical Aptitude Assessment, 19th MMY
Clerical Skills Test Series [Scored by Client], 16th MMY
Clerical Skills Test, 17th MMY
Clerical Staff Selector, 10th MMY
Clifton Assessment Procedures for the Elderly, 9th MMY
Clinical Analysis Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Clinical Assessment of Articulation and Phonology, 17th MMY
Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Adult, 17th MMY
Clinical Assessment of Attention Deficit-Child, 17th MMY
Clinical Assessment of Behavior, 16th MMY
Clinical Assessment of Depression, 17th MMY
Clinical Assessment of Pragmatics, 21st MMY
Clinical Assessment Scales for the Elderly and Clinical Assessment Scales for the Elderly--Short Form, 15th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Functions--Diagnostic Battery, 9th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Functions, Elementary and Advanced Screening Tests, 9th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool-Second Edition, 17th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals Preschool–Second Edition–Spanish Edition, 19th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals--3 Screening Test, 13th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals--4 Screening Test, 18th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals--Preschool, 13th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Fifth Edition Metalinguistics, 20th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Fifth Edition Screening Test, 20th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals-Fifth Edition, 20th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Fourth Edition, 16th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Third Edition--Observational Rating Scales, 14th MMY
Clinical Evaluation of Language Fundamentals, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Clinical Observations of Motor and Postural Skills, 14th MMY
Clinical Rating Scale, 12th MMY
Clinical Support System Battery, 12th MMY
Clock Test (The), 14th MMY
Closed Head Injury Screener, 14th MMY
Closed High School Placement Test, 14th MMY
Cloze Reading Tests 1-3, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Clyde Mood Scale, 9th MMY
Clymer-Barrett Readiness Test, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
CNS Vital Signs Computerized Cognitive Battery, 20th MMY
CNS Vital Signs Screening Battery, 16th MMY
Coaching Process Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Coddington Life Events Scales, 15th MMY
Cognistat (The Neurobehavioral Cognitive Status Examination), 14th MMY
Cognistat [2016 Manual], 21st MMY
Cognitive Abilities Scale--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Cognitive Abilities Scale, 10th MMY
Cognitive Abilities Test 3 [British Edition], 16th MMY
Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 3, 9th MMY
Cognitive Abilities Test, Form 5, 13th MMY
Cognitive Abilities Test(tm), Form 6, 16th MMY
Cognitive Abilities Test(TM), Form 7, 20th MMY
Cognitive Assessment of Young Children, 20th MMY
Cognitive Assessment System-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition: Brief, 20th MMY
Cognitive Assessment System, Second Edition: Rating Scale, 20th MMY
Cognitive Behavior Rating Scales, 11th MMY
Cognitive Control Battery, 11th MMY
Cognitive Diagnostic Battery, 9th MMY
Cognitive Distortion Scales, 15th MMY
Cognitive Linguistic Quick Test, 15th MMY
Cognitive Observation Guide, 12th MMY
Cognitive Skills Assessment Battery, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Cognitive Symptom Checklists, 14th MMY
Cognitrax, 20th MMY
CogScreen Aeromedical Edition, 14th MMY
College ADHD Response Evaluation, 16th MMY
College Adjustment Scales, 13th MMY
College Basic Academic Subjects Examination, 11th MMY
College Board English Composition Test, 9th MMY
College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test, 9th MMY
College Major Interest Inventory, 12th MMY
College Outcome Measures Program, 13th MMY
College Student Experiences Questionnaire, 10th MMY
College Student Experiences Questionnaire, Fourth Edition, 16th MMY
College Student Experiences, 9th MMY
College Student Inventory [part of the Retention Management System], 16th MMY
College Survival and Success Scale, 17th MMY
College Survival and Success Scale, Second Edition, 20th MMY
College-to-Career Transition Inventory, 19th MMY
Collegiate Assessment of Academic Proficiency, 13th MMY
Collis-Romberg Mathematical Problem Solving Profiles, 12th MMY
Color Trails Test, 15th MMY
Combined Basic Skills (Form LCS-C & Form B-C), 17th MMY
Common-Metric Questionnaire (The), 13th MMY
Communication Abilities Diagnostic Test, 12th MMY
Communication Activities of Daily Living-Third Edition, 21st MMY
Communication Activities of Daily Living, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales Developmental Profile: First Normed Edition, 16th MMY
Communication and Symbolic Behavior Scales, 13th MMY
Communication Knowledge Inventory, 11th MMY
Communication Profile: A Functional Skills Survey, 14th MMY
Communication Response Style: Assessment, 11th MMY
Communication Screen (The), 9th MMY
Communication Skills Assessment, 19th MMY
Communication Skills Profile, 14th MMY
Communications Profile Questionnaire, 10th MMY
Communicative Abilities in Daily Living, 10th MMY
Community College Goals Inventory, 9th MMY
Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Community College Student Experiences Questionnaire, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Community Improvement Scale, 15th MMY
Community Living Observational System, 9th MMY
Community Living Skills Screening Test, 9th MMY
Community Oriented Programs Environment Scale [Fourth Edition Manual], 21st MMY
Competence (The), 14th MMY
Competency-Based Performance Improvement: Organizational Assessment Package, 14th MMY
Competent Speaker Speech Evaluation Form (The), 14th MMY
Composite International Diagnostic Interview, 13th MMY
Comprehension of Oral Language, 9th MMY
Comprehensive Ability Battery, 9th MMY
Comprehensive Addictions And Psychological Evaluation-5, 20th MMY
Comprehensive Addictions and Psychological Evaluation, 18th MMY
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System-Third Edition, 16th MMY
Comprehensive Adult Student Assessment System, 13th MMY
Comprehensive Aphasia Test, 20th MMY
Comprehensive Assessment of School Environments Information Management System, 14th MMY
Comprehensive Assessment of School Environments, 11th MMY
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, 15th MMY
Comprehensive Assessment of Spoken Language, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Comprehensive Assessment of Symptoms and History, 12th MMY
Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scale for Children, 13th MMY
Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory Adult, 21st MMY
Comprehensive Executive Function Inventory, 19th MMY
Comprehensive Identification Process [Revised], 14th MMY
Comprehensive Language Program, 9th MMY
Comprehensive Mathematical Abilities Test, 16th MMY
Comprehensive Personality Profile, 14th MMY
Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test--Adult, 14th MMY
Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Comprehensive Receptive and Expressive Vocabulary Test, 13th MMY
Comprehensive Scales of Student Abilities: Quantifying Academic Skills and School-Related Behavior Through the Use of Teacher Judgments, 13th MMY
Comprehensive Screening Tool for Determining Optimal Communication Mode, 10th MMY
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Comprehensive Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 13th MMY
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Comprehensive Test of Phonological Processing, 15th MMY
Comprehensive Test of Visual Functioning, 12th MMY
Comprehensive Testing Program 4, 17th MMY
Comprehensive Testing Program III, 13th MMY
Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills, Forms U & V, 9th MMY
Comprehensive Tests of Basic Skills, Fourth Edition, 11th MMY
Comprehensive Trail-Making Test, 15th MMY
Computer Career Assessment Test, 16th MMY
Computer Category Test, 15th MMY
Computer Literacy and Computer Science Tests, 11th MMY
Computer Managed Articulation Diagnosis, 11th MMY
Computer Managed Screening Test, 11th MMY
Computer Programmer Aptitude Battery, 11th MMY
Computer-Based Test of English as a Foreign Language and Test of Written English, 14th MMY
Computerized Assessment of Response Bias: Revised Edition, 14th MMY
Computerized Lifestyle Assessment, 15th MMY
Computerized Oral Proficiency Instrument, 19th MMY
Computerized Test of Information Processing, 18th MMY
Concept Formation, 9th MMY
Concussion Vital Signs, 20th MMY
Conditional Reasoning Test of Aggression, 15th MMY
Conduct Disorder Scale, 16th MMY
Conflict Analysis Battery, 16th MMY
Conflict Management Appraisal, 12th MMY
Conflict Management Survey, 12th MMY
Conflict Style Inventory, 14th MMY
Conflict Tactics Scales, 19th MMY
Conners 3rd Edition, 18th MMY
Conners Comprehensive Behavior Rating Scales, 18th MMY
Conners Continuous Auditory Test of Attention, 20th MMY
Conners Continuous Performance Test 3rd Edition, 20th MMY
Conners Early Childhood, 18th MMY
Conners Kiddie Continuous Performance Test 2nd Edition, 20th MMY
Conners' Adult ADHD Diagnostic Interview for DSM-IV, 16th MMY
Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scale, 15th MMY
Conners' Continuous Performance Test II, 15th MMY
Conners' Continuous Performance Test, 14th MMY
Conners' Kiddie Continuous Performance Test, 16th MMY
Conners' Rating Scales--Revised, 14th MMY
Conners' Rating Scales, 11th MMY
Constructive Thinking Inventory, 15th MMY
Content Inventories: English, Social Studies, Science, 9th MMY
Content Mastery Examinations for Educators, 12th MMY
Contextual Memory Test, 14th MMY
Contextual Probes of Articulation Competence--Spanish, 21st MMY
Contextual Test of Articulation, 17th MMY
Continuing Education Assessment Inventory, 9th MMY
Continuous Visual Memory Test [Revised], 12th MMY
Continuous Visual Memory Test [Revised], 14th MMY
Conversational Skills Rating Scale: An Instructional Assessment of Interpersonal, 14th MMY
Coolidge Assessment Battery, 15th MMY
Coolidge Axis II Inventory, 14th MMY
Cooper Assessment for Stuttering Syndromes, 14th MMY
Cooper-Farran Behavioral Rating Scales, 12th MMY
Cooperative Institutional Research Program (The), 9th MMY
Coopersmith Self-Esteem Inventories, 9th MMY
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, 14th MMY
Coping Inventory for Stressful Situations, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Coping Resources Inventory [Revised], 21st MMY
Coping Resources Inventory for Stress, 13th MMY
Coping Resources Inventory, 12th MMY
Coping Responses Inventory--Adult and Youth, 14th MMY
Coping Scale for Adults, 15th MMY
Coping Skills Assessment, 19th MMY
Coping With Health Injuries and Problems, 15th MMY
Coping with Stress, 12th MMY
Cornell Critical Thinking Tests (The), 11th MMY
Cornell Critical Thinking Tests, Fifth Edition, 20th MMY
Cornish Test of Motor Planning Ability, 9th MMY
Correa-Barrick Depression Scale, 20th MMY
Correa-Barrick Postpartum Depression Scale, 20th MMY
Correctional Institutions Environment Scale, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Corrective Reading Mastery Tests, 9th MMY
Cosmetology Student Admissions Evaluation, 11th MMY
Counseling Services Assessment Blank, 9th MMY
Couple's Pre-Counseling Inventory, 9th MMY
Couple's Pre-Counseling Inventory, Revised Edition, 1987, 11th MMY
Couples BrainMap (The), 11th MMY
Course Finder 2000, 13th MMY
Course-Faculty Instrument, 9th MMY
Courtship Analysis (A), 9th MMY
CPF [Second Edition], 12th MMY
CPI 260, 18th MMY
Creative Behavior Inventory, 11th MMY
Creative Reasoning Test (The), 11th MMY
Creative Styles Inventory, 13th MMY
Creativity and Problem-Solving Aptitude Test, 19th MMY
Creativity Assessment Packet, 9th MMY
Creativity Checklist, 9th MMY
Creatrix Inventory (The), 11th MMY
Cree Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Crisis Stabilization Scale, 21st MMY
Critical Reasoning Tests, 12th MMY
Croft Readiness Assessment in Comprehension Kit, 9th MMY
Croft Readiness Assessment in Comprehension Kit, 9th MMY
Cross-Cultural Adaptability Inventory, 14th MMY
Crown-Crisp Experiential Index, 9th MMY
CTB Portfolio Assessment System, 13th MMY
CTB Writing Assessment System, 13th MMY
CTBS Readiness Test, 9th MMY
Cultural Literacy Test, 12th MMY
Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventories for Children and Adults, 9th MMY
Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventories, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Culture-Free Self-Esteem Inventories, Third Edition, 15th MMY
Curriculum Frameworks Assessment System, 14th MMY
Curriculum Referenced Tests of Mastery, 9th MMY
Custody Quotient (The), 11th MMY
Customer Service Aptitude Profile, 19th MMY
Customer Service Profile, 19th MMY
Customer Service Skills Test, 16th MMY


D-1, D-2, and D-3 Police Officer Tests, 18th MMY
D.A.L.E. System: Developmental Assessment of Life Experiences (The), 9th MMY
d2 Test of Attention, 15th MMY
DABERON-2: Screening for School Readiness, 11th MMY
Daily Stress Inventory, 11th MMY
Dallas Pre-School Screening Test, 11th MMY
DANTES Subject Standardized Tests, 11th MMY
Das-Naglieri Cognitive Assessment System, 14th MMY
DATA Model for Teaching Preschoolers with Autism (The), 21st MMY
Dating Problems Checklist, 9th MMY
Davidson Trauma Scale, 14th MMY
DCS--A Visual Learning and Memory Test for Neuropsychological Assessment, 15th MMY
Dean-Woodcock Neuropsychological Battery, 17th MMY
Decision Making Inventory, 10th MMY
Decision-making and Self-regulation Assessor, 21st MMY
Decision-Making Organizer, 9th MMY
Decoding and Spelling Proficiency Test-Revised, 19th MMY
Decoding Inventory, 9th MMY
Decoding Skills Test, 10th MMY
Decoding-Encoding Screener for Dyslexia, 19th MMY
Deductive Reasoning Test, 9th MMY
Defense Mechanism Index, 9th MMY
Defense Mechanisms Inventory [Revised], 13th MMY
Defining Issues Test, 11th MMY
Defining Issues Test, 9th MMY
DeGangi-Berk Test of Sensory Integration, 10th MMY
Degrees of Reading Power [Primary and Standard Test Forms J & K and Advanced Test Forms T & U], 16th MMY
Degrees of Reading Power [Revised], 14th MMY
Degrees of Reading Power, 12th MMY
Degrees of Reading Power, 9th MMY
Degrees of Word Meaning, 13th MMY
Delis Rating of Executive Functions, 20th MMY
Delis-Kaplan Executive Function System, 15th MMY
DeLong Interest Inventory, 11th MMY
Dementia Rating Scale--2, 15th MMY
Dementia Rating Scale-2 Alternate Form, 19th MMY
Dementia Rating Scale, 11th MMY
Dental Admission Test, 12th MMY
Dental Admission Test, 9th MMY
Denver Audiometric Screening Test, 9th MMY
Denver Community Mental Health Questionnaire--Revised, 9th MMY
Denver II, 12th MMY
Depression and Anxiety in Youth Scale, 13th MMY
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales, 21st MMY
Derogatis Affects Balance Scale [Revised], 14th MMY
Derogatis Interview for Sexual Functioning, 15th MMY
Derogatis Psychiatric Rating Scale, 13th MMY
Derogatis Sexual Functioning Inventory, 9th MMY
Derogatis Stress Profile, 13th MMY
Description of Body Scale, 9th MMY
Descriptive Tests of Language Skills, 11th MMY
Descriptive Tests of Mathematics Skills, 11th MMY
Design for Math, 9th MMY
Detailed Assessment of Posttraumatic Stress, 15th MMY
Determining Needs in Your Youth Ministry, 12th MMY
Detroit Tests of Learning Abilities-Fifth Edition, 21st MMY
Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude--Adult, 12th MMY
Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude--Primary, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude-Primary, Third Edition, 17th MMY
Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude, Fourth Edition, 14th MMY
Detroit Tests of Learning Aptitude, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Developing Cognitive Abilities Test [Second Edition], 11th MMY
Developing Cognitive Abilities, 9th MMY
Developing Skills Checklist, 12th MMY
Developing The High-Performance Workplace, 14th MMY
Developmental Activities Screening Inventory--II, 10th MMY
Developmental Activities Screening Inventory, 9th MMY
Developmental Assessment for Individuals with Severe Disabilities, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Developmental Assessment for the Severely Handicapped, 9th MMY
Developmental Assessment of Life Experiences [1986 Edition], 12th MMY
Developmental Assessment of Young Children-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Developmental Assessment of Young Children, 14th MMY
Developmental Assessment Resource for Teachers (DART) Mathematics, 15th MMY
Developmental Assessment Resources for Teachers (DART) English, 15th MMY
Developmental Assets Profile, 21st MMY
Developmental Behavior Checklist 2, 21st MMY
Developmental Challenge Profile: Learning from Job Experiences, 13th MMY
Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning--Revised/AGS Edition, 12th MMY
Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning–Fourth Edition, 19th MMY
Developmental Indicators for the Assessment of Learning, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Developmental Observation Checklist System, 13th MMY
Developmental Profile 3, 18th MMY
Developmental Profile II, 10th MMY
Developmental Profile II, 9th MMY
Developmental Readiness Scale--Revised, 15th MMY
Developmental Scoring System for the Rey-Osterrieth Complex Figure, 18th MMY
Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness--II, 14th MMY
Developmental Tasks for Kindergarten Readiness--II, 9th MMY
Developmental Teaching Objectives and Rating Form—Revised, 14th MMY
Developmental Teaching Objectives and Rating Form—Revised, 5th Edition, 19th MMY
Developmental Test of Auditory Perception, 20th MMY
Developmental Test of Visual Perception-Adolescent and Adult, 16th MMY
Developmental Test of Visual Perception-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration [Third Revision], 12th MMY
Developmental Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 4th Edition, Revised, 14th MMY
Devereux Behavior Rating Scale--School Form, 13th MMY
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Infants and Toddlers, 18th MMY
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment for Preschoolers, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment-Clinical Form, 16th MMY
Devereux Early Childhood Assessment, 15th MMY
Devereux Scales of Mental Disorders, 14th MMY
Devereux Student Strengths Assessment--Second Step Edition, 21st MMY
Devereux Student Strengths Assessment-mini, 20th MMY
Devereux Student Strengths Assessment, 18th MMY
Devine Inventory (The), 12th MMY
Devine Inventory [Revised], 17th MMY
Diagnosing Abilities in Math, 9th MMY
Diagnosing Organizational Culture, 13th MMY
Diagnosis and Remediation of Handwriting Problems, 10th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Battery-Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Battery-Intermediate, 20th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Battery, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Battery, Third Edition, 15th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Test for Adolescents, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Diagnostic Achievement Test in Spelling (A), 10th MMY
Diagnostic Adaptive Behavior Scale, 21st MMY
Diagnostic Analysis of Reading Errors, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Analysis of Reading Tasks, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Assessments of Reading, 12th MMY
Diagnostic Assessments of Reading, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Diagnostic English Language Tests, 15th MMY
Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation-Norm Referenced, 17th MMY
Diagnostic Evaluation of Language Variation(tm)-Screening Test, 16th MMY
Diagnostic Interview for Borderline Patients, 10th MMY
Diagnostic Inventory for Screening Children, 13th MMY
Diagnostic Mathematics Profiles, 12th MMY
Diagnostic Reading Inventory, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Reading Record, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Diagnostic Reading Scales, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Screening Batteries (The), 13th MMY
Diagnostic Screening Test: Achievement, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Screening Test: Language, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Screening Test: Math, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Screening Test: Reading, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Screening Test: Spelling, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Skills Battery, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Spelling Potential Test, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Spelling Test, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Test for High School Mathematics, 18th MMY
Diagnostic Test for Pre-Algebra Mathematics, 18th MMY
Diagnostic Test of Arithmetic Strategies, 9th MMY
Diagnostic Test of Library Skills--Advanced Edition, 13th MMY
Diagnostic Word Patterns Tests, 9th MMY
DIBELS: Dynamic Indicators of Basic Early Literacy Skills, Sixth Edition, 16th MMY
Differential Ability Scales--Second Edition, 18th MMY
Differential Ability Scales, 11th MMY
Differential Aptitude Tests (Forms V and W), 9th MMY
Differential Aptitude Tests for Personnel and Career Assessment, 12th MMY
Differential Aptitude Tests--Australian and New Zealand Editions [Forms V and W], 15th MMY
Differential Aptitude Tests--Computerized Adaptive Edition, 12th MMY
Differential Aptitude Tests, Fifth Edition, 12th MMY
Differential Diagnostic Technique (The), 14th MMY
Differential Scales of Social Maladjustment and Emotional Disturbance, 18th MMY
Differential Test of Conduct and Emotional Problems, 12th MMY
Digit Vigilance Test, 14th MMY
Digital Finger Tapping Test, 12th MMY
Dimensional Assessment of Personality Pathology—Basic Questionnaire, 19th MMY
Dimensions of Excellence Scales [1991 Edition], 14th MMY
Dimensions of Excellence Scales, 11th MMY
Dimensions of Self-Concept, 11th MMY
Dimensions of Self-Concept, 9th MMY
DiSC Classic, 16th MMY
DiSC Indra, 16th MMY
Discipline Index, 15th MMY
Discourse Comprehension Test, 13th MMY
Dissociative Experiences Scale, 12th MMY
Distar Mastery Tests, 9th MMY
Diversity Awareness Profile, 12th MMY
Diversity Management Survey (The), 14th MMY
Do I Know How to Apply For a Job?, 9th MMY
Dole Vocational Sentence Completion Blank, 9th MMY
Domestic Violence Inventory, 14th MMY
Doors and People, 17th MMY
Dos Amigos Verbal Language Scales, 14th MMY
Draw A Person: A Quantitative Scoring System, 11th MMY
Draw A Person: Screening Procedure for Emotional Disturbance, 12th MMY
Draw-A-Person Intellectual Ability Test for Children, Adolescents, and Adults, 17th MMY
Draw-a-Story: Screening for Depression and Age or Gender Differences [Revised], 13th MMY
Driver Risk Inventory--II, 14th MMY
Driver Risk Inventory, 12th MMY
Dropout Prediction & Prevention, 12th MMY
Drug Use Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Drug Use Screening Inventory-Revised, 16th MMY
Drug-Taking Confidence Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Drumcondra Verbal Reasoning Test 1, 11th MMY
Durrell Analysis of Reading Difficulty, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Dutch Eating Behaviour Questionnaire, 17th MMY
Dyadic Adjustment Scale, 11th MMY
Dyadic Parent-Child Interaction Coding System: A Manual, 9th MMY
Dynamic Assessment of Test Accommodations, 16th MMY
Dysarthria Examination Battery, 14th MMY
Dysarthria Profile, 11th MMY
Dyscalculia Screener, 16th MMY
Dyslexia Adult Screening Test, 16th MMY
Dyslexia Determination Test, 9th MMY
Dyslexia Early Screening Test [Second Edition], 17th MMY
Dyslexia Early Screening Test, 15th MMY
Dyslexia Screening Instrument, 14th MMY
Dyslexia Screening Survey (The), 10th MMY
Dyslexia Screening Test, 16th MMY
Dysphagia Evaluation Protocol, 14th MMY


E. S. Survey, 9th MMY
Early Child Development Inventory, 11th MMY
Early Childhood Attention Deficit Disorders Evaluation Scale (The), 14th MMY
Early Childhood Behavior Scale (The), 13th MMY
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale--Revised Edition, 14th MMY
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Early Childhood Inventory-4, 14th MMY
Early Childhood Physical Environment Observation Schedules and Rating Scales, 13th MMY
Early Coping Inventory, 11th MMY
Early Identification Screening Program, 9th MMY
Early Intervention Developmental Profile, 13th MMY
Early Language Milestone Scale, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Early Learning: Assessment and Development, 9th MMY
Early Literacy Skills Assessment, 17th MMY
Early Math Diagnostic Assessment, 16th MMY
Early Mathematics Diagnostic Kit, 11th MMY
Early Memories Procedure, 13th MMY
Early Reading Assessment, 20th MMY
Early Reading Diagnostic Assessment-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Early Reading Success Indicator, 17th MMY
Early School Assessment, 12th MMY
Early School Inventory, 13th MMY
Early Screening Inventory--Revised, 14th MMY
Early Screening Inventory, 11th MMY
Early Screening Inventory, Third Edition, 21st MMY
Early Screening Project, 14th MMY
Early Speech Perception Test, 12th MMY
Early Years Easy Screen, 12th MMY
EARS¨ Evaluation of Auditory Responses to Speech, 20th MMY
easyCBM, 20th MMY
Eating Disorder Inventory-2, 12th MMY
Eating Disorder Inventory-3, 17th MMY
Eating Inventory, 13th MMY
Eby Gifted Behavior Index, 12th MMY
ECOScales, 12th MMY
Edinburgh Picture Test, 12th MMY
Edinburgh Questionnaires (The) (1982 Edition), 10th MMY
Edinburgh Reading Tests, 9th MMY
Educational Administrator Effectiveness Profile, 10th MMY
Educational Development Series (1992 Edition), 9th MMY
Educational Interest Inventory, 11th MMY
Educational Leadership Practices Inventory, 11th MMY
Educational Process Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Effective School Battery (The), 10th MMY
Effectiveness Motivation Scale, 9th MMY
Egan Bus Puzzle Test (The), 10th MMY
Ego Function Assessment, 13th MMY
Einstein Assessment of School-Related Skills, 11th MMY
Ekwall Reading Inventory, 9th MMY
Ekwall/Shanker Reading Inventory--Third Edition, 13th MMY
El Circo, 9th MMY
ElecTest (Form A, Form A-C, & Form B), 18th MMY
Electrical Aptitude Test (Form EA-R-C), 17th MMY
Electrical Maintenance Trainee, 13th MMY
Electromechanical Vocational Assessment Manuals, 13th MMY
Electronic and Instrumentation Technician Test, 10th MMY
Electronics Test--Form G2, 13th MMY
Elicited Articulatory System Evaluation, 11th MMY
Emergenetics Profile, 20th MMY
EMO Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Emotional and Behavior Problem Scale-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Emotional and Behavior Problem Scale, 12th MMY
Emotional and Behavioral Screener, 20th MMY
Emotional Behavioral Checklist, 11th MMY
Emotional Competence Inventory, 17th MMY
Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree-Self-Report Form, 21st MMY
Emotional Disturbance Decision Tree, 18th MMY
Emotional Intelligence Questionnaire, 20th MMY
Emotional Judgment Inventory, 16th MMY
Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale-Revised, 16th MMY
Emotional or Behavior Disorder Scale, 13th MMY
Emotional Problems Scales, 13th MMY
Emotional Processing Scale, 21st MMY
Employability Inventory (The), 12th MMY
Employability Maturity Interview, 11th MMY
Employability Skills Inventory, 20th MMY
Employee Aptitude Survey, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Employee Assistance Program Inventory, 14th MMY
Employee Effectiveness Profile, 12th MMY
Employee Reliability Inventory, 12th MMY
Employee Screening Questionnaire-2, 21st MMY
Employee Screening Questionnaire, 16th MMY
Employee Wellness Evaluation, 18th MMY
Employment Screening Test and Standardization Manual, 11th MMY
Employment Values Inventory, 14th MMY
Emporia American Government Test, 9th MMY
Empowerment Inventory, 13th MMY
End-of-Course Tests, 11th MMY
Endeavor Instructional Rating System, 9th MMY
Endicott Work Productivity Scale, 14th MMY
Endler Multidimensional Anxiety Scales, 12th MMY
English as a Second Language Oral Assessment, Revised, 11th MMY
English Language Skills Assessment in a Reading Context, 11th MMY
English Placement Test [Forms D, E, F], 20th MMY
English Placement Test, Revised, 17th MMY
English Skills Assessment, 9th MMY
Enhanced ACT Assessment , 12th MMY
Ennis-Weir Argumentation Test, Level X, 9th MMY
Ennis-Weir Critical Thinking Essay Test, 10th MMY
ENRIGHT Diagnostic Inventory of Basic Arithmetic Skills, 10th MMY
Enright Forgiveness Inventory, 15th MMY
Entrance Examination for Schools of Nursing [RN Entrance Examination], 12th MMY
Entrance Examination for Schools of Practical/Vocational Nursing, 12th MMY
Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator [Revised], 17th MMY
Entrepreneurial Style and Success Indicator, 13th MMY
Environmental Language Inventory, 9th MMY
Environmental Prelanguage Battery, 9th MMY
EPS Sentence Completion Technique, 13th MMY
EQ Questionnaire, 14th MMY
ERB Comprehensive Testing Program II, 9th MMY
ERB Writing Assessment Program [Revised], 17th MMY
ERB Writing Assessment, 13th MMY
Erhardt Developmental Prehension Assessment, 12th MMY
Erhardt Developmental Vision Assessment, 12th MMY
ESL/Adult Literacy Scale, 11th MMY
Essential Skills Assessments: Information Skills, 15th MMY
Estes Attitude Scales: Measures of Attitudes Toward School Subjects, 9th MMY
ETS Tests of Applied Literacy Skills, 13th MMY
ETSA Tests, 11th MMY
Evaluating Educational Programs for Intellectually Gifted Students, 10th MMY
Evaluating Movement and Posture Disorganization in Dyspraxic Children, 12th MMY
Evaluating the Participant's Employability Skills, 12th MMY
Evaluation of Basic Skills, 14th MMY
Evaluation of Competency to Stand Trial-Revised, 16th MMY
Everstine Trauma Response Index, 15th MMY
Examining for Aphasia, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Executive Control Battery, 15th MMY
Executive Dimensions, 18th MMY
Executive Functions Test-Elementary: Normative Update, 21st MMY
Executive Profile Survey, 12th MMY
Executive Profile Survey, 9th MMY
Experience and Background Inventory (Form S), 15th MMY
Expression, Reception and Recall of Narrative Instrument, 20th MMY
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test [2000 Edition], 15th MMY
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 9th MMY
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, Revised, 12th MMY
Expressive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test: Spanish-Bilingual Edition, 16th MMY
Expressive Vocabulary Test, 14th MMY
Expressive Vocabulary Test, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Expressive Vocabulary Test, Third Edition, 21st MMY
Extended Complex Figure Test, 16th MMY
Extended Merrill-Palmer Scale (The), 12th MMY
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory and Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory--Revised, 15th MMY
Eyberg Child Behavior Inventory, 9th MMY


FACES IV (Family Adaptability and Cohesion Evaluation Scale), 20th MMY
Facial Action Coding System, 12th MMY
Facial Expressions of Emotion-Stimuli and Tests, 17th MMY
Facial Interpersonal Perception Inventory (The), 9th MMY
Faculty Morale Scale for Institutional Improvement, 15th MMY
Fairy Tale Test (The), 2nd Edition, 21st MMY
Fairy Tale Test, 16th MMY
Family Apperception Test, 12th MMY
Family Assessment Form: A Practice-Based Approach to Assessing Family Functioning, 14th MMY
Family Assessment Measure Version III, 14th MMY
Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale-Third Edition, 21st MMY
Family Child Care Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition, 20th MMY
Family Day Care Rating Scale, 11th MMY
Family Environment Scale [Fourth Edition Manual], 21st MMY
Family Environment Scale [Third Edition Manual], 14th MMY
Family Environment Scale, 9th MMY
Family Environment Scale, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Family Relations Test: Children's Version, 11th MMY
Family Relationship Inventory, 10th MMY
Family Risk Scales, 13th MMY
Family System Test, 15th MMY
Family-Supportive Supervisor's Behaviors, 21st MMY
Fast Health Knowledge Test, 1986 Revision, 10th MMY
Fast Track, 17th MMY
Fear of Appearing Incompetent Scale, 15th MMY
Fear of Powerlessness Scale, 15th MMY
Fear of Success Scale, 15th MMY
Feedback Edition of the Strength Development Inventory, 17th MMY
Feedback Portrait of Personal Strengths, 17th MMY
Feelings, Attitudes, and Behaviors Scale for Children, 14th MMY
Feifer Assessment of Mathematics, 21st MMY
Feifer Assessment of Reading, 21st MMY
Figurative Language Interpretation Test, 12th MMY
Filipino Work Values Scale (The), 14th MMY
Firefighter Learning Simulation, 15th MMY
Firefighter Selection Test [Revised], 15th MMY
Firefighter Selection Test, 11th MMY
Firestone Assessment of Self-Destructive Thoughts, 14th MMY
Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts–Adolescent, 19th MMY
Firestone Assessment of Violent Thoughts, 18th MMY
FIRO Awareness Scales (The), 9th MMY
FIRO Business¨ [Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation], 20th MMY
FIRO-B [Fundamental Interpersonal Relations Orientation--Behavior], 15th MMY
First Words and First Sentences Tests, 14th MMY
FirstSTEP: Screening Test for Evaluating Preschoolers, 13th MMY
Fisher-Landau Early Childhood Screening [Experimental Version], 14th MMY
Fitness Interview Test--Revised, 18th MMY
Five Factor Wellness Inventory, 17th MMY
Five P's (Parent/Professional Preschool Performance Profile) [2002 Update] (The), 16th MMY
Five P's (Parent/Professional Preschool Performance Profile) [Revised] (The), 13th MMY
Five-Factor Personality Inventory--Children, 18th MMY
Fleishman Job Analysis Survey, 12th MMY
Flexibility Language Dominance Test, Spanish/English, 9th MMY
Florida International Diagnostic-Prescriptive Vocational Competency Profile, 9th MMY
Florida Kindergarten Screening Battery, 9th MMY
Flow Scales, 21st MMY
Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Fluharty Preschool Speech and Language Screening Test, 9th MMY
Food Choice Inventory, 10th MMY
Forms for Behavior Analysis with Children, 11th MMY
Fox in a Box: An Adventure in Literacy, 16th MMY
Franchisee Personality Profile Abridged–general version, 19th MMY
Frenchay Aphasia Screening Test, 11th MMY
Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment--Second Edition, 18th MMY
Frenchay Dysarthria Assessment, 12th MMY
Friedman Well-Being Scale, 14th MMY
Frontal Systems Behavior Scale, 15th MMY
Frost Self Description Questionnaire: Extended Scales, 9th MMY
Fuld Object-Memory Evaluation, 9th MMY
Full Range Test of Visual Motor Integration, 17th MMY
Fullerton Language Test for Adolescents, Experimental Edition, 9th MMY
Fullerton Language Test for Adolescents, Second Edition (The), 10th MMY
Functional Assessment and Intervention System: Improving School Behavior, 16th MMY
Functional Assessment of Academic Behavior, 17th MMY
Functional Behavior Assessment of Absenteeism & Truancy, 21st MMY
Functional Behavior Assessment of Bullying, 21st MMY
Functional Evaluation for Assistive Technology, 18th MMY
Functional Fitness Assessment for Adults over 60 Years, 13th MMY
Functional Fitness Assessment for Adults over 60 Years, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Functional Linguistic Communication Inventory, 13th MMY
Functional Needs Assessment, 12th MMY
Functional Performance Record, 12th MMY
Functional Time Estimation Questionnaire, 12th MMY


GAP Reading Comprehension Test, Third Edition, 10th MMY
Garos Sexual Behavior Inventory, 19th MMY
Gates Associative Learning Tests, 9th MMY
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, 9th MMY
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, Canadian Edition, 9th MMY
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests, Third Edition, 11th MMY
Gates-MacGinitie Reading Tests(r), Fourth Edition, Forms S and T, 16th MMY
Gates-McKillop-Horowitz Reading Diagnostic Test, Second Edition, 9th MMY
GED¨ Test [2014 Series], 20th MMY
General Ability Measure for Adults, 14th MMY
General Clerical Test, 12th MMY
General Health Questionnaire, 12th MMY
General Health Questionnaire, 9th MMY
General Management In-Basket, 12th MMY
General Processing Inventory, 14th MMY
Geriatric Sentence Completion Form, 9th MMY
Gesell Child Developmental Age Scale (The), 12th MMY
Gesell Developmental Observation–Revised, 19th MMY
Gesell Early Screener, 19th MMY
Gesell Preschool Test, 9th MMY
Gesell School Readiness Test, 9th MMY
Get Ready to Read!--Revised, 18th MMY
Gibson Spiral Maze, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Gifted and Talented Evaluation Scales, 17th MMY
Gifted and Talented Scale, 10th MMY
Gifted and Talented Screening Form, 9th MMY
Gifted Evaluation Scale, 12th MMY
Gifted Evaluation Scale, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Gifted Program Evaluation Survey (The), 12th MMY
Gifted Rating Scales, 16th MMY
Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale [2003 Update], 16th MMY
Gilliam Asperger's Disorder Scale, 15th MMY
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale--Third Edition, 20th MMY
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale-Second Edition, 17th MMY
Gilliam Autism Rating Scale, 13th MMY
Giotto, 16th MMY
Glaspey Dynamic Assessment of Phonology, 21st MMY
Global Assessment Scale, 11th MMY
Goal-Oriented Assessment of Lifeskills, 20th MMY
GOALS: A Performance-Based Measure of Achievement, 13th MMY
Gochnour Idiom Screening Test, 9th MMY
Goldman Fristoe Test of Articulation--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation-Third Edition, Spanish, 21st MMY
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, 10th MMY
Goldman-Fristoe Test of Articulation, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Golombok Rust Inventory of Marital State (The), 12th MMY
Golombok Rust Inventory of Sexual Satisfaction (The), 10th MMY
Goodman Lock Box (The), 9th MMY
Goodman Lock Box (The), 9th MMY
Gordon Diagnostic System (The), 13th MMY
Gordon Occupational Check List II, 9th MMY
Gordon Personal Profile--Inventory, 13th MMY
Goyer Organization of Ideas Test, 9th MMY
Graded Arithmetic-Mathematics Test, 15th MMY
Graded Nonword Reading Test, 17th MMY
Graded Word Spelling Test, 12th MMY
Graded Word Spelling Test, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Graduate and Managerial Assessment, 10th MMY
Graduate Management Admission Test, 9th MMY
Graduate Record Examinations--General Test (The), 9th MMY
Grammatical Analysis of Elicited Language--Simple Sentence Level, Second Edition, 11th MMY
Grandparent Strengths and Needs Inventory, 13th MMY
Gray Diagnostic Reading Tests-Second Edition, 17th MMY
Gray Oral Reading Test, Fourth Edition, 15th MMY
Gray Oral Reading Tests--Diagnostic, 11th MMY
Gray Oral Reading Tests-Fifth Edition, 20th MMY
Gray Oral Reading Tests, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Gray Silent Reading Test, 15th MMY
Green's Emotional Perception Test, 19th MMY
Green's Medical Symptom Validity Test, 19th MMY
Green's Non-Verbal Medical Symptom Validity Test, 19th MMY
Green's Word Memory Test, 19th MMY
Greenspan Social-Emotional Growth Chart, 17th MMY
Gregorc Style Delineator, 12th MMY
Grief Experience Inventory (The), 12th MMY
Grooved Pegboard Test, 12th MMY
Gross Geometric Forms Creativity Test for Children, 9th MMY
Group Achievement Identification Measure, 11th MMY
Group Diagnostic Reading Aptitude and Achievement Tests, Intermediate Form, 12th MMY
Group Environment Scale, 9th MMY
Group Environment Scale, Second Edition, 10th MMY
Group Environment Scale, Third Edition, 17th MMY
Group Inventory for Finding Creative Talent, 9th MMY
Group Inventory for Finding Interests, 9th MMY
Group Literacy Assessment, 9th MMY
Group Mathematics Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation, 17th MMY
Group Mathematics Test, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Group Reading Assessment and Diagnostic Evaluation, 15th MMY
Group Reading Test II (6-14), 16th MMY
Group Reading Test, Fourth Edition, 14th MMY
Group Reading Test, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Group Reading Test, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Group Styles Inventory, 12th MMY
Group Tests of Musical Abilities, 12th MMY
GROW--The Marriage Enrichment Program, 10th MMY
Gudjonsson Suggestibility Scales, 17th MMY
Guidance Centre Classroom Achievement Tests, 11th MMY
Guide for Occupational Exploration Interest Inventory, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Guide to the Assessment of Test Session Behavior for the WISC-III and the WIAT, 13th MMY
Guilford-Zimmerman Interest Inventory (The), 12th MMY
Guilford-Zimmerman Temperament Survey (The), 9th MMY


H.R.R. Pseudoisochromatic Plates for Detecting, Classifying and Estimating the Degree of Defective Color Vision, 15th MMY
Hahnemann High School Behavior Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Hairstylist Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile, 19th MMY
Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory, 12th MMY
Hall Occupational Orientation Inventory, Fourth Edition, 16th MMY
Hall-Tonna Inventory of Values (The), 11th MMY
Halpern Critical Thinking Assessment, 19th MMY
Halstead Russell Neuropsychological Evaluation System, 12th MMY
Halstead-Reitan Neuropsychological Test Battery, 9th MMY
Hamilton Depression Inventory, 13th MMY
Hammill Multiability Achievement Test, 14th MMY
Hammill Multiability Intelligence Test, 14th MMY
Hand Test [Revised] (The), 14th MMY
Hand Test, Revised 1983, (The), 10th MMY
Hanes Sales Selection Inventory [Revised Edition--2001], 15th MMY
Happiness Measures, 11th MMY
Hardiness Resilience Gauge, 21st MMY
Harding Skyscraper, 9th MMY
Harding Stress-Fair Compatibility Test, 9th MMY
Hare Psychopathy Checklist--Revised (The), 12th MMY
Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised: 2nd Edition, 16th MMY
Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Screening Version, 14th MMY
Hare Psychopathy Checklist: Youth Version, 16th MMY
Harrington-O'Shea Career Decision-Making System Revised (The), 12th MMY
Harrington-O'Shea Career Decision-Making System-Revised, 2005 Update (The), 16th MMY
Harris Infant Neuromotor Test, 19th MMY
Hassles and Uplifts Scales, Research Edition, 11th MMY
Hausa Speaking Test, 14th MMY
Hay Aptitude Test Battery [Revised], 14th MMY
Hay Aptitude Test Battery, 12th MMY
Hay Aptitude Test Battery, 9th MMY
Hayling and Brixton Texts, 17th MMY
HCR-20 V3: Assessing Risk for Violence, 20th MMY
HCR-20: Assessing Risk for Violence, 15th MMY
Health and Daily Living Form, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Health and Daily Living, 10th MMY
Health Attribution Test, 11th MMY
Health Dynamics Inventory, 16th MMY
Health Occupations Basic Entrance Test, 16th MMY
Health Problems Checklist, 10th MMY
Health Sciences Reasoning Test (The), 18th MMY
Health Status Questionnaire 2.0, 15th MMY
Healthcare Customer Service Test, 16th MMY
Hearing Measurement Scale (The), 9th MMY
Hebrew Speaking Test, 13th MMY
HELP Checklist (Hawaii Early Learning Profile), 11th MMY
Help for Special Preschoolers ASSESSMENT CHECKLIST: Ages 3--6, 11th MMY
Henderson-Moriarty ESL/Literacy Placement Test, 10th MMY
Henmon-Nelson Ability Test, Canadian Edition, 12th MMY
Henshaw Secondary Mathematics Test, 9th MMY
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument [Revised], 14th MMY
Herrmann Brain Dominance Instrument, 11th MMY
High School Career-Course Planner, 12th MMY
High School Personality Questionnaire, 11th MMY
High School Placement Test-Open Edition, 14th MMY
High School Subject Tests, 9th MMY
High-School Subject Tests, 11th MMY
High/Scope Child Observation Record for Ages 2 1/2-6, 14th MMY
Hill Performance Test of Selected Positional Concepts, 9th MMY
Hilson Adolescent Profile, 11th MMY
Hilson Personnel Profile/Success Quotient, 11th MMY
Hilton Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Hines Functional Dysphagia Scale, 17th MMY
Hodson Assessment of Phonological Patterns-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Hoffman Organicity Test, 21st MMY
Hogan Development Survey [Revised], 19th MMY
Hogan Development Survey, 14th MMY
Hogan Personality Inventory [Revised], 13th MMY
Hogan Personnel Selection Series, 11th MMY
Holden Psychological Screening Inventory, 14th MMY
Holtzman Inkblot Technique, 9th MMY
Home & Community Social Behavior Scales, 16th MMY
Home Environment Questionnaire, HEQ-2R and HEQ-1R, 10th MMY
Home Observation for Measurement of the Environment, 9th MMY
Home Screening Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Hooper Visual Organization Test (The), 12th MMY
HOPE Teacher Rating Scale, 20th MMY
Hopkins Verbal Learning Test-Revised, 16th MMY
Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale with the Irritability-Depression-Anxiety Scale and The Leeds Situational Anxiety Scale, 15th MMY
House-Tree-Person and Draw-A-Person as Measures of Abuse in Children: A Quantitative Scoring System, 13th MMY
Houston Test for Language Development, Revised Edition (The), 11th MMY
How A Child Learns, 9th MMY
How Am I Doing? A Self-Assessment for Child Caregivers, 13th MMY
How I Think about Drugs and Alcohol Questionnaire, 19th MMY
How I Think Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Howarth Mood Adjective Check List, 9th MMY
Howarth Personality Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Howell Prekindergarten Screening Test, 10th MMY
Hudson Education Skills Inventory, 11th MMY
Human Figure Drawing Test, 14th MMY
Human Information Processing Survey, 10th MMY
Human Resource Development Report, 11th MMY
Humanics National Child Assessment Form [Revised], 11th MMY
Hundred Pictures Naming Test (The), 12th MMY
Hunter-Grundin Literacy Profiles, 9th MMY
Hutchins Behavior Inventory, 12th MMY


I Can Do Maths, 16th MMY
i-Ready Diagnostic and Instruction, 19th MMY
i-Ready K-12 Diagnostic and K-8 Instruction, 20th MMY
I-SPEAK Your Language: A Survey of Personal Styles, 13th MMY
ICES: Instructor and Course Evaluation System, 9th MMY
IDEA Feedback for Department Chairs, 15th MMY
IDEA Oral Language Proficiency Test, 14th MMY
IDEA Reading and Writing Proficiency Test, 13th MMY
IDEA Student Ratings of Instruction, 14th MMY
IDEAS: Interest Determination, Exploration and Assessment System, 11th MMY
Identi-Form System for Gifted Programs (The), 10th MMY
Illinois Children's Language Assessment Test, 9th MMY
Illinois Test of Psycholinguistic Abilities, Third Edition, 15th MMY
Illness Behavior Questionnaire, Second Edition, 10th MMY
Illness Behaviour Questionnaire, Third Edition, 15th MMY
Illness Effects Questionnaire-Multi-Perspective, 16th MMY
Ilyin Oral Interview, 9th MMY
Imagery and Disease, 12th MMY
Impact Message Inventory, Research Edition, 12th MMY
Impact Message Inventory: Form II, 9th MMY
Incentives Management Index, 14th MMY
Inclusive Classroom Profile, Research Edition, 21st MMY
Incomplete Sentences Task, 9th MMY
Independent Living Behavior Checklist, 9th MMY
Independent Living Scales, 14th MMY
Independent Mastery Testing System for Math Skills, 10th MMY
Independent Mastery Testing System for Writing Skills, 11th MMY
Independent School Entrance Exam, 3rd Edition, 19th MMY
Independent School Entrance Examination, 11th MMY
Index of Personality Characteristics, 11th MMY
Index of Teaching Stress, 17th MMY
Individual Outlook Test, 16th MMY
Individual Service Strategy Portfolio, 13th MMY
Individual Style Survey, 13th MMY
Individualised Classroom Environment Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Individualized Criterion Referenced Testing, 12th MMY
Indonesian Speaking Test, 13th MMY
Industrial Reading Test -0130191 Infanib (The), 14th MMY
Industrial Reading Test, 9th MMY
Infant Development Inventory, 14th MMY
Infant Developmental Screening Scale, 14th MMY
Infant Index, 15th MMY
Infant Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Infant Reading Tests (The), 9th MMY
Infant Screening, 10th MMY
Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment-Second Edition, 21st MMY
Infant-Toddler Developmental Assessment, 13th MMY
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale-Revised Edition, 17th MMY
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, 12th MMY
Infant/Toddler Environment Rating Scale, Third Edition, 21st MMY
Infant/Toddler Symptom Checklist, 14th MMY
Influence Strategies Exercise, 13th MMY
Informal Evaluation of Oral Reading Grade Level, 9th MMY
Informal Reading Comprehension Placement Test [Revised], 13th MMY
Informal Writing Inventory, 11th MMY
Initial Communication Processes, 9th MMY
InQ: Assessing Your Thinking Profile, 18th MMY
Inquiry Mode Questionnaire: A Measure of How You Think and Make Decisions, 12th MMY
INSIGHT Inventory [Revised], 14th MMY
INSIGHT Inventory, 13th MMY
Insight, 20th MMY
Insight: Assessing and Developing Self-Esteem, 16th MMY
Instant Words Criterion Test (The), 9th MMY
Instant Words Recognition Test (The), 9th MMY
Instructional Environment System--II (The), 13th MMY
Instructional Leadership Evaluation and Development Program (ILEAD), 12th MMY
Instructional Styles Inventory, 9th MMY
Instrument for Disability Screening [Developmental Edition], 9th MMY
Instrument for Disability Screening, [Developmental Edition], 9th MMY
Instrument Technician, 13th MMY
Instrument Timbre Preference Test, 10th MMY
InstrumenTest (Form AIT-C), 17th MMY
Instruments for Assessing Understanding & Appreciation of Miranda Rights, 18th MMY
Integrated Assessment System, 13th MMY
Integrated Literature and Language Arts Portfolio Program, 12th MMY
Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test, 14th MMY
Integrated Writing Test, 14th MMY
Integrative Child Temperament Inventory, 20th MMY
INteraction CHecklist for Augmentative Communication, Revised Edition, 13th MMY
Interaction Index, 13th MMY
Interest Determination Exploration Assessment System, 9th MMY
Interference Learning Test, 15th MMY
Intermediate Booklet Category Test, 14th MMY
Internalized Shame Scale, 16th MMY
Internalizing Symptoms Scale for Children, 14th MMY
International Personality Disorder Examination, 15th MMY
International Teaching Assistant Speaking Assessment, 20th MMY
Internet Addiction Test and Internet Addiction Test for Families, 21st MMY
Interpersonal Adjective Scales, 14th MMY
Interpersonal Behavior Survey, 9th MMY
Interpersonal Conflict Scale, 9th MMY
Interpersonal Intelligence Inventory, 17th MMY
Interpersonal Style Inventory, 10th MMY
Interpersonal Style Inventory, 9th MMY
Interpersonal Trust Surveys, 14th MMY
Intrex Questionnaires, 12th MMY
Intuitive Mechanics (Weights & Pulleys), 9th MMY
Intuitive Mechanics (Weights & Pulleys), 9th MMY
Inventory for Client and Agency Planning, 10th MMY
Inventory of Altered Self-Capacities, 15th MMY
Inventory of Drinking Situations, 13th MMY
Inventory of Drug-Taking Situations, 14th MMY
Inventory of Individually Perceived Group Cohesiveness, 9th MMY
Inventory of Interests, 9th MMY
Inventory of Interpersonal Problems, 15th MMY
Inventory of Language Abilities, 9th MMY
Inventory of Language Abilities, Level II, 10th MMY
Inventory of Learning Processes-R, 13th MMY
Inventory of Legal Knowledge, 19th MMY
Inventory of Offender Risk, Needs, and Strengths, 18th MMY
Inventory of Perceptual Skills, 12th MMY
Inventory of Positive Thinking Traits (The), 13th MMY
Inventory of Self-Hypnosis, 9th MMY
Inventory of Suicide Orientation-30, 13th MMY
InView, 16th MMY
Inwald Personality Inventory [Revised], 12th MMY
Inwald Personality Inventory, 9th MMY
Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test, Fourth Edition, 12th MMY
Iowa Algebra Aptitude Test(tm), Fifth Edition, 17th MMY
Iowa Assessments(TM), Form E, 20th MMY
Iowa Early Learning Inventory, 16th MMY
Iowa Gambling Task, 18th MMY
Iowa Gambling Task, Version 2, 21st MMY
Iowa Parent Behavior Inventory, 9th MMY
Iowa Social Competency Scales, 10th MMY
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Forms 7 and 8, 9th MMY
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills, Forms K, L, and M, 13th MMY
Iowa Tests of Basic Skills(r), Forms A and B, 17th MMY
Iowa Tests of Educational Development [Seventh Edition[, 9th MMY
Iowa Tests of Educational Development, Forms A and B, 16th MMY
Iowa Tests of Educational Development, Forms K, L, and M, 10th MMY
Iowa Tests of Music Literacy, Revised, 13th MMY
Iowa's Severity Rating Scales for Speech and Language Impairments, 12th MMY
IOX Basic Skill System, 9th MMY
IOX Basic Skills Word List (The), 9th MMY
IPI Job-Tests Program, 11th MMY
IPMA Fire Service Tests, 9th MMY
IPT Early Literacy Test, 17th MMY
IPT English Early Literacy Test, Third Edition, 21st MMY
IPT English Reading & Writing Tests, Third Edition, 21st MMY
IPT Oral English Test, 21st MMY
IRAOS: Interview for the Retrospective Assessment of the Onset and Course of Schizophrenia and Other Psychoses, 16th MMY
Irrational Beliefs Test, 9th MMY
Is This Autism? A Checklist of Behaviours and Skills for Children Showing Autistic Features, 12th MMY
IT Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile, 19th MMY
Item Analysis of Slosson Intelligence Test, 9th MMY
ITSEA/BITSEA: Infant-Toddler and Brief Infant-Toddler Social and Emotional Assessment, 17th MMY
IVA+Plus [Integrated Visual and Auditory Continuous Performance Test], 17th MMY


Jackson Personality Inventory--Revised, 13th MMY
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey [1995 Revision], 14th MMY
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey [1999 Revision], 15th MMY
Jackson Vocational Interest Survey, 9th MMY
Jail Screening Assessment Tool, 21st MMY
James Madison Test of Critical Thinking, 17th MMY
Jenkins Activity Survey, 9th MMY
Jenkins Non-Verbal Test, 1986 Revision, 12th MMY
Jesness Inventory (The), 14th MMY
Jesness Inventory-Revised, 16th MMY
JIIG-CAL Occupational Interests Guide, 9th MMY
Job Activity Preference Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Job Attitude Scale, 11th MMY
Job Awareness Inventory, 9th MMY
Job Challenge Profile, 16th MMY
Job Choice Decision-Making Exercise (A), 11th MMY
Job Descriptive Index (1997 Revision) and The Job in General Scales, 15th MMY
Job Descriptive Index and Retirement Descriptive Index , 12th MMY
Job Descriptive Index, 9th MMY
Job Observation and Behavior Scale, 15th MMY
Job Search Attitude Inventory, Fifth Edition, 21st MMY
Job Search Attitude Inventory, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Job Search Inventory, 13th MMY
Job Search Knowledge Scale, 17th MMY
Job Seeking Skills Assessment, 12th MMY
Job Stress Survey, 15th MMY
Job Style Indicator , 13th MMY
Job Style Indicator [Revised], 17th MMY
Job Survival and Success Scale, 17th MMY
Job Training Assessment Program, 10th MMY
JOB-O, 12th MMY
Jobmatch, 9th MMY
Johnston Informal Reading Inventory, 12th MMY
Joliet 3-Minute Preschool Speech and Language Screen, 14th MMY
Joliet 3-Minute Speech and Language Screen (Revised), 13th MMY
Joliet 3-Minute Speech and Language Screen, 9th MMY
Jones-Mohr Listening Test (The), 9th MMY
Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test (1990 Edition), 12th MMY
Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test, 3rd Edition, 19th MMY
Jordan Left-Right Reversal Test, Second Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Joseph Picture Self-Concept Scale, 17th MMY
Joseph Pre-School and Primary Self-Concept Screening Test, 9th MMY
Judgement of Occupational Behavior--Orientation, 9th MMY
Juvenile Automated Substance Abuse Evaluation, 14th MMY


Kane Learning Difficulties Assessment, 21st MMY
Kaplan Baycrest Neurocognitive Assessment, 16th MMY
Katz Adjustment Scales-Relative Report Form, 16th MMY
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, 9th MMY
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition Normative Update, 21st MMY
Kaufman Assessment Battery for Children, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Kaufman Brief Intelligence Test, Second Edition, 17th MMY
Kaufman Infant and Preschool Scale, 9th MMY
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement-Second Edition, Comprehensive Form, 16th MMY
Kaufman Test of Educational Achievement, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Keele Pre-School Assessment Guide, 9th MMY
Keirsey Temperament Sorter II, 16th MMY
Kendrick Battery for the Detection of Dementia in the Elderly (The), 9th MMY
Kent Infant Development Scale, 9th MMY
Kent Visual Perceptual Test, 16th MMY
Kerby Learning Modality Test, Revised 1980, 9th MMY
KeyMath-3 Diagnostic Assessment, 18th MMY
Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Khan-Lewis Phonological Analysis, Third Edition, 20th MMY
Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory, 16th MMY
Khatena-Torrance Creative Perception Inventory, 9th MMY
Kindergarten Diagnostic Instrument-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Kindergarten Essential Skills Assessment, 20th MMY
Kindergarten Inventory of Social-Emotional Tendencies, 16th MMY
Kindergarten Readiness Test [Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.], 18th MMY
Kindergarten Readiness Test, Second Edition [Scholastic Testing Service, Inc.], 20th MMY
Klein Group Instrument for Effective Leadership and Participation in Teams, 18th MMY
Knowledge and Attitudes of Drug Usage, 9th MMY
Knox's Cube Test, 16th MMY
Knox's Cube Test, 9th MMY
Kohn Problem Checklist, 9th MMY
Kohn Social Competence Scale, 9th MMY
Koppitz Developmental Scoring System for the Bender Gestalt Test, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Kraner Preschool Math Inventory, 9th MMY
Krantz Health Opinion Survey, 9th MMY
Krug Asperger's Disorder Index, 16th MMY
Kuhlmann-Anderson Tests, Eighth Edition, 9th MMY


La Monica Empathy Profile, 10th MMY
Lake St. Clair Incident (The), 9th MMY
Language Arts Assessment Portfolio, 13th MMY
Language Assessment Battery, 9th MMY
Language Assessment Scales--Oral, 12th MMY
Language Assessment Scales, 9th MMY
Language Assessment Scales, Reading and Writing, 12th MMY
Language Facility Test, 9th MMY
Language Imitation Test, 9th MMY
Language Inventory for Teachers, 9th MMY
Language Processing Test 3: Elementary, 17th MMY
Language Processing Test, 10th MMY
Language Proficiency Test Series, 15th MMY
Language Proficiency Test, 9th MMY
Language Sampling, Analysis, and Training--Third Edition, 14th MMY
Language Sampling, Analysis, and Training, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Language-Structured Auditory Retention Span Test, 11th MMY
LARR Test of Emergent Literacy, 16th MMY
Lateral Preference Schedule, 11th MMY
Laterality Preference Schedule, 9th MMY
Laurita-Trembley Diagnostic Word Processing Test (The), 9th MMY
Law Enforcement Assessment and Development Report, 10th MMY
Law Enforcement Assessment and Development Report, 9th MMY
Law Enforcement Candidate Record, 13th MMY
Law School Admission Test, 13th MMY
Law School Admission Test, 9th MMY
Lawrence Psychological Forensic Examination (The), 10th MMY
LD Program That Works (An), 9th MMY
Leader Behavior Analysis II, 12th MMY
Leader Behavior Questionnaire, Revised, 14th MMY
Leadership and Self-Development Scale, 9th MMY
Leadership Competency Inventory, 13th MMY
Leadership Development Report, 15th MMY
Leadership Judgement Indicator (2nd Edition), 20th MMY
Leadership Potential Assessment, 19th MMY
Leadership Potential Indicator, 20th MMY
Leadership Practices Inventory [Pfeiffer & Company International Publishers], 12th MMY
Leadership Practices Inventory--Delta, 14th MMY
Leadership Practices Inventory--Individual Contributor [Second Edition], 14th MMY
Leadership Skills Inventory [Consulting Resource Group International, Inc.], 16th MMY
Leadership Skills Inventory [Consulting Resource Group], 13th MMY
Leadership Skills Inventory, 10th MMY
Leadership Skills Profile, 16th MMY
Leadership Spectrum Profile, 17th MMY
Leadership Versatility Index, 18th MMY
Learned Behaviors Profile--Self/Other, 11th MMY
Learning Ability Profile, 9th MMY
Learning Accomplishment Profile Diagnostic Edition, 16th MMY
Learning and Memory Battery, 14th MMY
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory--High School Version, 13th MMY
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, 11th MMY
Learning and Study Strategies Inventory, Second Edition, 17th MMY
Learning Behaviors Scale, Research Edition, 11th MMY
Learning Channel Preference Checklist (The), 11th MMY
Learning Disabilities Diagnostic Inventory, 14th MMY
Learning Disability Evaluation Scale (Renormed), 14th MMY
Learning Disability Evaluation Scale, 12th MMY
Learning Disability Rating Procedure, 9th MMY
Learning Efficiency Test-II (1992 Revision), 12th MMY
Learning Efficiency Test, 9th MMY
Learning Environment Inventory, 9th MMY
Learning Inventory of Kindergarten Experiences, 12th MMY
Learning Organization Practices Profile, 14th MMY
Learning Preference Inventory, 11th MMY
Learning Preference Scales, 13th MMY
Learning Process Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Learning Skills Profile, 13th MMY
Learning Staircase, 9th MMY
Learning Style Identification Scale, 9th MMY
Learning Style Inventory [Price Systems, Inc.], 13th MMY
Learning Style Inventory, 9th MMY
Learning Style Inventory, Version 3, 15th MMY
Learning Style Profile, 12th MMY
Learning Styles and Strategies, 11th MMY
Learning Styles Inventory [Creative Learning Press, Inc.], 9th MMY
Learning Styles Inventory [Educational Activities, Inc.], 14th MMY
Learning Styles Inventory [Humanics Media], 9th MMY
Learning Styles Inventory [Piney Mountain Press, Inc.], 12th MMY
Learning Styles Inventory, Version III, 17th MMY
Learning Tactics Inventory, 15th MMY
Learning Through Listening, 9th MMY
Leatherman Leadership Questionnaire [Revised], 12th MMY
Leatherman Leadership Questionnaire: 360 Degree Leadership Profile, 14th MMY
Leeds Scales for the Self-Assessment of Anxiety and Depression, 9th MMY
Leisure Diagnostic Battery (The), 12th MMY
Leisure Search Inventory, 13th MMY
Leiter International Performance Scale--Revised, 14th MMY
Leiter International Performance Scale-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Let's Talk Inventory For Children, 11th MMY
Level of Service Inventory--Revised (The), 14th MMY
Level of Service Inventory-Revised [2003 Norms Update], 17th MMY
Level of Service Inventory-Revised: Screening Version, 15th MMY
Level of Service/Case Management Inventory: An Offender Assessment System, 17th MMY
Level of Service/Risk, Need, Responsivity, 18th MMY
Lewis Counseling Inventory, 9th MMY
Lexington Developmental Scales, 9th MMY
Library Skills Test, 9th MMY
Life Attitudes Schedule: A Risk Assessment for Suicidal and Life-Threatening Behaviors, 17th MMY
Life Experiences Checklist, 12th MMY
Life Orientation Inventory, 11th MMY
Life Roles Inventory, 13th MMY
Life Skills, Forms 1 and 2, 9th MMY
Life Space Analysis Profile, 13th MMY
Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory--Adult Form, 13th MMY
Life Stressors and Social Resources Inventory--Youth Form, 13th MMY
Life Style Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Life Styles Inventories, 9th MMY
Life Styles Inventory, 12th MMY
Lifestyle Assessment Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Light's Retention Scale [2006 Edition], 18th MMY
Light's Retention Scale [Revised Edition 1991], 11th MMY
Light's Retention Scale, 5th Edition, 20th MMY
Light's Retention Scale, Revised Edition 1981, 9th MMY
Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Lindamood Auditory Conceptualization Test, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Listen Up: Skills Assessment, 14th MMY
Listening Comprehension Group Tests, 9th MMY
Listening Comprehension Test Series, 16th MMY
Listening Comprehension Test, 12th MMY
Listening Comprehension, 9th MMY
Listening Inventory (The), 18th MMY
Listening Practices Feedback Report-360 Degrees, 16th MMY
Listening Skills Inventory, 19th MMY
Listening Skills Test, 15th MMY
Listening Styles Profile, 14th MMY
Location Learning Test, 17th MMY
Loewenstein Occupational Therapy Cognitive Assessment, 13th MMY
Lollipop Test: A Diagnostic Screening Test of School Readiness (The), 9th MMY
Lollipop Test: A Diagnostic Screening Test of School Readiness--Revised (The), 11th MMY
London House Employee Attitude Inventory, 9th MMY
London House Personnel Selection Inventory, 9th MMY
London Reading Test, 9th MMY
Lore Leadership Assessment, 14th MMY
LOTE Reading and Listening Tests, 12th MMY
Louisville Behavior Checklist, 10th MMY
Louisville Behavior Checklist, 9th MMY
Love Attitudes Inventory (A), 9th MMY
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery, 9th MMY
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Children's Revision, 11th MMY
Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Forms I and II, 11th MMY


[Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory], 9th MMY
MAC Checklist for Evaluating, Preparing, and/or Improving Standardized Tests for Limited English Speaking Students, 10th MMY
MacArthur Communicative Development Inventories, 13th MMY
MacArthur Competence Assessment Tool-Criminal Adjudication (The), 20th MMY
MacArthur-Bates Communicative Development Inventories, Second Edition, 19th MMY
Machinist Test—Form AR-C, 19th MMY
Macmillan Diagnostic Reading Pack (The), 9th MMY
Macmillan Graded Word Reading Test, 10th MMY
Macmillan Group Reading Test, 10th MMY
Maculaitis Assessment Program, Commercial Edition, 10th MMY
Maferr Inventory of Feminine Values, 9th MMY
Maferr Inventory of Masculine Values, 9th MMY
Maintenance Electrician A Test (Form BTA-C), 17th MMY
Maintenance Electrician A Test (Form BTA-RC), 19th MMY
Maintenance Electrician B Test (Form BTB-C), 17th MMY
MAINTEST (Form NL-1R, Form B, & Form C), 17th MMY
Maintest, 13th MMY
Major-Minor Finder, 9th MMY
Major-Minor-Finder, 1986-1996 Edition (The), 10th MMY
Malingering Probability Scale, 14th MMY
Management & Leadership Systems, 14th MMY
Management and Graduate Item Bank, 11th MMY
Management and Leadership Questionnaire [2015 Manual], 20th MMY
Management and Leadership Questionnaire, 19th MMY
Management and Organizational Skills Test, 17th MMY
Management Appraisal Survey, 10th MMY
Management Change Inventory, 11th MMY
Management Development Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Management Interest Inventory, 11th MMY
Management Inventory on Leadership, Motivation and Decision-Making, 12th MMY
Management Inventory on Modern Management, 10th MMY
Management Skills and Styles Assessment, 19th MMY
Management Style Inventory [Hanson Silver Strong & Associates], 13th MMY
Management Style Inventory [Training House, Inc.], 11th MMY
Management Styles Inventory, 12th MMY
Management Styles Questionnaire, 10th MMY
Management Team Roles--Indicator, 15th MMY
Manager Profile Record, 11th MMY
Manager Style Appraisal, 12th MMY
Manager/Supervisor Staff Selector, 10th MMY
Managerial and Professional Job Functions Inventory, 11th MMY
Managerial Assessment of Proficiency MAP, 11th MMY
Managerial Competence Index, 11th MMY
Managerial Scale for Enterprise Improvement, 15th MMY
Managerial Style Questionnaire, 10th MMY
Manchester Personality Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Manifestation of Symptomatology Scale, 15th MMY
Manson Evaluation, Revised Edition (The), 11th MMY
MAPP: Motivational Appraisal of Personal Potential, 14th MMY
Marianne Frostig Developmental Test of Visual Perception, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Marital Check-Up Kit, 13th MMY
Marital Communication Inventory (A), 9th MMY
Marital Evaluation Checklist, 10th MMY
Marital Satisfaction Inventory--Revised, 14th MMY
Marital Satisfaction Inventory, 9th MMY
Maroondah Assessment Profile for Problem Gambling, 15th MMY
Marriage and Family Attitude Survey (The), 11th MMY
Marriage Evaluation (A), 9th MMY
Marriage Expectation Inventories (The), 9th MMY
Marriage Role Expectation Inventory (A), 9th MMY
Martin and Pratt Nonword Reading Test, 16th MMY
Martinek-Zaichkowsky Self-Concept Scale for Children, 9th MMY
Maryland Addictions Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Maryland/Baltimore County Design for Adult Basic Education, 9th MMY
Maslach Burnout Inventory [Fourth Edition Manual], 21st MMY
Maslach Burnout Inventory, 10th MMY
Maslach Burnout Inventory, 9th MMY
Maslach Burnout Inventory, Third Edition, 16th MMY
Massachusetts Youth Screening Instrument--Version 2, 18th MMY
Mastery: An Evaluation Tool: Selected Short SOBAR Reading Tests, 9th MMY
Matching Assistive Technology & Child, 15th MMY
Matching Assistive Technology to Child-Augmentative Communication Evaluation Simplified, 20th MMY
Matching Person and Technology, 14th MMY
Math-Level Indicator, 16th MMY
Mathematical Olympiads, 11th MMY
Mathematics 5-14, 16th MMY
Mathematics 7, 11th MMY
Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale, 11th MMY
Mathematics Anxiety Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Mathematics Attitude Inventory, 9th MMY
Mathematics Competency Test, 14th MMY
Mathematics Evaluation Procedures K-2, 9th MMY
Mathematics Self-Efficacy Scale, 14th MMY
Mathematics Topic Pre-Tests, 13th MMY
Mathematics Topic Tests: Elementary Level, 9th MMY
Mather-Woodcock Group Writing Tests, 14th MMY
MATRICS Consensus Cognitive Battery, 19th MMY
Matrigma, 21st MMY
Matrix Analogies Test, 10th MMY
Matrix-Predictive Uniform Law Enforcement Selection Evaluation Inventory, 18th MMY
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test-Youth Research Version, 21st MMY
Mayer-Salovey-Caruso Emotional Intelligence Test, 16th MMY
MbM Questionnaire: Managing by Motivation, Third Edition (The), 14th MMY
McCall-Crabbs Standard Test Lessons in Reading, 9th MMY
McCarron-Dial System, 11th MMY
McCarthy Individualized Diagnostic Reading Inventory, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
McCarthy Scales of Children's Abilities, 9th MMY
McCarthy Screening Test, 9th MMY
McCloskey Executive Functions Scale, 21st MMY
McDowell Vision Screening Kit, 14th MMY
McGhee-Mangrum Inventory of School Adjustment, 20th MMY
McGill Pain Questionnaire (The), 14th MMY
mCircle Instrument (The), 11th MMY
MD5 Mental Ability Test, 10th MMY
MDS Vocational Interest Exploration System, 13th MMY
Meadow-Kendall Social-Emotional Assessment Inventory for Deaf and Hearing Students, 10th MMY
Meanings and Measures of Mental Tests, 9th MMY
Measure of Achieving Tendency, 13th MMY
Measure of Child Stimulus Screening and Arousability, 9th MMY
Measure of Existential Anxiety, 15th MMY
Measure of Individual Differences in Dominance-Submissiveness, 9th MMY
Measure of Questioning Skills, 14th MMY
Measure of Self-Esteem (A), 15th MMY
Measure of Self-Evaluation, 15th MMY
Measure of Vindication, 15th MMY
Measurement of Counselor Competencies: A Self-Assessment, 10th MMY
Measurement of Language Development, 9th MMY
Measures of Academic Progress, 18th MMY
Measures of Achieving Tendency, 9th MMY
Measures of Affiliative Tendency and Sensitivity to Rejection, 13th MMY
Measures of Affiliative Tendency and Sensitivity to Rejection, 9th MMY
Measures of Arousal Seeking Tendency, 9th MMY
Measures of Individual Differences in Temperament, 9th MMY
Measures of Musical Abilities, 10th MMY
Measures of Occupational Stress, Strain, and Coping, 9th MMY
Measures of Pleasure-, Arousal-, and Dominance-Inducing Qualities of Parental Attitudes, 9th MMY
Measures of Psychosocial Development, 11th MMY
Measures of Self-Concept K-12, 9th MMY
Mechanic Evaluation Test—Forms A1R-C, B1-C, C1-C, 19th MMY
Mechanical Aptitude Test (Form MAT-3-C), 19th MMY
Mechanical Aptitude Test (Form MAT-AR2-C), 17th MMY
Mechanical Maintenance Trainee (Form UKM-1C), 17th MMY
Mechanical Maintenance Trainee (Form UKM-1C), 19th MMY
Mechanical Technician A (Forms AR-XC and MTA-YC), 19th MMY
Mechanical Technician A, 17th MMY
Mechanical Technician B, 17th MMY
Mechanical Technician C (Forms CR-XC and MTC-YC), 19th MMY
Mechanical Technician C, 17th MMY
Mechanical Understanding Test, 17th MMY
MecTest (A Test for Maintenance Mechanics), 13th MMY
MecTest Form AU-C, 19th MMY
Medical Ethics Inventory, 10th MMY
Meeker Behavioral Correlates, 10th MMY
Mellenbruch Mechanical Motivation Test, 15th MMY
Memory and Behavior Problems Checklist and The Burden Interview, 14th MMY
Memory Assessment Scales, 12th MMY
Memory for Intentions Test, 19th MMY
Memory Test for Older Adults, 16th MMY
Memory Validity Profile, 21st MMY
Menstrual Distress Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Mental Mathematics 6-14, 16th MMY
Mental Status Checklist for Adolescents, 11th MMY
Mental Status Checklist for Children, 11th MMY
Merrill Language Screening Test, 9th MMY
Merrill-Palmer Scale of Mental Tests, 9th MMY
Merrill-Palmer-Revised Scales of Development, 17th MMY
Meta-Motivation Inventory, 9th MMY
Metaphon, 12th MMY
Metropolitan Achievement Tests, 5th Edition (1978), 9th MMY
Metropolitan Achievement Tests, Eighth Edition, 16th MMY
Metropolitan Achievement Tests, Seventh Edition, 12th MMY
Metropolitan Performance Assessment: Integrated Performance Tasks, 14th MMY
Metropolitan Readiness Tests, 1976 Edition, 9th MMY
Metropolitan Readiness Tests, Fifth Edition, 12th MMY
Metropolitan Readiness Tests, Sixth Edition, 14th MMY
METROPOLITAN8 Writing Test, 16th MMY
Meyer-Kendall Assessment Survey, 12th MMY
Michigan Alcoholism Screening Test, 14th MMY
Michigan English Language Assessment Battery, 14th MMY
Michigan English Language Institute College English Test--Grammar, Cloze, Vocabulary, Reading, 15th MMY
Michigan English Language Institute College English Test-Listening, 16th MMY
Michigan English Test, 19th MMY
Michigan Picture Test--Revised, 9th MMY
Michigan Prescriptive Program in English, 9th MMY
Michigan Prescriptive Program in Mathematics, 9th MMY
MicroCog: Assessment of Cognitive Functioning, 13th MMY
Microcomputer User Aptitude Test, 11th MMY
MIDAS: Multiple Intelligence Developmental Assessment Scales (The), 14th MMY
MIDAS: Multiple Intelligences Developmental Assessment Scales [Revised], 17th MMY
Middle Grades Assessment Program, 14th MMY
Middlesex Elderly Assessment of Mental State, 17th MMY
Milani-Comparetti Motor Development Screening Test, 11th MMY
Military Environment Inventory, 11th MMY
Mill Hill Vocabulary Scale, 13th MMY
Miller Analogies Test, 12th MMY
Miller Assessment for Preschoolers, 9th MMY
Miller Common Sense Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Depression Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Emotional Maturity Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Forensic Assessment of Symptoms Test, 15th MMY
Miller Function and Participation Scales, 18th MMY
Miller Getting Along With People Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Happiness Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Love Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Marriage Satisfaction Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Motivation Scale, 10th MMY
Miller Motivation Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Psychological Independence Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Self-Concept Scale, 15th MMY
Miller Stress Scale, 15th MMY
Miller-Yoder Language Comprehension Test (Clinical Edition), 11th MMY
Millon Adolescent Clinical Inventory, 12th MMY
Millon Adolescent Personality Inventory, 9th MMY
Millon Behavioral Health Inventory, 9th MMY
Millon Behavioral Medicine Diagnostic, 15th MMY
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory--III [Manual Second Edition], 14th MMY
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory--III [Second Edition], 13th MMY
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory-IV, 20th MMY
Millon Clinical Multiaxial Inventory, 9th MMY
Millon College Counseling Inventory, 18th MMY
Millon Index of Personality Styles Revised, 17th MMY
Millon Index of Personality Styles, 13th MMY
Millon Pre-Adolescent Clinical Inventory, 17th MMY
Mind Body Wellness Geriatric Rehabilitation and Restorative Assessment System, 18th MMY
MindMaker6, 11th MMY
Miner Sentence Completion Scale, 11th MMY
Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury, 11th MMY
Mini Inventory of Right Brain Injury, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Mini-ICF-APP Social Functioning Scale, 21st MMY
Mini-Mental State Examination, 15th MMY
Mini-Mental State Examination, 2nd Edition, 20th MMY
Minimum Essentials Test, 9th MMY
Minnesota Child Development Inventory, 9th MMY
Minnesota Clerical Assessment Battery, 14th MMY
Minnesota Clerical Test, 9th MMY
Minnesota Clerical Test, 9th MMY
Minnesota Handwriting Assessment, 16th MMY
Minnesota Importance Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Minnesota Infant Development Inventory, 9th MMY
Minnesota Manual Dexterity Test, 12th MMY
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2 [2001 Manual Revision], 21st MMY
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2-Restructured Form, 20th MMY
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-2, 11th MMY
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent-Restructured Form, 21st MMY
Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory-Adolescent, 12th MMY
Minnesota School Attitude Survey, 9th MMY
Minnesota Spatial Relations Test, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Minnesota Test for Differential Diagnosis of Aphasia, 13th MMY
MINT-Measuring Integrity, 21st MMY
Miranda Rights Comprehension Instruments, 20th MMY
Mirror Edition of the Personal Values Inventory, 16th MMY
Miskimins Self-Goal-Other Discrepancy Scale, 9th MMY
Missouri Kindergarten Inventory of Developmental Skills, Alternate Form, 11th MMY
MLR Visual Diagnostic Skills Test (The), 19th MMY
Modern Occupational Skills Tests, 12th MMY
Modified Version of the Bender-Gestalt Test for Preschool and Primary School Children (The), 11th MMY
Modified Vygotsky Concept Formation Test, 12th MMY
Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 19th MMY
Monitoring Basic Skills Progress--Second Edition, 12th MMY
Monitoring Basic Skills Progress--Second Edition, 14th MMY
Morel Emotional Numbing Test for Posttraumatic Stress Disorder, 3rd Edition, 20th MMY
Morrisby Profile, 16th MMY
Mother-Child Relationship Evaluation, 1980 Edition (The), 12th MMY
Mother/Infant Communication Screening, 12th MMY
Motivated Skills Card Sort, 13th MMY
Motivated Strategies for Learning Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Motivation Analysis Test, 12th MMY
Motivation and Potential for Adoptive Parenthood Scale, 9th MMY
Motivation Assessment Scale, 14th MMY
Motivational Patterns Inventory, 12th MMY
Motivational Styles Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Motive to Attain Social Power, 15th MMY
Motives, Values, Preferences Inventory, 14th MMY
Motor Skills Inventory, 11th MMY
Motor-Free Visual Perception Test--Revised, 14th MMY
Motor-Free Visual Perception Test--Vertical, 14th MMY
Motor-Free Visual Perception Test-4, 20th MMY
Motor-Free Visual Perception Test, Third Edition, 16th MMY
Movement Assessment Battery for Children, 14th MMY
Mullen Scales of Early Learning: AGS Edition, 14th MMY
Multi-Craft Aptitude Test, 17th MMY
Multi-CrafTest (Forms MC-C and B), 19th MMY
Multi-CrafTest, 17th MMY
Multi-dimensional Emotional Intelligence Quotient, 7th Revision, 19th MMY
Multi-Dimensional Intelligence Test, 19th MMY
Multiaxial Diagnostic Inventory--Revised Edition, 18th MMY
MultiCraft Trainee Test, 19th MMY
Multicultural Tasks of Emotional Development Test, 20th MMY
Multidimensional Addictions and Personality Profile (The), 14th MMY
Multidimensional Anxiety Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children 2nd Edition, 19th MMY
Multidimensional Anxiety Scale for Children, 14th MMY
Multidimensional Aptitude Battery-II, 15th MMY
Multidimensional Assessment and Planning Form, 9th MMY
Multidimensional Emotional Intelligence Assessment, 21st MMY
Multidimensional Everyday Memory Ratings for Youth, 21st MMY
Multidimensional Health Profile, 14th MMY
Multidimensional Perfectionism Scale, 17th MMY
Multidimensional Self Concept Scale, 12th MMY
Multidimensional Self-Esteem Inventory (The), 11th MMY
Multidimensional Verbal Intelligence Test, 19th MMY
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire (Revised), 12th MMY
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire for Research, 14th MMY
Multifactor Leadership Questionnaire, Third Edition, 17th MMY
Multilevel Academic Survey Test, 10th MMY
Multilevel Informal Language Inventory, 10th MMY
Multilingual Aphasia Examination, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Multimedia Learning Styles, 15th MMY
Multiphasic Environmental Assessment Procedure, 12th MMY
Multiphasic Sex Inventory II, 16th MMY
Multiple Affect Adjective Check List-Revised, 16th MMY
Multiple Affect Adjective Check List, Revised, 10th MMY
Multiple Assessment Series for the Primary Grades, 16th MMY
Multiple Auditory Processing Assessment-2, 21st MMY
Multiscale Dissociation Inventory, 16th MMY
Multiscore Depression Inventory for Children, 14th MMY
Multiscore Depression Inventory, 11th MMY
Murphy-Durrell Reading Readiness Screen, 11th MMY
Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children [Revised], 18th MMY
Murphy-Meisgeier Type Indicator for Children, 12th MMY
Music Achievement Tests 1, 2, 3, and 4, 12th MMY
Music Apperception Test, 18th MMY
Musical Aptitude Profile [1988 Revision], 12th MMY
Musical Aptitude Profile [1995 Revision], 16th MMY
Mutually Responsible Facilitation Inventory, 9th MMY
My Class Inventory, 9th MMY
My Vocational Situation, 9th MMY
My Worst Experience Scale, 16th MMY
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator Step II (Form Q), 15th MMY
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 10th MMY
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, 9th MMY
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator, Form M, 14th MMY
Myers-Briggs Type Indicator¨ Step III, 20th MMY


Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-Individual Administration, 16th MMY
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test-Third Edition, 21st MMY
Naglieri Nonverbal Ability Test, 14th MMY
National Achievement Test [Second Edition], 11th MMY
National Adult Reading Test, 9th MMY
National Adult Reading Test, Second Edition, 12th MMY
National Educational Development Tests, 11th MMY
National Police Officer Selection Test, 12th MMY
National Proficiency Survey Series, 11th MMY
National Survey of Student Engagement, 16th MMY
Naturalistic Action Test, 17th MMY
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability, 3rd Edition [Australian Standardisation], 15th MMY
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability, Revised British Edition, 11th MMY
Neale Analysis of Reading Ability: Second Revised British Edition, 16th MMY
NEEDS Survey, 14th MMY
Negotiation Aptitude Profile, 19th MMY
Nelson Reading Skills Test, Forms 3 and 4 (The), 9th MMY
Nelson-Denny Reading Test CD-ROM Version 1.2, 17th MMY
Nelson-Denny Reading Test Forms I & J, 21st MMY
Nelson-Denny Reading Test, Forms E and F, 9th MMY
Nelson-Denny Reading Test, Forms G and H, 13th MMY
NEO Personality Inventory-3 (UK Edition), 21st MMY
NEO Personality Inventory-3, 19th MMY
NEO-4, 14th MMY
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, 3rd Edition, 14th MMY
Neonatal Behavioral Assessment Scale, 4th Edition, 21st MMY
NEPSY-II--Second Edition, 18th MMY
NEPSY: A Developmental Neuropsychological Assessment, 14th MMY
Neurobehavioral Assessment of the Preterm Infant, 13th MMY
Neurobehavioral Functioning Inventory, 16th MMY
Neurological Dysfunctions of Children, 9th MMY
Neuropsychiatry Unit Cognitive Assessment Tool, 18th MMY
Neuropsychological Assessment Battery, 16th MMY
Neuropsychological Assessment of Adults with Visual Impairment, 21st MMY
Neuropsychological Impairment Scale (The), 14th MMY
Neuropsychological Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Neuropsychology Behavior and Affect Profile-Dementia, 21st MMY
Neuropsychology Behavior and Affect Profile, 14th MMY
New Jersey Test of Reasoning Skills--Form B, 11th MMY
New Macmillan Reading Analysis, 10th MMY
New Standards Reference Examinations: English Language Arts, 16th MMY
New Standards Reference Examinations: Mathematics, 16th MMY
New Technology Tests: Computer Commands, 11th MMY
New Technology Tests: Computer Rules, 11th MMY
New York Longitudinal Scales Adult Temperament Questionnaire (The), 16th MMY
New York Longitudinal Scales Adult Temperament Questionnaire, Second Edition, 19th MMY
NewGAP, 12th MMY
NICU Network Neurobehavioral Scale, 19th MMY
NIH Toolbox-Cognition Domain, 21st MMY
NIH Toolbox-Emotion Domain, 21st MMY
NIH Toolbox-Motor Domain, 21st MMY
NIH Toolbox-Sensation Domain, 21st MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Appliance Repair, 13th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Audio-Visual Communications Technology, 13th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Auto Body Repair, Forms B and D, 13th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Automotive Technician, 13th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Brick Masonry, 10th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Building and Home Maintenance Services, 10th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Child Care and Guidance, 12th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Machine Trades, 10th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Mechanical Technology, 12th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Microcomputer Repair, 12th MMY
NOCTI Teacher Occupational Competency Test: Scientific Data Processing, 13th MMY
Non-Readers Intelligence Test, Third Edition, 9th MMY
Non-Reading Intelligence Tests, Levels 1-3, 12th MMY
Non-Verbal Ability Tests, 12th MMY
Non-Verbal Intelligence Tests for Deaf and Hearing Subjects, 9th MMY
Non-verbal IQ Test, 19th MMY
Non-Verbal Reasoning, 16th MMY
Noncognitive Variables and Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire and Five-Factor Nonverbal Personality Questionnaire, 17th MMY
Nonverbal Stroop Card Sorting Test, 20th MMY
Nonverbal Test of Cognitive Skills, 9th MMY
Norris Educational Achievement Test, 12th MMY
North American Depression Inventories for Children and Adults, 11th MMY
Northwestern Syntax Screening Test, 9th MMY
Novaco Anger Scale and Provocation Inventory, 17th MMY
NPF [Second Edition], 12th MMY
NSight Aptitude/Personality Questionnaire, 15th MMY
NTE Programs, 9th MMY
Number Sense Screener, K-1, Research Edition, 19th MMY
Numeracy Impact Tests, 16th MMY
Nurse Aide Practice Test, 12th MMY
Nurse Entrance Test, 16th MMY


O*NET Career Interests Inventory, Third Edition: Based on the O*NET Interest Profiler, 20th MMY
O*NET Career Interests Inventory: Based on the "O*NET Interest Profiler" developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, 16th MMY
O*NET Career Values Inventory: Based on the "O*NET Work Importance Locator" developed by the U.S. Department of Labor, 16th MMY
O*NET Interest Profiler, 16th MMY
O*NET Work Importance Locator, 16th MMY
OAD Survey, 17th MMY
OARS Multidimensional Functional Assessment Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Object-Oriented Programmer Analyst Staff Selector, 16th MMY
Objective-Analytic (O-A) Test Battery, 9th MMY
Observation Survey of Early Literacy Achievement, Third Edition (An), 20th MMY
Observational Assessment of Temperament, 15th MMY
Observational Emotional Inventory--Revised, 11th MMY
Occ-U-Sort, 9th MMY
Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule-Third Edition, 16th MMY
Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule, Second Edition--Aptitude Survey, 12th MMY
Occupational Aptitude Survey and Interest Schedule, Second Edition--Interest Schedule, 12th MMY
Occupational Interest Rating Scale, 15th MMY
Occupational Interests Card Sort, 13th MMY
Occupational Interests Explorer (The), 12th MMY
Occupational Interests Surveyor (The), 12th MMY
Occupational Personality Assessment, 13th MMY
Occupational Personality Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Occupational Relationships Profile, 13th MMY
Occupational Stress Indicator, 11th MMY
Occupational Stress Inventory--Revised Edition, 14th MMY
Occupational Stress Inventory, 11th MMY
Occupational Test Series--Basic Skills Tests, 12th MMY
Occupational Test Series: General Ability Tests, 11th MMY
Occupational Type Profile, 14th MMY
Oetting Michaels Anchored Ratings for Therapists, 14th MMY
Oetting's Computer Anxiety Scale, 10th MMY
Offender Reintegration Scale, 19th MMY
Offender Reintegration Scale, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Offer Self-Image Questionnaire for Adolescents, 9th MMY
Offer Self-Image Questionnaire, Revised, 12th MMY
Office Skills Series, 13th MMY
Office Skills Tests, 9th MMY
Ohio Functional Assessment Battery: Standardized Tests for Leisure and Living Skills, 14th MMY
Ohio Vocational Interest Survey, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Older Persons Counseling Needs Survey, 14th MMY
Oliver Organization Description Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Oliver: Parent-Administered Communication Inventory, 9th MMY
OMNI Personality Inventory and OMNI-IV Personality Disorder Inventory, 15th MMY
Opinions About Deaf People Scale, 14th MMY
OPQ32, 19th MMY
Optometry Admission Testing Program, 12th MMY
OQ-10.2 [A Brief Screening & Outcome Questionnaire], 17th MMY
OQ-30.1 [Outcome Questionnaire for Adults], 17th MMY
OQ-45.2 (Outcome Questionnaire), 16th MMY
Oral and Written Language Scales, Second Edition: Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression, 19th MMY
Oral and Written Language Scales, Second Edition: Reading Comprehension and Written Expression, 19th MMY
Oral and Written Language Scales: Listening Comprehension and Oral Expression, 14th MMY
Oral and Written Language Scales: Written Expression, 14th MMY
Oral Language Acquisition Inventory, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Oral Language Dominance Measure, 9th MMY
Oral Language Evaluation, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Oral Language Sentence Imitation Diagnostic Inventory--F, 9th MMY
Oral Language Sentence Imitation Screening Test, 9th MMY
Oral Motor Assessment and Treatment: Improving Syllable Production, 10th MMY
Oral Passage Understanding Scale, 21st MMY
Oral Speech Mechanism Screening Examination--Revised, 11th MMY
Oral Speech Mechanism Screening Examination, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Oral-English/Spanish Proficiency Placement Test, 9th MMY
Oral-Motor/Feeding Rating Scale, 12th MMY
Ordinate Spoken English Test, 16th MMY
Organic Dysfunction Survey Schedules, 9th MMY
Organization Health Survey, 9th MMY
Organizational and Team Culture Indicator, 16th MMY
Organizational Beliefs Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Organizational Change-Readiness Scale, 14th MMY
Organizational Climate Exercise II, 13th MMY
Organizational Culture Inventory, 12th MMY
Orientation and Motivation Inventory, 9th MMY
Orientation Test for Professional Accounting, 12th MMY
Orleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test, 9th MMY
Orleans-Hanna Algebra Prognosis Test, Third Edition, 17th MMY
Ortiz Picture Vocabulary Acquisition Test, 21st MMY
OSOT Perceptual Evaluation, 12th MMY
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, 9th MMY
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Eighth Edition, 18th MMY
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Seventh Edition, 14th MMY
Otis-Lennon School Ability Test, Sixth Edition, 11th MMY
Our Class and Its Work, 10th MMY
Outcomes: Planning, Mentoring, Evaluating, 15th MMY
Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering [2016 Manual], 21st MMY
Overall Assessment of the Speaker's Experience of Stuttering, 18th MMY
Overeating Questionnaire, 17th MMY


P-1SV and P-2SV Police Officer Tests, 18th MMY
P-BDQ Police Officer Background Data Questionnaire, 18th MMY
P-Det 1.0 and 2.0 Police Detective Tests, 18th MMY
P.A.R. Admissions Test, 11th MMY
PACE, 12th MMY
Paced Auditory Serial Attention Test, 17th MMY
PACS Pictures: Language Elicitation Materials, 11th MMY
Pain Assessment Battery, Research Edition, 14th MMY
Pain Patient Profile, 14th MMY
Panic and Agoraphobia Scale, 15th MMY
Paper and Pencil Games, 14th MMY
PAR: Proficiency Assessment Report, 12th MMY
Parallel Spelling Tests, 12th MMY
Parallel Spelling Tests, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Parent Adolescent Relationship Questionnaire, 19th MMY
Parent As A Teacher Inventory [Revised], 13th MMY
Parent As A Teacher Inventory, 9th MMY
Parent Awareness Skills Survey, 12th MMY
Parent Behavior Checklist, 13th MMY
Parent Behavior Form, 11th MMY
Parent Empowerment and Efficacy Measure (The), 21st MMY
Parent Perception of Child Profile, 12th MMY
Parent Success Indicator [Revised Edition], 19th MMY
Parent Success Indicator, 16th MMY
Parent-Adolescent Communication Inventory (A), 9th MMY
Parent-Adolescent Communication Scale, 12th MMY
Parent-Child Relationship Inventory, 13th MMY
Parent/Family Involvement Index, 10th MMY
Parenthood Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Parenting Alliance Measure, 15th MMY
Parenting Interactions with Children: Checklist of Observations Linked to Outcomes, 20th MMY
Parenting Relationship Questionnaire, 18th MMY
Parenting Satisfaction Scale, 14th MMY
Parenting Stress Index, Fourth Edition, 19th MMY
Parenting Stress Index, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status, 14th MMY
Parents' Observations of Infants and Toddlers, 17th MMY
Parker Team Player Survey, 13th MMY
Partner Relationship Inventory (Research Edition), 12th MMY
PASAT 2000 [Poppleton Allen Sales Aptitude Test], 15th MMY
PAT: Punctuation and Grammar, 20th MMY
PATH Personality Questionnaire [Version 2.0], 20th MMY
Patterned Elicitation Syntax Test (The), 9th MMY
Patterned Elicitation Syntax Test with Morphonemic Analysis (The), 13th MMY
Paulhus Deception Scales: Balanced Inventory of Desirable Responding Version 7, 15th MMY
PDD Behavior Inventory [Including 2017 Manual Supplements: Adolescent Normative Data and Autism Spectrum Disorder Decision Tree], 21st MMY
PDD Behavior Inventory–Screening Version, 19th MMY
PDD Behavior Inventory, 17th MMY
PDI Employment Inventory and PDI Customer Service Inventory, 14th MMY
Peabody Developmental Motor Scale–Second Edition, 15th MMY
Peabody Developmental Motor Scales and Activity Cards, 9th MMY
Peabody Individual Achievement Test--Revised [1998 Normative Update], 14th MMY
Peabody Individual Achievement Test--Revised, 11th MMY
Peabody Mathematics Readiness Test, 9th MMY
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test--Revised, 9th MMY
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test-III, 14th MMY
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fifth Edition, 21st MMY
Peabody Picture Vocabulary Test, Fourth Edition, 18th MMY
Pearman Personality Integrator, 21st MMY
Pearson-Marr Archetype Indicator, 16th MMY
Pediatric Attention Disorders Diagnostic Screener, 18th MMY
Pediatric Behavior Rating Scale, 18th MMY
Pediatric Early Elementary Examination--II, 13th MMY
Pediatric Evaluation of Disability Inventory, 14th MMY
Pediatric Examination of Educational Readiness at Middle Childhood [Revised 1985], 10th MMY
Pediatric Examination of Educational Readiness at Middle Childhood [Revised 1996], 14th MMY
Pediatric Extended Examination at Three, 11th MMY
Pediatric Test of Brain Injury, 19th MMY
PEDS Tools [Parents' Evaluation of Developmental Status], 20th MMY
PEEK--Perceptions, Expectations, Emotions, and Knowledge About College, 14th MMY
Peer Attitudes Toward the Handicapped Scale, 9th MMY
People Performance Profile, 10th MMY
PEP: Primary Education Program, 9th MMY
Perception of Ability Scale for Students, 12th MMY
Perception-Of-Relationships-Test, 12th MMY
Perceptions of Parental Role Scales, 11th MMY
Perceptual Speed (Identical Forms), 15th MMY
Perceptual-Motor Assessment for Children & Emotional/Behavioral Screening Program, 12th MMY
Performance Assessment in Reading, 9th MMY
Performance Levels of a School Program Survey, 10th MMY
Performance Perspectives Inventory, 18th MMY
Performance Series, 17th MMY
Performance Skills Leader, 14th MMY
Personal Adjustment and Role Skills Scale, 9th MMY
Personal Assessment of Intimacy in Relationships, 11th MMY
Personal Background Inventory, 9th MMY
Personal Career Development Profile, 9th MMY
Personal Characteristics Inventory(tm), 16th MMY
Personal Communication Plan (The), 12th MMY
Personal Distress Inventory and Scales, 9th MMY
Personal Experience Inventory for Adults, 13th MMY
Personal Experience Inventory, 11th MMY
Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire for Adults, 16th MMY
Personal Experience Screening Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Personal History Checklist for Adults, 11th MMY
Personal Inventory (A), 9th MMY
Personal Inventory of Needs, 12th MMY
Personal Opinion Matrix, 10th MMY
Personal Orientation Dimensions, 14th MMY
Personal Outlook Inventory, 15th MMY
Personal Problems Checklist for Adolescents, 10th MMY
Personal Problems Checklist--Adult, 10th MMY
Personal Profile System, 10th MMY
Personal Questionnaire Rapid Scaling Technique, 9th MMY
Personal Reaction Index, 9th MMY
Personal Relations Inventory, 9th MMY
Personal Relationship Inventory, 12th MMY
Personal Resource Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Personal Skills Map, 13th MMY
Personal Sphere Model (The), 9th MMY
Personal Stress Assessment Inventory, 14th MMY
Personal Style Assessment, 11th MMY
Personal Style Assessment, Jung-Parry Form, 13th MMY
Personal Style Indicator [Revised], 17th MMY
Personal Style Indicator, 13th MMY
Personal Style Inventory, 14th MMY
Personal Styles Inventory [PSI-120] [1999 Revision], 17th MMY
Personal Styles Inventory [PSI-120], 13th MMY
Personal Values Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Personality Adjective Check List, 12th MMY
Personality Assessment Inventory [2007 Professional Manual], 18th MMY
Personality Assessment Inventory--Adolescent, 18th MMY
Personality Assessment Inventory, 12th MMY
Personality Assessment Screener-Observer, 21st MMY
Personality Assessment Screener, 14th MMY
Personality Disorder Interview-IV: A Semistructured Interview for the Assessment of Personality Disorders, 14th MMY
Personality Inventory for Children, 9th MMY
Personality Inventory for Children, Revised Format, 10th MMY
Personality Inventory for Children, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Personality Inventory for Youth, 13th MMY
Personality Research Form, 3rd Edition, 10th MMY
Personality Self-Portrait [Revised], 16th MMY
Personalized Achievement Summary System, 16th MMY
Personalysis(r), 16th MMY
Personnel Assessment Form, 17th MMY
Personnel Assessment Selection System, 11th MMY
Personnel Performance Problems Inventory, 9th MMY
Personnel Reaction Blank, 13th MMY
Personnel Relations Survey [Revised], 14th MMY
Personnel Tests for Industry-Oral Directions Test [Second Edition], 17th MMY
Pervasive Developmental Disorder in Mental Retardation Scale [Second Revised Edition], 17th MMY
Pervasive Developmental Disorders Screening Test, Second Edition, 17th MMY
Pharmacy College Admission Test, 13th MMY
Phase II Profile Integrity Status Inventory and ADdendum, 10th MMY
Phelps Kindergarten Readiness Scale [2012 Restandardization], 20th MMY
Phelps Kindergarten Readiness Scale, 12th MMY
Philadelphia Head Injury Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Phoneme Baseline Recording Forms, 9th MMY
Phonemic-Awareness Skills Screening, 15th MMY
Phonics Files (The), 9th MMY
Phonics-Based Reading Test, 16th MMY
Phonological Abilities Test, 15th MMY
Phonological and Print Awareness Scale, 20th MMY
Phonological Assessment Battery: Standardised Edition , 15th MMY
Phonological Assessment of Child Speech, 10th MMY
Phonological Awareness Skills Program Test, 15th MMY
Phonological Process Analysis, 12th MMY
Phonological Processes Assessment and Intervention, 11th MMY
Photo Articulation Test, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Physiological Screening Test, 21st MMY
Picha-Seron Career Analysis, 12th MMY
Pictorial Scale of Perceived Competence and Social Acceptance for Young Children (The), 11th MMY
Pictorial Test of Bilingualism and Language Dominance, 9th MMY
Pictorial Test of Intelligence, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Picture Interest Career Survey, 18th MMY
Picture Interest Career Survey, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale (The Way I Feel About Myself), 9th MMY
Piers-Harris Children's Self-Concept Scale, Second Edition (The Way I Feel About Myself), 16th MMY
Piers-Harris Self-Concept Scale, Third Edition, 21st MMY
Pin Test (The), 11th MMY
PIP Developmental Charts, 9th MMY
PL-1 and PL-2 Police Administrator Tests (Lieutenant), 18th MMY
PLAN, 12th MMY
Play Observation Scale (The), 13th MMY
Police Selection Test, 14th MMY
Polish Proficiency Test, 16th MMY
Pollack-Branden Inventory, 11th MMY
Pope Inventory of Basic Reading Skills, 9th MMY
Poppleton Allen Sales Aptitude Test (The), 10th MMY
Porch Index of Communicative Ability in Children, 9th MMY
Portable Tactual Performance Test, 11th MMY
Porteous Problem Checklist, 10th MMY
Porteus Maze Test [2017 Manual Revision], 21st MMY
Portland Digit Recognition Test, 12th MMY
Portland Problem Behavior Checklist--Revised, 14th MMY
Portuguese Speaking Test, 12th MMY
Position Analysis Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Position Classification Inventory, 17th MMY
Positive and Negative Syndrome Scale, 12th MMY
Post-Assault Traumatic Brain Injury Interview and Checklist, 15th MMY
PostConcussion Executive Inventory, 21st MMY
Postpartum Depression Screening Scale, 16th MMY
Posttraumatic Stress Diagnostic Scale, 14th MMY
Posture and Fine Motor Assessment of Infants, 16th MMY
Potential for Foster Parenthood Scale, 9th MMY
Power and Performance Measures, 16th MMY
Power Base Inventory, 13th MMY
Power Management Inventory, 9th MMY
Power Management Profile, 9th MMY
Power of Influence Test, 15th MMY
Practical Adolescent Dual Diagnostic Interview-5, 20th MMY
Practical Adolescent Dual Diagnostic Interview, 16th MMY
Practical Articulation Kit, 9th MMY
Practical Maths Assessments, 12th MMY
Pragmatic Language Observation Scale, 20th MMY
Pragmatic Language Skills Inventory, 17th MMY
Pragmatics Profile of Early Communication Skills (The), 12th MMY
Pre-Academic Learning Inventory, 9th MMY
Pre-Kindergarten Screen, 15th MMY
PRE-LAS English, 11th MMY
Pre-Literacy Skills Screening, 15th MMY
Pre-Professional Skills Test, 9th MMY
Pre-Reading Inventory of Phonological Awareness, 17th MMY
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual [Revised and Updated Second Edition], 13th MMY
Pre-Referral Intervention Manual-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Pre-School Behavior Checklist, 11th MMY
Pre-School Screening Test (The), 16th MMY
Pre-Verbal Communication Schedule, 11th MMY
Precision People PIAT-80 Diagnostics, 9th MMY
Predictive Ability Test, Adult Edition, 9th MMY
PreLAS 2000, 15th MMY
Preliminary Test of English as a Foreign Language, 11th MMY
Premarital Counseling Kit (The), 9th MMY
PREPARE/ENRICH: Online Customized Version, 20th MMY
Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales, 13th MMY
Preschool and Kindergarten Behavior Scales, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Preschool and Kindergarten Interest Descriptor, 10th MMY
Preschool and Primary Inventory of Phonological Awareness, 16th MMY
Preschool Behavior Questionnaire (The), 9th MMY
Preschool Behavior Rating Scale, 10th MMY
Preschool Child Observation Record, Second Edition, 17th MMY
Preschool Development Inventory, 13th MMY
Preschool Developmental Profile, 13th MMY
Preschool Evaluation Scale (The), 13th MMY
Preschool Language Assessment Instrument-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Preschool Language Assessment Instrument, Experimental Edition, 9th MMY
Preschool Language Scale-3, 13th MMY
Preschool Language Scale, Fourth Edition, 16th MMY
Preschool Language Scales—Fifth Edition Screening Test, 19th MMY
Preschool Language Scales—Fifth Edition Spanish Screening Test, 19th MMY
Preschool Language Scales—Fifth Edition Spanish, 19th MMY
Preschool Language Scales, Fifth Edition, 19th MMY
Preschool Program Quality Assessment, Second Edition, 17th MMY
Preschool Screening Instrument, 9th MMY
Preschool Screening Test, 12th MMY
Preschool Skills Test, 14th MMY
Preschool-Wide Evaluation Tool (PreSET), Research Edition, 19th MMY
Prescriptive Analysis of Language Disorders--Expressive Syntax Assessment, 9th MMY
Prescriptive Reading Performance Test, 9th MMY
Prescriptive Teaching Series, 11th MMY
Press Test (The), 9th MMY
Prevocational Assessment and Curriculum Guide (The), 12th MMY
Prevocational Assessment Screen, 12th MMY
PRI Reading Systems, 9th MMY
Primary Language Screen (The), 12th MMY
Primary Measures of Music Audiation, 9th MMY
Primary Test of Cognitive Skills, 12th MMY
Primary Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 18th MMY
Principles of Adult Mentoring Inventory, 15th MMY
PrinTest (Forms A-C and BR-C), 19th MMY
Printing Performance School Readiness Test, 12th MMY
Prior Early Childhood Curriculum, 9th MMY
Prison Inmate Inventory, 14th MMY
Problem Experiences Checklist, 12th MMY
Problem Solving Inventory (The), 11th MMY
Problem-Solving Decision-Making Style Inventory, 10th MMY
Process Assessment of the Learner--Second Edition: Diagnostic Assessment for Reading and Writing, 18th MMY
Process Assessment of the Learner--Second Edition: Diagnostic Assessment for Math, 18th MMY
Process Assessment of the Learner: Test Battery for Reading and Writing, 16th MMY
Process for the Assessment of Effective Student Functioning (A), 9th MMY
Process Skills Rating Scales, 12th MMY
Process Technician Test, 10th MMY
Production and Maintenance Technician Test, 11th MMY
Productivity Assessment Questionnaire, 10th MMY
Productivity Environmental Preference Survey, 13th MMY
Professional and Managerial Position Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Professional and Managerial Position Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Professional Employment Test, 12th MMY
Profile of Adaptation to Life--Clinical Scale, 9th MMY
Profile of Adaptation to Life--Holistic Scale, 9th MMY
Profile of Aptitude for Leadership, 13th MMY
Profile of Creative Abilities, 18th MMY
Profile of Mathematical Skills, 9th MMY
Profile of Mood States, Second Edition, 19th MMY
Profiles of Problem Solving, 13th MMY
ProfileXT Assessment (The), 18th MMY
Program Administration Scale, Second Edition, 20th MMY
Program for Assessing Youth Employment Skills, 9th MMY
Program for the Acquisition of Language with the Severely Impaired, 11th MMY
Program Quality Assessment, 15th MMY
Program Self-Assessment Service, 10th MMY
Programmer Analyst Aptitude Test [One-Hour Version] , 16th MMY
Programmer Analyst Aptitude Test, 11th MMY
Progress Assessment Chart of Social Development, 9th MMY
Progress Evaluation Scales (The), 9th MMY
Progress in English 5-14, 16th MMY
Progressive Achievement Test of Mathematics [Revised], 12th MMY
Progressive Achievement Test of Mathematics, 2nd Edition, 19th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics--Revised, 15th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests in Mathematics, 11th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests in Reading: Comprehension and Vocabulary--Third Edition, 15th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests in Reading: Reading Comprehension and Reading Vocabulary Tests, 11th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests of Listening Comprehension [Revised], 13th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests of Reading [2008 Revision], 19th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests of Reading [Revised], 12th MMY
Progressive Achievement Tests of Study Skills, 9th MMY
Project Implementation Profile, 13th MMY
Project Leader Skills Evaluation, 16th MMY
Project Management Knowledge & Skills Assessment, 14th MMY
Projective Assessment of Aging Method, 9th MMY
Proof-Reading Tests of Spelling, 9th MMY
Prosody-Voice Screening Profile, 12th MMY
Prospector: Discovering the Ability to Learn and to Lead, 14th MMY
Prout-Strohmer Personality Inventory, 11th MMY
PSC Survey-SA, 13th MMY
PSC-Survey ADT, 13th MMY
PSI Basic Skills Tests for Business, Industry, and Government, 9th MMY
PST-100SV and PST-80SV Public Safety Telecommunicator Tests, 18th MMY
PSUP 1.1, 2.1, and 3.1 Police Supervisor Tests (Corporal/Sergeant), 18th MMY
Psychap Inventory (The), 11th MMY
PsychEval Personality Questionnaire, 18th MMY
Psychiatric Content Analysis and Diagnosis, 14th MMY
Psychiatric Diagnostic Interview--Revised, 11th MMY
Psychiatric Diagnostic Screening Questionnaire, 16th MMY
Psycho-Educational Battery, 9th MMY
Psycho-Epistemological Profile, 9th MMY
Psychoeducational Evaluation of the Preschool Child: A Manual Utilizing the Haeussermann Approach, 9th MMY
Psychoeducational Profile Revised, 12th MMY
Psychoeducational Profile: TEACCH Individualized Psychoeducational Assessment for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders-Third Edition, 17th MMY
Psycholinguistic Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Psychological Capital Questionnaire, 21st MMY
Psychological Distress Profile, 21st MMY
Psychological Processing Checklist--Revised, 18th MMY
Psychological Processing Checklist, 16th MMY
Psychological Screening Inventory-2, 21st MMY
Psychological Screening Inventory, 9th MMY
Psychological Stimulus Response Test, 9th MMY
Psychopathic Personality Inventory-Revised, 17th MMY
Psychosocial Adjustment to Illness Scale, 10th MMY
Psychosocial Evaluation & Threat Risk Assessment, 17th MMY
Psychosocial Pain Inventory [Revised], 14th MMY
Psychotherapy Outcome Kit (Including Quality of Emotional Life Self-Report), 14th MMY
PsychProfiler, 18th MMY
Psypercept-170, 15th MMY
PTSD and Suicide Screener, 20th MMY
Pupil Rating Scale Revised: Screening for Learning Disabilities (The), 9th MMY
Putney Auditory Comprehension Screening Test, 17th MMY
Pyramid Scales (The), 10th MMY
Pyramids and Palm Trees Test, 17th MMY


Quality of Life Enjoyment and Satisfaction Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Quality of Life Inventory, 14th MMY
Quality of Life Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Quality of School Life Scale, 9th MMY
Quality Potential Assessment, 14th MMY
Queensland University Aphasia and Language Test, 9th MMY
Quest, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Questionnaire Measure of Individual Differences in Achieving Tendency (A), 10th MMY
Questionnaire Measure of Stimulus Screening and Arousability, 9th MMY
Questionnaire Measure of Trait Arousability (Or Its Converse, Stimulus Screening), 13th MMY
Questionnaire On Resources and Stress, 11th MMY
QUIC Tests, 11th MMY
Quick Cognitive Inventory, 11th MMY
Quick Informal Assessment, 13th MMY
Quick Informal Assessment, Fourth Edition, 21st MMY
Quick Interactive Language Screener™, 21st MMY
Quick Language Assessment Inventory, 9th MMY
Quick Neurological Screening Test-3rd Edition, Revised, 21st MMY
Quick Neurological Screening Test, 2nd Revised Edition, 14th MMY
Quick Neurological Screening Test, 3rd Edition, 19th MMY
Quick Neurological Screening Test, Revised Edition, 9th MMY
Quick Phonics Survey, 12th MMY
Quick Picture Reading Test, 19th MMY
Quick Score Achievement Test, 10th MMY
Quick Screen of Phonology, 12th MMY
Quick Spelling Inventory, 11th MMY
Quickscreen, 9th MMY
Quickview Social History, 13th MMY


Racial Attitude Survey, 16th MMY
Racial Attitude Test, 11th MMY
Rahim Organizational Conflict Inventories, 10th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Health Care Reading Test, 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Machinist Test, 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Mechanic Evaluation Test, 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Office Arithmetic Test, 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Office Reading Test, 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Reading Electrical Drawings & Schematics, 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Reading Prints & Drawings., 13th MMY
Ramsay Corporation Job Skills--Supervisory Reading Test, 13th MMY
RAND-36 Health Status Inventory, 14th MMY
Randt Memory Test, 10th MMY
Rapid Automatized Naming and Rapid Alternating Stimulus Tests, 17th MMY
Rapid Exam for Early Referral, 9th MMY
Rating Inventory for Screening Kindergartners (A), 12th MMY
Rating of Behavior Scale, 9th MMY
Rating Scale of Communication in Cognitive Decline, 12th MMY
Rating Scale of Impairment, 21st MMY
Raven's Progressive Matrices 2, Clinical Edition, 21st MMY
REACH Survey, 21st MMY
Reading Ability Series, 11th MMY
Reading and Arithmetic Indexes, 15th MMY
Reading Comprehension Battery for Aphasia, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Reading Comprehension Inventory, 11th MMY
Reading Comprehension Test DE, 10th MMY
Reading Evaluation Adult Diagnosis (Revised), 11th MMY
Reading Evaluation Adult Diagnosis, Fifth Edition, 14th MMY
Reading Evaluation and Diagnostic Screen, 10th MMY
Reading Fluency Indicator, 17th MMY
Reading GOALS Series for Adult Basic Education, 21st MMY
Reading Progress Tests, 17th MMY
Reading Readiness Inventory, 9th MMY
Reading Style Inventory 2000, 16th MMY
Reading Style Inventory, 11th MMY
Reading Test AD, 10th MMY
Reading Test SR-A and SR-B, 10th MMY
Reading Yardsticks, 9th MMY
Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory, Revised, 11th MMY
Reading-Free Vocational Interest Inventory: 2, 15th MMY
Reading-Level Indicator, 15th MMY
Reading/Everyday Activities in Life, 9th MMY
Ready to Learn: A Dyslexia Screener, 17th MMY
Reality Check Survey, 12th MMY
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test [2000 Edition], 15th MMY
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test-Spanish-Bilingual Edition, 16th MMY
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test–4: Spanish-Bilingual Edition, 19th MMY
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 10th MMY
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test, 4th Edition, 19th MMY
Receptive One-Word Picture Vocabulary Test: Upper Extension, 11th MMY
Receptive Oral Language Inventory, 14th MMY
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Receptive-Expressive Emergent Language Test, Third Edition, 16th MMY
Receptive, Expressive & Social Communication Assessment-Elementary, 21st MMY
Recognition Memory Test, 10th MMY
Recovery Attitude and Treatment Evaluator, 14th MMY
REHAB: Rehabilitation Evaluation Hall and Baker, 14th MMY
Rehabilitation Checklist, 15th MMY
Rehabilitation Compliance Scale, 14th MMY
Rehabilitation Survey of Problems and Coping, 16th MMY
Reid Report, 12th MMY
Reiss Motivation Profile for Self-Discovery, 21st MMY
Reiss-Epstein-Gursky Anxiety Sensitivity Index, 11th MMY
Relating to Each Other: A Questionnaire for Students, 13th MMY
Relating with Colleagues: A Questionnaire for Faculty Members, 13th MMY
Renfrew Bus Story (The), 14th MMY
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status, 14th MMY
Repeatable Battery for the Assessment of Neuropsychological Status Update, 19th MMY
Report Completion Exercise for Firefighter, Police Officer, and Correctional Officer, 18th MMY
Resiliency Scales for Children & Adolescents, 18th MMY
Responsibility and Independence Scale for Adolescents, 12th MMY
Retail Sales Evaluation, 19th MMY
Retirement Activities Card Sort Planning Kit, 13th MMY
Reversals Frequency Test (The), 11th MMY
Revised Behavior Problem Checklist, 11th MMY
Revised Behavior Problem Checklist, 9th MMY
Revised Beta Examination, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Revised BRIGANCE Diagnostic Inventory of Early Development, 12th MMY
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale, 10th MMY
Revised Children's Manifest Anxiety Scale: Second Edition, 18th MMY
Revised Denver Prescreening Developmental Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Revised Edinburgh Functional Communication Profile, 12th MMY
Revised Evaluating Acquired Skills in Communication, 12th MMY
Revised Hamilton Rating Scale for Depression, 13th MMY
Revised IDEA Feedback for Administrators System, 20th MMY
Revised IDEA Feedback for Department Chairs System, 20th MMY
Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board Test, 9th MMY
Revised Minnesota Paper Form Board Test, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Revised NEO Personality Inventory (U.K. Edition), 20th MMY
Revised NEO Personality Inventory me, 12th MMY
Revised Pre-Reading Screening Procedures, 9th MMY
Revised PSB--Aptitude for Practical Nursing Examination, 13th MMY
Revised PSB--Health Occupations Aptitude Examination, 13th MMY
Revised PSB--Nursing School Aptitude Examination (R. N.), 13th MMY
Revised PSB--Reading Comprehension Examination, 13th MMY
Revised Token Test, 9th MMY
Rey Auditory Verbal Learning Test: A Handbook, 14th MMY
Rey Complex Figure Test and Recognition Trial, 14th MMY
Reynell Developmental Language Scales [U.S. Edition], 12th MMY
Reynell Developmental Language Scales III: The University of Reading Edition [British Edition], 14th MMY
Reynell Developmental Language Scales, 9th MMY
Reynell-Zinkin Scales, 9th MMY
Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test-Nonverbal, 21st MMY
Reynolds Adaptable Intelligence Test, 20th MMY
Reynolds Adolescent Adjustment Screening Inventory, 15th MMY
Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-2nd Edition, 16th MMY
Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale-2nd Edition: Short Form, 18th MMY
Reynolds Adolescent Depression Scale, 11th MMY
Reynolds Bully-Victimization Scales for Schools, 16th MMY
Reynolds Child Depression Scale-2nd Edition and Short Form, 19th MMY
Reynolds Child Depression Scale, 11th MMY
Reynolds Depression Screening Inventory, 14th MMY
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales and the Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, 16th MMY
Reynolds Intellectual Assessment Scales, Second Edition and Reynolds Intellectual Screening Test, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Reynolds Interference Task, 21st MMY
Rhode Island Profile of Early Learning Behavior, 9th MMY
Rhode Island Test of Language Structure, 10th MMY
Richmond Tests of Basic Skills: Edition 2, 11th MMY
Riley Inventory of Basic Learning Skills, 12th MMY
Risk Inventory and Strengths Evaluation, 21st MMY
Risk Type Compass, 21st MMY
Risk-Sophistication-Treatment Inventory, 17th MMY
Rivermead Assessment of Somatosensory Performance, 17th MMY
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test [Second Edition] (The), 14th MMY
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-Extended Version, 17th MMY
Rivermead Behavioural Memory Test-Third Edition (The), 20th MMY
Rivermead Perceptual Assessment Battery, 11th MMY
Riverside Curriculum Assessment System, 13th MMY
Riverside Early Assessments of Learning, 20th MMY
Roberts Apperception Test for Children [with new Interpretive Handbook], 14th MMY
Roberts Apperception Test for Children, 9th MMY
Roberts-2, 18th MMY
Rockford Infant Developmental Evaluation, 9th MMY
Roeder Manipulative Aptitude Test, 12th MMY
Rogers Criminal Responsibility Assessment Scales, 10th MMY
Rokeach Value Survey, 12th MMY
Roll Evaluation of Activities of Life (The), 20th MMY
Rorschach Performance Assessment System, 21st MMY
Rorschach, 14th MMY
Rosenzweig Picture-Frustration Study, 9th MMY
Ross Information Processing Assessment--Geriatric, 14th MMY
Ross Information Processing Assessment--Primary, 15th MMY
Ross Information Processing Assessment-Geriatric: Second Edition, 20th MMY
Ross Information Processing Assessment, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Ross Test of Higher Cognitive Processes, 9th MMY
Roswell-Chall Auditory Blending Test, 14th MMY
Roswell-Chall Diagnostic Reading Test of Word Analysis Skills, 9th MMY
Roswell-Chall Diagnostic Reading Test of Word Analysis Skills, Revised and Extended, 14th MMY
Rothwell Miller Interest Blank (Revised), 13th MMY
Rothwell Miller Values Blank, 14th MMY
Rotter Incomplete Sentences Blank, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Ruff 2 & 7 Selective Attention Test, 15th MMY
Ruff Figural Fluency Test, 15th MMY
Ruff Neurobehavioral Inventory, 16th MMY
Ruff-Light Trail Learning Test, 15th MMY
Rust Advanced Numerical Reasoning Appraisal, 16th MMY
Rust Inventory of Schizotypal Cognitions, 13th MMY


16PF Adolescent Personality Questionnaire, 15th MMY
16PF Select, 15th MMY
S-D Primary ESL Inventory (The), 9th MMY
Safe and Civil Schools' Climate and Safety Surveys, 21st MMY
Safran Student's Interest Inventory, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Sales Achievement Predictor, 14th MMY
Sales Aptitude Test, 15th MMY
Sales Attitudes Check List, 9th MMY
Sales Motivation Inventory, Revised, 11th MMY
Sales Motivation Inventory, Revised, 9th MMY
Sales Motivation Survey, 14th MMY
Sales Personality Questionnaire, 12th MMY
Sales Potential Inventory, 17th MMY
Sales Skills Test, 16th MMY
Sales Staff Selector, 10th MMY
Sales Style Indicator , 13th MMY
Sales Transaction Audit, 14th MMY
SalesMax System Internet Version, 15th MMY
SalesMax, 19th MMY
Salesperson Personality Profile, 19th MMY
Salience Inventory (The), 11th MMY
Santostefano Tests of Cognitive Control, 9th MMY
SAQ-Adult Probation [Substance Abuse Questionnaire], 12th MMY
SAQ-Adult Probation III, 14th MMY
SASB [Structural Analysis of Social Behavior] Intrex Questionnaires, 15th MMY
SAT (see College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test), 9th MMY
Scale for Assessing Emotional Disturbance, 14th MMY
Scale for the Assessment of Negative Symptoms, 12th MMY
Scale for the Assessment of Positive Symptoms, 12th MMY
Scale of Feelings and Behavior of Love, 9th MMY
Scale of Marriage Problems: Revised, 14th MMY
Scale of Social Development, 11th MMY
Scaled Curriculum Achievement Levels Test, 12th MMY
Scales for Assessing Emotional Disturbance-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Scales for Diagnosing Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, 15th MMY
Scales for Effective Teaching (The), 13th MMY
Scales for Identifying Gifted Students, 17th MMY
Scales for Predicting Successful Inclusion, 14th MMY
Scales For Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students, 9th MMY
Scales for Rating the Behavioral Characteristics of Superior Students-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Scales of Adult Independence, Language and Recall, 14th MMY
Scales of Cognitive Ability for Traumatic Brain Injury, 13th MMY
Scales of Cognitive and Communicative Ability for Neurorehabilitation, 20th MMY
Scales of Early Communication Skills for Hearing-Impaired Children, 12th MMY
Scales of Independent Behavior--Revised, 14th MMY
SCAN-3 for Adolescents and Adults: Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders, 18th MMY
SCAN-3 for Children: Tests for Auditory Processing Disorders, 18th MMY
SCAN-A: A Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Adolescents and Adults, 13th MMY
SCAN-C: Test for Auditory Processing Disorders in Children-Revised, 16th MMY
SCAN: A Screening Test for Auditory Processing Disorders, 11th MMY
SCC Clerical Skills Series, 9th MMY
Scenotest: A Practical Technique for Understanding Unconscious Problems and Personality Structure, 15th MMY
SCERTS Model (The): A Comprehensive Educational Approach for Children with Autism Spectrum Disorders, 21st MMY
Schaie-Thurstone Adult Mental Abilities Test, 10th MMY
Schedule for Affective Disorders and Schizophrenia, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Schedule for Nonadaptive and Adaptive Personality, 14th MMY
Schedule of Growing Skills (The), 11th MMY
Schedule of Growing Skills: Second Edition, 15th MMY
Schedule of Recent Experience (The), 10th MMY
Scholastic Abilities Test for Adults, 12th MMY
Scholastic Aptitude Scale, 11th MMY
Scholastic Aptitude Test (see College Board Scholastic Aptitude Test), 9th MMY
School and College Ability Tests, Series III, 9th MMY
School Archival Records Search, 13th MMY
School Assessment Survey, 12th MMY
School Attitude Measure, Second Edition, 11th MMY
School Behavior Checklist, 9th MMY
School Behaviours Rating Scale, 20th MMY
School Effectiveness Questionnaire, 13th MMY
School Environment Preference Survey, 10th MMY
School Function Assessment, 14th MMY
School Motivation and Learning Strategies Inventory, 18th MMY
School Problem Screening Inventory, 9th MMY
School Readiness Test, 12th MMY
School Readiness Test, Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
School Situation Survey, 12th MMY
School Social Behavior Scales, 13th MMY
School Social Behavior Scales, Second Edition, 16th MMY
School Social Skills Rating Scale, 12th MMY
School-Age Care Environment Rating Scale, 14th MMY
School/Home Observation and Referral System, 9th MMY
SCID Screen Patient Questionnaire and SCID Scan Patient Questionnaire Extended, 15th MMY
Science Assessment Series 1 and 2, 16th MMY
Science: Thinking with Evidence, 20th MMY
Scientific Orientation Test, 14th MMY
SCL-90-R, 9th MMY
Scorable Self-Care Evaluation (Revised), 14th MMY
SCREEN [Senf-Comrey Ratings of Extra Educational Need], 11th MMY
Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary and Middle School Students, Third Edition, 21st MMY
Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students--Primary, 12th MMY
Screening Assessment for Gifted Elementary Students, 10th MMY
Screening Children for Related Early Educational Needs, 11th MMY
Screening Instrument for Targeting Educational Risk, 12th MMY
Screening Test for Auditory Perception, 9th MMY
Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Screening Test for Developmental Apraxia of Speech, 11th MMY
Screening Test for Educational Prerequisite Skills, 12th MMY
Screening Test for the Luria-Nebraska Neuropsychological Battery: Adult and Children's Forms, 11th MMY
Screening Test of Adolescent Language, 9th MMY
Search Institute Profiles of Student Life, 11th MMY
Search Institute Profiles of Student Life: Attitudes and Behaviors, 15th MMY
SEARCH-A Scanning Instrument for the Identification of Potential Learning Disability, Second Edition, Expanded, 9th MMY
Second Language Oral Test of English, 11th MMY
Secondary & College Reading Inventory, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Secondary Level of English Proficiency Test, 9th MMY
Secondary School Admission Test, 11th MMY
Secondary Screening Profiles, 15th MMY
SEED Developmental Profiles, 9th MMY
Seeking of Noetic Goals Test (The), 9th MMY
Selby MillSmith Adaptive Ability Tests, 13th MMY
Selby MillSmith Values Indices, 14th MMY
SELECT Associate Screening System, 14th MMY
SELECT Associate Screening System, 19th MMY
SELF (Self-Concept Evaluation of Location Form), 9th MMY
Self Directed Search (The), 9th MMY
Self Image Profiles, 15th MMY
Self Worth Inventory, 13th MMY
Self-Actualization Inventory, 9th MMY
Self-Appraisal Questionnaire, 17th MMY
Self-Assessment in Writing Skills, 12th MMY
Self-Awareness Profile, 11th MMY
Self-Description Inventory, 9th MMY
Self-Description Questionnaire--I, II, III, 13th MMY
Self-Determination Assessment Internet, 20th MMY
Self-Directed Search--Second Australian Edition, 15th MMY
Self-Directed Search, 4th Edition [Forms R, E, and CP], 13th MMY
Self-Directed Search, 4th Edition [Forms R, E, and CP], 14th MMY
Self-Directed Search, 5th Edition [Form R], 20th MMY
Self-Esteem Assessment, 19th MMY
Self-Esteem Index, 11th MMY
Self-Interview Inventory, 15th MMY
Self-Motivated Career Planning, 11th MMY
Self-Motivated Career Planning, 9th MMY
Self-Perception Inventory, 9th MMY
Self-Perception Inventory: Nursing Forms, 11th MMY
Self-Perception Profile for College Students, 11th MMY
Self-Perceptions Inventory [1999 Revision], 15th MMY
Self-Perceptions of Adolescents, 18th MMY
Self-Perceptions of Adults, 18th MMY
Self-Perceptions of Children, 18th MMY
Self-Perceptions of School Administrators, 18th MMY
Self-Perceptions of University Instructors, 18th MMY
Self-Report Psychopathy Scale 4th Edition, 21st MMY
Senior Apperception Technique [1985 Revision] (The), 13th MMY
Senior High Assessment of Reading Performance, 9th MMY
Sensory Evaluation Kit, 13th MMY
Sensory Integration and Praxis Tests, 12th MMY
Sensory Integration Inventory--Revised for Individuals with Developmental Disabilities, 14th MMY
Sensory Processing Measure–Preschool, 19th MMY
Sensory Processing Measure, 18th MMY
Sensory Profile School Companion, 18th MMY
Sensory Profile, 16th MMY
Sensory Profile, Second Edition, 20th MMY
Sentence Completion Series, 14th MMY
Sentence Comprehension Test, Experimental Edition, 9th MMY
Sentence Comprehension Test, Revised Edition, 11th MMY
Sentence Imitation Screening Tests, 9th MMY
Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development, 9th MMY
Sequenced Inventory of Communication Development, Revised Edition, 10th MMY
Sequential Assessment of Mathematics Inventories: Standardized Inventory, 11th MMY
Sequential Tests of Educational Progress, Series III, 9th MMY
Service Ability Inventory, 17th MMY
Service Animal Adaptive Intervention Assessment, 15th MMY
ServiceFirst, 14th MMY
Severe Cognitive Impairment Profile, 14th MMY
Severe Impairment Battery, 17th MMY
Severity and Acuity of Psychiatric Illness Scales--Adult Version (The), 14th MMY
Sex Attitudes Survey and Profile, 9th MMY
Sex Knowledge Inventory, 9th MMY
Sex-Role Egalitarianism Scale, 13th MMY
Sexual Adjustment Inventory, 14th MMY
Sexual Communication Inventory (The), 9th MMY
Sexual Concerns Checklist, Experimental (The), 9th MMY
Sexual Violence Risk-20, 15th MMY
SF-36 Health Survey, 14th MMY
Shapiro Control Inventory, 13th MMY
Shaywitz DyslexiaScreen, 21st MMY
Sheltered Employment Work Experience Program, 9th MMY
Shipley Institute of Living Scale, 11th MMY
Shipley-2, 18th MMY
Shoplifting Inventory, 14th MMY
Short Category Test, Booklet Format, 11th MMY
Short Employment Tests (The), 9th MMY
Short Employment Tests, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Short Imaginal Processes Inventory, 9th MMY
Short Parallel Assessments of Neuropsychological Status, 20th MMY
Shortened Edinburgh Reading Test, 14th MMY
Sigma Survey for Police Officers, 16th MMY
Sigma Survey for Sales Professionals, 16th MMY
Sigma Survey for Security Officers, 16th MMY
Signals Listening Test, 10th MMY
Signposts Early Assessment System, 16th MMY
Silver Drawing Test of Cognition and Emotion [Third Edition Revised], 14th MMY
Simons Measurements of Music Listening, 9th MMY
Singer-Loomis Inventory of Personality, Experimental Edition (The), 10th MMY
Singer-Loomis Type Deployment Inventory , 14th MMY
Single and Double Simultaneous (Face-Hand) Stimulation Test (The), 9th MMY
Single Word Spelling Test, 16th MMY
SIPOAS: Styles in Perception of Affect Scale, 14th MMY
Situation Diagnosis Questionnaire, 10th MMY
Situational Confidence Questionnaire, 13th MMY
Situational Leadership, 9th MMY
Situational Outlook Questionnaire, 18th MMY
Situational Parenting, 9th MMY
Six Factor Personality Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Six Inventories to Assess Affective Impact of Basic Skills Instructional Programs, 9th MMY
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Sixteen Personality Factor Questionnaire, Fifth Edition, 12th MMY
Skills and Attributes Inventory, 9th MMY
Skills Assessment Module, 11th MMY
Skills Confidence Inventory, Revised Edition, 18th MMY
Skills for Independent Living, 9th MMY
Skills Inventory for Parents, 9th MMY
Skills Inventory for Teams, 13th MMY
SkillScan for Management Development, 14th MMY
SKILLSCOPE for Managers, 12th MMY
Sklar Aphasia Scale, Revised 1983, 10th MMY
Sleep Disorders Inventory for Students, 19th MMY
Slingerland College-Level Screening for the Identification of Language Learning Strengths and Weaknesses, 12th MMY
Slingerland Screening Tests for Identifying Children with Specific Language Disability, 9th MMY
Slosson Articulation Language Test with Phonology, 12th MMY
Slosson Full-Range Intelligence Test, 14th MMY
Slosson Intelligence Test [1991 Edition], 12th MMY
Slosson Intelligence Test, 9th MMY
Slosson Oral Reading Test [Revised], 12th MMY
Slosson Test of Reading Readiness, 12th MMY
SLS Screener for Language & Literacy Disorders, 21st MMY
Small Business Assessment, 13th MMY
Smell Identification Test(tm) [Revised], 14th MMY
Smit-Hand Articulation and Phonology Evaluation, 14th MMY
Smith-Johnson Nonverbal Performance Scale, 9th MMY
Snijders-Oomen Non-Verbal Intelligence Scale for Young Children, 9th MMY
Social Adjustment Scale--Self-Report, 15th MMY
Social and Prevocational Information Battery--Revised, 11th MMY
Social and Prevocational Information Battery, 9th MMY
Social Behavior Assessment Inventory, 12th MMY
Social Behavior Assessment, 9th MMY
Social Cognition, 21st MMY
Social Competence and Behavior Evaluation, Preschool Edition, 14th MMY
Social Emotional Assets and Resilience Scales, 19th MMY
Social Language Development Test-Adolescent: Normative Update, 21st MMY
Social Language Development Test-Elementary: Normative Update, 21st MMY
Social Personality and Skills Assessment, 19th MMY
Social Phobia & Anxiety Inventory for Children, 15th MMY
Social Phobia and Anxiety Inventory, 14th MMY
Social Problem-Solving Inventory for Adolescents (The), 18th MMY
Social Problem-Solving Inventory-Revised, 16th MMY
Social Profile, 21st MMY
Social Responsiveness Scale, 17th MMY
Social Responsiveness Scale, Second Edition, 19th MMY
Social Reticence Scale, 11th MMY
Social Skills for Severely Retarded Adults, 9th MMY
Social Skills Improvement System Rating Scales, 18th MMY
Social Skills Inventory, Research Edition, 11th MMY
Social Skills Rating System, 12th MMY
Social Skills Training: Enhancing Social Competence with Children and Adolescents, 16th MMY
Social Styles Analysis, 11th MMY
Social-Emotional Assessment/Evaluation Measure (SEAM(TM)), Research Edition, 20th MMY
Social-Emotional Developmental Age Level, 21st MMY
Social-Emotional Dimension Scale-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Social-Emotional Dimension Scale, 11th MMY
Socio-Sexual Knowledge & Attitudes Test, 9th MMY
Socio-Sexual Knowledge and Attitudes Assessment Tool-Revised, 16th MMY
Softball Skills Test, 12th MMY
Sort-A-Sentence Test, 15th MMY
Sources of Stress Scale [2001 Revision], 15th MMY
Sources of Stress Scale [2006 Revision], 17th MMY
South African Personality Questionnaire, 9th MMY
Southern California Motor Accuracy Test--Revised, 9th MMY
Southern California Ordinal Scales of Development (The), 10th MMY
Southern California Postrotary Nystagmus Test, 9th MMY
Space Relations (Paper Puzzles), 15th MMY
Spadafore Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Rating Scale, 14th MMY
Spadafore Diagnostic Reading Test, 9th MMY
Spanish Assessment of Basic Education, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Spanish Computerized Adaptive Placement Exam (A), 12th MMY
Spanish Reading Inventory, 16th MMY
Spanish Reading Inventory, Second Edition, 20th MMY
Spanish Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test, 11th MMY
Spanish Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory (The), 20th MMY
Spanish/English Reading and Vocabulary Screening, 9th MMY
Spanish/English Reading Comprehension Test [Revised], 15th MMY
Spanish/English Reading Comprehension Test, 9th MMY
SPAR Spelling and Reading Tests, Second Edition, 12th MMY
SPAR Spelling and Reading Tests, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Spatial Awareness Skills Program Test, 15th MMY
Spatial Orientation Memory Test, 11th MMY
Spatial Reasoning, 16th MMY
SPECTRA: Indices of Psychopathology, 21st MMY
SPECTRUM-I: A Test of Adult Work Motivation, 12th MMY
Speech and Language Evaluation Scale, 12th MMY
Speech-Ease Screening Inventory (K--1), 12th MMY
Speed and Capacity of Language Processing Test, 17th MMY
Spelling Performance Evaluation for Language and Literacy, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Spellmaster, 11th MMY
Spellmaster, 9th MMY
Spiritual Well-Being Scale, 12th MMY
Sport Personality Questionnaire, 19th MMY
Spousal Assault Risk Assessment Guide, 15th MMY
SRA Achievement Series, 9th MMY
SRA Achievement Series, Forms 1 and 2, and Survey of Basic Skills, Forms P and Q, 11th MMY
SRA Placement and Counseling Program, 9th MMY
SRA Survival Skills in Reading and Mathematics, 9th MMY
SSIS™Social-Emotional Learning Edition, 21st MMY
Staff Burnout Scale for Health Professionals, 9th MMY
Staffordshire Test of Computation, 1974 Revision (The), 9th MMY
Stamp Behaviour Study Technique, 9th MMY
Standard Timing Model (The), 12th MMY
Standardized Assessment of Miranda Abilities, 20th MMY
Standardized Oral Reading Check Tests, 9th MMY
Standardized Reading Inventory, 10th MMY
Standardized Reading Inventory, Second Edition, 14th MMY
Standardized Test of Computer Literacy and Computer Anxiety Index (Version AZ), Revised, 10th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test [1982 Edition], 9th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test--Abbreviated Version--8th Edition, 12th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test, Ninth Edition, 13th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test, Tenth Edition, 16th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test: Listening Comprehension Tests [1982 Edition], 9th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test: Mathematics Tests [1982 Edition], 9th MMY
Stanford Achievement Test: Reading Tests [1982 Edition], 9th MMY
Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test, 9th MMY
Stanford Diagnostic Mathematics Test, Fourth Edition, 13th MMY
Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, 1976 Edition, 9th MMY
Stanford Diagnostic Reading Test, Fourth Edition, 13th MMY
Stanford Early School Achievement Test [1982 Edition], 9th MMY
Stanford Early School Achievement Test, Third Edition, 11th MMY
Stanford English Language Proficiency Test, 17th MMY
Stanford Mental Arithmetic Test, 9th MMY
Stanford Reading First, 18th MMY
Stanford Test of Academic Skills [1982 Edition], 9th MMY
Stanford Writing Assessment Program, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Stanford Writing Assessment Program, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fifth Edition, 16th MMY
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scale, Fourth Edition, 10th MMY
Stanford-Binet Intelligence Scales for Early Childhood, Fifth Edition, 17th MMY
Stanton Inventory (The), 9th MMY
Stanton Survey and the Stanton Survey Phase II (The), 9th MMY
STAR Early Literacy, 15th MMY
Star Early Literacy® [2018 Manual], 21st MMY
STAR Math(r), Version 2.0, 16th MMY
Star Math® [2018 Manual], 21st MMY
STAR Math™, 15th MMY
STAR Reading Test, 2nd Edition, 2014 Update, 21st MMY
STAR Reading Version 2.2, 15th MMY
STAR Reading(tm), 14th MMY
Star Reading® [2018 Manual], 21st MMY
STAR Supplementary Tests of Achievement in Reading, 15th MMY
START--Strategic Assessment of Readiness for Training, 14th MMY
State Trait-Depression Adjective Check Lists, 13th MMY
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory [1996 Edition], 14th MMY
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2, 15th MMY
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory-2: Child and Adolescent, 19th MMY
State-Trait Anger Expression Inventory, Revised Research Edition, 13th MMY
State-Trait Anxiety Inventory, 9th MMY
Steenburgen Diagnostic-Prescriptive Math Program, 9th MMY
Stenographic Skill-Dictation Test, 12th MMY
Stieglitz Informal Reading Inventory: Assessing Reading Behaviors from Emergent to Advanced Levels (The), 13th MMY
STIM/CON: Prognostic Inventory for Misarticulating Kindergarten and First Grade Children, 11th MMY
Stirling Eating Disorder Scales, 16th MMY
Stoelting Brief Nonverbal IntelligenceTest, 15th MMY
Stokes/Gordon Stress Scale, 13th MMY
Store Manager Aptitude Personality & Attitude Profile, 19th MMY
Strength Deployment Inventory, 14th MMY
Stress Analysis System, 10th MMY
Stress Assessment Questionnaire, 19th MMY
Stress Audit, 10th MMY
Stress Impact Scale, 12th MMY
Stress in General Scale, 15th MMY
Stress Index for Parents of Adolescents, 14th MMY
Stress Indicator & Health Planner, 13th MMY
Stress Management Questionnaire, 10th MMY
Stress Profile, 15th MMY
Stress Resiliency Profile, 13th MMY
Stress Response Scale, 11th MMY
Strong Interest Explorer, 18th MMY
Strong Interest Inventory [Fourth Edition], 12th MMY
Strong Interest Inventory [Newly Revised], 18th MMY
Strong Interest Inventory(r) [1994], 15th MMY
Strong Narrative Assessment Procedure, 17th MMY
Strong-Campbell Interest Inventory, 9th MMY
Stroop Color and Word Test [Adult and Children's Versions, Revised], 17th MMY
Stroop Color and Word Test, 9th MMY
Stroop Neuropsychological Screening Test, 11th MMY
Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test, 10th MMY
Structure of Intellect Learning Abilities Test, 9th MMY
Structure of Temperament Questionnaire, 18th MMY
Structured Assessment of Violence Risk in Youth, 18th MMY
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis I Disorders: Clinician Version, 14th MMY
Structured Clinical Interview for DSM-IV Axis II Personality Disorders, 14th MMY
Structured Interview for the Five-Factor Model of Personality, 15th MMY
Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, 12th MMY
Structured Interview of Reported Symptoms, 2nd Edition, 19th MMY
Structured Inventory of Malingered Symptomatology, 17th MMY
Structured Pediatric Psychosocial Interview, 10th MMY
Structured Photographic Articulation Test Featuring Dudsberry, 12th MMY
Structured Photographic Articulation Test II Featuring Dudsberry, 16th MMY
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test--Preschool 2, 18th MMY
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test--Third Edition, 18th MMY
Structured Photographic Expressive Language Test, 9th MMY
Student Adaptation to College Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Student Adjustment Inventory, 12th MMY
Student Behavior Survey, 15th MMY
Student Developmental Task and Lifestyle Inventory, 11th MMY
Student Developmental Task Inventory (Revised, Second Edition), 9th MMY
Student Goals Exploration, 13th MMY
Student Referral Checklist, 11th MMY
Student Rights Scales, 10th MMY
Student Self-Concept Scale, 13th MMY
Student Styles Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Student Talent and Risk Profile, 12th MMY
Student-Teacher Relationship Scale, 15th MMY
Students Typewriting Tests, 9th MMY
Study Attitudes and Methods Survey [Revised Short Form], 14th MMY
Study Habits Evaluation and Instruction Kit, 11th MMY
Study Habits Evaluation and Instruction Kit, 9th MMY
Study of Children's Learning Behaviors, Research Edition, 11th MMY
Study Process Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Stuttering Severity Instrument for Children and Adults, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Stuttering Severity Instrument-Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Style of Learning and Thinking, 11th MMY
Styles of Conflict Inventory, 13th MMY
Styles of Leadership Survey, 12th MMY
Styles of Management Inventory, 12th MMY
Styles of Training Index, 10th MMY
Substance Abuse in Vocational Rehabilitation-Screener2, 20th MMY
Substance Abuse Life Circumstance Evaluation, 14th MMY
Substance Abuse Relapse Assessment, 13th MMY
Substance Abuse Screener in American Sign Language, 20th MMY
Substance Abuse Screening Test, 13th MMY
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory--3, 15th MMY
Substance Abuse Subtle Screening Inventory, 12th MMY
Substance Use Disorder Diagnosis Schedule, 13th MMY
Substance Use Disorder Diagnostic Schedule-5, 20th MMY
Substance Use Disorders Diagnostic Schedule-IV, 15th MMY
Suffolk Reading Scale 2, 16th MMY
Suffolk Reading Scale, 11th MMY
Suicidal Ideation Questionnaire, 11th MMY
Suicide Assessment Manual for Inmates, 21st MMY
Suicide Probability Scale, 9th MMY
SUP'R Star Profiles, 13th MMY
Supervisory Behavior Description Questionnaire, 15th MMY
Supervisory Communication Relations, 11th MMY
Supervisory Human Relations, 11th MMY
Supervisory Inventory on Communication, 9th MMY
Supervisory Inventory on Safety, 9th MMY
Supervisory Profile Record, 11th MMY
Supplementary Spelling Assessments, 19th MMY
Supports Intensity Scale-Adult Version, 21st MMY
Supports Intensity Scale-Children's Version, 21st MMY
Supports Intensity Scale, 16th MMY
Surgical Weight Loss Psychological Screening, 19th MMY
Survey of Basic Competencies, 9th MMY
Survey of Employee Access, 12th MMY
Survey of Functional Adaptive Behaviors, 11th MMY
Survey of Organizational Climate, 11th MMY
Survey of Organizational Culture, 11th MMY
Survey of Organizational Stress, 11th MMY
Survey of Organizations, 13th MMY
Survey of Pain Attitudes, 18th MMY
Survey of Personal Values, 10th MMY
Survey of Student Opinion of Instruction, 10th MMY
Survey of Teenage Readiness and Neurodevelopmental Status, 16th MMY
Survey of Work Styles, 13th MMY
Survey of Work Values, Revised, Form U, 12th MMY
Surveys of Problem-Solving and Educational Skills, 11th MMY
Sutter-Eyberg Student Behavior Inventory, 11th MMY
Swallowing Ability and Function Evaluation, 16th MMY
Swanson-Cognitive Processing Test, 13th MMY
Swassing-Barbe Modality Index, 9th MMY
Symbol Imagery Test, 19th MMY
Symbolic Play Test, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Symptom Assessment-45 Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Symptom Checklist-90-Revised, 9th MMY
Symptom Scale--77, 14th MMY
Syntax One, 9th MMY
Syntax Two, 9th MMY
System of Multicultural Pluralistic Assessment, 9th MMY
System to Plan Early Childhood Services, 12th MMY
Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts 16 (SALT 16), 21st MMY
Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts 2010 Bilingual SE Version, 19th MMY
Systematic Analysis of Language Transcripts 2010 English Version, 19th MMY
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders, 13th MMY
Systematic Screening for Behavior Disorders, Second Edition, 21st MMY
Systems Programming Aptitude Test, 10th MMY


3-R's Test (The), 9th MMY
T. A. Survey, 9th MMY
T. M. R. School Competency Scales, 9th MMY
Tapping Students' Science Beliefs: A Resource for Teaching and Learning, 13th MMY TARC Assessment System (The), 11th MMY
TAPS-4: A Language Processing Skills Assessment, 21st MMY
Target Mathematics Tests, 14th MMY
Task Assessment for Prescriptive Teaching, 9th MMY
Tasks of Executive Control, 19th MMY
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis [1992 Edition], 13th MMY
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis [1992 Edition], 14th MMY
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis(r) [2002 Edition], 16th MMY
Taylor-Johnson Temperament Analysis¨ [2012 Edition], 20th MMY
TD (Tardive Dyskinesia) Monitor, 15th MMY
Teacher Assessment of Grammatical Structures, 10th MMY
Teacher Attitude Inventory: Identifying Teacher Positions in Relation to Educational Issues and Decisions (A), 10th MMY
Teacher Evaluation Rating Scales, 11th MMY
Teacher Evaluation Scale, 12th MMY
Teacher Observation Scales for Identifying Children with Special Abilities, 14th MMY
Teacher Performance Assessment, 15th MMY
Teacher Role Survey (Revised), 10th MMY
Teacher Stress Inventory, 11th MMY
Teacher's Handbook of Diagnostic Screening, Second Edition, 9th MMY
Teacher's School Readiness Inventory, 12th MMY
Teaching Pyramid Infant-Toddler Observation Scale for Infant-Toddler Classrooms, Research Edition, 21st MMY
Teaching Pyramid Observation Tool for Preschool Classrooms, Research Edition, 20th MMY
Team Development Survey, 13th MMY
Team Effectiveness and Meeting Strategy, 10th MMY
Team Effectiveness Survey, 12th MMY
Team Leadership Practices Inventory (The), 13th MMY
Team Process Diagnostic, 11th MMY
Team Skills (Form A-C), 17th MMY
Team Skills (Form AR-C), 19th MMY
Team vs. Individual Orientation Test, 19th MMY
Teamness Index, 11th MMY
Teamwork Skills Inventory, 20th MMY
Teamwork-KSA Test, 15th MMY
Technical Test Battery, 11th MMY
Technician Electrical Test--Form A2, 13th MMY
Technician Mechanical Test--Form A2, 13th MMY
Teele Inventory for Multiple Intelligences, 16th MMY
Telephone Interview for Cognitive Status, 16th MMY
TEMAS (Tell-Me-A-Story), 11th MMY
Temperament and Atypical Behavior Scale, 16th MMY
Temperament and Values Inventory, 9th MMY
Temperament Assessment Battery for Children, 11th MMY
Temperament Comparator, 9th MMY
Temperament Inventory, 9th MMY
Temple University Short Syntax Inventory, 12th MMY
Tennessee Self-Concept Scale, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Tennis Skills Test Manual, 12th MMY
TerraNova, 14th MMY
TerraNova, The Second Edition, 16th MMY
TerraNova, Third Edition, 18th MMY
Test Anxiety Profile, 9th MMY
Test Attitude Inventory, 9th MMY
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language--Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language--Third Edition, 14th MMY
Test for Auditory Comprehension of Language, Revised Edition, 10th MMY
Test for Creative Thinking--Drawing Production, 14th MMY
Test for Examining Expressive Morphology, 10th MMY
Test for Reception of Grammar Version 2, 20th MMY
Test for the Reception of Grammar, 15th MMY
Test of Academic Achievement Skills--Reading, Arithmetic, Spelling, and Listening Comprehension, 13th MMY
Test of Academic Performance, 13th MMY
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language, Fourth Edition, 18th MMY
Test of Adolescent and Adult Language, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Adolescent Language, 9th MMY
Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding-Second Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Adolescent/Adult Word Finding, 12th MMY
Test of Articulation in Context, 14th MMY
Test of Attitude Toward School, 11th MMY
Test of Auditory Analysis Skills, 11th MMY
Test of Auditory Comprehension, 9th MMY
Test of Auditory Processing Skills 3: Spanish-Bilingual Edition, 19th MMY
Test of Auditory Processing Skills--Third Edition, 18th MMY
Test of Auditory-Perceptual Skills, 13th MMY
Test of Awareness of Language Segments, 11th MMY
Test of Childhood Stuttering, 18th MMY
Test of Children's Language: Assessing Aspects of Spoken Language, Reading, and Writing, 14th MMY
Test of Children's Learning Ability--Individual Version, 9th MMY
Test of Cognitive Skills, 9th MMY
Test of Cognitive Skills, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Cognitive Style in Mathematics, 12th MMY
Test of Early Communication and Emerging Language, 20th MMY
Test of Early Language Development--Third Edition: Spanish Version, 18th MMY
Test of Early Language Development-Fourth Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Early Language Development, 9th MMY
Test of Early Language Development, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Test of Early Language Development, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Test of Early Learning Skills, 9th MMY
Test of Early Mathematics Ability, 9th MMY
Test of Early Mathematics Ability, Second Edition, 11th MMY
Test of Early Mathematics Ability, Third Edition, 16th MMY
Test of Early Reading Ability--2, 11th MMY
Test of Early Reading Ability--Deaf or Hard of Hearing, 12th MMY
Test of Early Reading Ability--Fourth Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Early Reading Ability, 9th MMY
Test of Early Reading Ability, Third Edition, 15th MMY
Test of Early Written Language-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Early Written Language, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Economic Achievement, 9th MMY
Test of Economic Knowledge, 11th MMY
Test of Economic Literacy, 9th MMY
Test of Economic Literacy, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Test of Economic Literacy, Third Edition, 15th MMY
Test of English as a Foreign Language, 9th MMY
Test of English for International Communication (TOEIC), 11th MMY
Test of English Proficiency Level, 11th MMY
Test of Enquiry Skills, 9th MMY
Test of Everyday Attention for Children, 17th MMY
Test of Everyday Attention, 17th MMY
Test of Everyday Reasoning (The), 18th MMY
Test of Expressive Language, 20th MMY
Test of General Reasoning Ability, 20th MMY
Test of Grammatically Correct Spanish/English, Written and Oral, 9th MMY
Test of Gross Motor Development--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Test of Gross Motor Development--Third Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Handwriting Skills--Revised, 18th MMY
Test of Individual Needs in Reading and Red Fox Supplement, 9th MMY
Test of Infant Motor Performance (The), 19th MMY
Test of Inference Ability in Reading Comprehension, 13th MMY
Test of Information Processing Skills, 19th MMY
Test of Initial Literacy, 11th MMY
Test of Integrated Language and Literacy Skills, 20th MMY
Test of Interpersonal Competence for Employment, 15th MMY
Test of Irregular Word Reading Efficiency, 18th MMY
Test of Kindergarten/First Grade Readiness Skills, 13th MMY
Test of Language Competence--Expanded Edition, 11th MMY
Test of Language Development--2-Intermediate, 11th MMY
Test of Language Development--2-Primary, 11th MMY
Test of Language Development--Intermediate, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Test of Language Development--Primary, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Test of Language Development-Intermediate: Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Language Development-Primary: Fifth Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Language Development-Primary: Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Language Development, 9th MMY
Test of Lateral Awareness and Directionality, 9th MMY
Test of Learning Ability, 12th MMY
Test of Legible Handwriting, 11th MMY
Test of Mathematical Abilities for Gifted Students, 14th MMY
Test of Mathematical Abilities-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Mathematical Abilities, 9th MMY
Test of Mathematical Abilities, Second Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Memory and Learning-Senior Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Memory and Learning, 13th MMY
Test of Memory and Learning, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Test of Memory Malingering, 14th MMY
Test of Minimal Articulation Competence, 9th MMY
Test of Narrative Language--Second Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Narrative Language, 16th MMY
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, 9th MMY
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Fourth Edition, 19th MMY
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Second Edition, 11th MMY
Test of Nonverbal Intelligence, Third Edition, 14th MMY
Test of Oral and Limb Apraxia, 13th MMY
Test of Oral Structures and Functions, 12th MMY
Test of Orientation for Rehabilitation Patients, 13th MMY
Test of Orthographic Competence, 20th MMY
Test of Performance in Computational Skills, 9th MMY
Test of Phonological Awareness in Spanish, 16th MMY
Test of Phonological Awareness Skills, 16th MMY
Test of Phonological Awareness-Second Edition: PLUS, 16th MMY
Test of Phonological Awareness, 13th MMY
Test of Practical Knowledge, 9th MMY
Test of Pragmatic Language-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Pragmatic Language, 12th MMY
Test of Premorbid Functioning, 21st MMY
Test of Preschool Early Literacy, 18th MMY
Test of Preschool Vocabulary, 20th MMY
Test of Pretend Play, 15th MMY
Test of Problem Solving 3: Elementary, 17th MMY
Test of Reading Comprehension-Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Reading Comprehension, 9th MMY
Test of Reading Comprehension, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Relational Concepts, 11th MMY
Test of Scholastic Abilities, 9th MMY
Test of Semantic Reasoning, 21st MMY
Test of Sensory Functions in Infants, 11th MMY
Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Silent Contextual Reading Fluency, 17th MMY
Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Silent Word Reading Fluency, 16th MMY
Test of Spoken English, 9th MMY
Test of Supervisory Skills, 17th MMY
Test of Understanding in College Economics--Fourth Edition, 18th MMY
Test of Understanding in College Economics, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Variables of Attention (Version 7.03), 14th MMY
Test of Variables of Attention (Version 9.0), 21st MMY
Test of Variables of Attention, 13th MMY
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, 3rd Edition, 18th MMY
Test of Visual Perceptual Skills, 4th Edition, 21st MMY
Test of Visual-Motor Integration, 14th MMY
Test of Visual-Motor Skills—3rd Edition, 19th MMY
Test of Visual-Motor Skills, 13th MMY
Test of Visual-Perceptual Skills (Non-Motor), 9th MMY
Test of Word Finding in Discourse, 12th MMY
Test of Word Finding-Third Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Word Finding, 11th MMY
Test of Word Finding, Second Edition, 15th MMY
Test of Word Knowledge, 13th MMY
Test of Word Reading Efficiency-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Word Reading Efficiency, 15th MMY
Test of Written English, 9th MMY
Test of Written Expression, 13th MMY
Test of Written Language--Third Edition, 13th MMY
Test of Written Language-Fourth Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Written Language, 9th MMY
Test of Written Spelling-Fifth Edition, 20th MMY
Test of Written Spelling, 9th MMY
Test of Written Spelling, Fourth Edition, 15th MMY
Test of Written Spelling, Third Edition, 13th MMY
Test on Appraising Observations, 13th MMY
Tests for Everyday Living, 9th MMY
Tests of Achievement and Proficiency, Form T, 9th MMY
Tests of Achievement and Proficiency, Forms K, L, and M, 14th MMY
Tests of Adult Basic Education Work-Related Foundation Skills, 13th MMY
Tests of Adult Basic Education Work-Related Problem Solving, 13th MMY
Tests of Adult Basic Education, Forms 7 & 8, 13th MMY
Tests of Adult Basic Education, Forms 9 & 10, 17th MMY
Tests of General Educational Development [The GED Tests], 11th MMY
Tests of General Educational Development, 9th MMY
Tests of Reading Comprehension, 11th MMY
TestWell: Health Risk Appraisal, 13th MMY
TestWell: Wellness Inventory--College Version, 13th MMY
TestWell: Wellness Inventory, 13th MMY
Texas Functional Living Scale, 18th MMY
Themes Concerning Blacks, 9th MMY
Thinking About My School, 10th MMY
Thinking Creatively in Action and Movement, 9th MMY
Thinking Creatively With Sounds and Words, Research Edition, 9th MMY
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument [2007 Normative Update], 20th MMY
Thomas-Kilmann Conflict Mode Instrument, 10th MMY
Tiffany Control Scales, 14th MMY
Time of Your Life (The), 12th MMY
Time Perception Inventory, 11th MMY
Time Questionnaire: Assessing Suicide Potential, 9th MMY
Time Use Analyzer, 14th MMY
Time-Sample Behavioral Checklist (The), 12th MMY
TMJ Scale, 12th MMY
Toddler and Infant Motor Evaluation, 14th MMY
Toglia Category Assessment (The), 16th MMY
Token Test for Children, 9th MMY
Token Test for Children, Second Edition (The), 18th MMY
Tool Room Attendant, 13th MMY
Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, 9th MMY
Torrance Tests of Creative Thinking, 9th MMY
Total Quality Management Readiness Index, 13th MMY
TotalSDI (Strength Deployment Inventory), 20th MMY
Tower of London--Drexel University, 15th MMY
Tower of London-Drexel University: 2nd Edition, 17th MMY
TPRI, 19th MMY
Trainer's Assessment of Proficiency (TAP), 12th MMY
Trait Pleasure-Displeasure Scale (The), 13th MMY
Transactional Analysis Life Position Survey, 9th MMY
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, 2nd Edition, 18th MMY
Transdisciplinary Play-Based Assessment, Revised Edition, 13th MMY
Transferable Skills Scale, Second Edition, 20th MMY
Transit Operator Selection Inventory, 11th MMY
Transition Behavior Scale-Second Edition, 16th MMY
Transition Behavior Scale, 12th MMY
Transition Competence Battery for Deaf & Hard of Hearing Adolescents and Young Adults, 15th MMY
Transition Planning Inventory (Updated Version), 17th MMY
Transition Planning Inventory-Second Edition, 20th MMY
Transition Planning Inventory, 14th MMY
Transition-to-Work Inventory: A Job Placement System for Workers with Severe disAbilities, 14th MMY
Transitional Assessment, 9th MMY
Trauma and Attachment Belief Scale, 16th MMY
Trauma Assessment Inventories, 17th MMY
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children Screening Form/Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children Screening Form, 21st MMY
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Children, 15th MMY
Trauma Symptom Checklist for Young Children, 17th MMY
Trauma Symptom Inventory-2, 19th MMY
Trauma Symptom Inventory, 14th MMY
Treatment Intervention Inventory, 14th MMY
Tree Bee Test of Auditory Discrimination, 9th MMY
Triage Assessment for Addictive Disorders-5, 20th MMY
Triage Assessment for Addictive Disorders, 15th MMY
Typing Skill Test, 11th MMY
Typing Skill Test, 9th MMY


Understanding and Managing Stress, 12th MMY
Uniform Child Custody Evaluation System, 13th MMY
Uniform Performance Assessment System, 9th MMY
Universal Multidimensional Abilities Scales, 20th MMY
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test-Group Abilities Test, 21st MMY
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test-Second Edition, 21st MMY
Universal Nonverbal Intelligence Test, 14th MMY
University Residence Environment Scale [Revised], 14th MMY
Useful Field of View, 15th MMY
USES Aptitude and Interest Testing Program>br> USES Basic Occupational Literacy Test, 11th MMY
USES General Aptitude Test Battery for the Deaf, 13th MMY
USES General Aptitude Test Battery, 9th MMY
USES Nonreading Aptitude Test Battery, 1982 Edition, 9th MMY
Utah Test of Language Development--3, 11th MMY
Utah Test of Language Development, Fourth Edition, 16th MMY
Utah Test of Language Development, Revised Edition, 9th MMY


Valett Inventory of Critical Thinking Abilities, 9th MMY
Valpar Test of Essential Skills, 16th MMY
Values Inventory, 9th MMY
Values Scale, Second Edition (The), 13th MMY
Verb and Sentence Test, 17th MMY
Verbal Behavior Milestones Assessment and Placement Program, 20th MMY
Verbal Communication Scales, 9th MMY
Verbal Motor Production Assessment for Children, 16th MMY
Verbal Reasoning Tests, 16th MMY
Versant (TM) English Test, 20th MMY
Versant(TM) English Placement Test, 20th MMY
Veterinary College Admission Test, 12th MMY
Victoria Symptom Validity Test, 14th MMY
VIEW: An Assessment of Problem Solving Style, 17th MMY
ViewPoint, 16th MMY
Vigil Continuous Performance Test, 16th MMY
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales-Third Edition, 21st MMY
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 10th MMY
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, 9th MMY
Vineland Adaptive Behavior Scales, Second Edition, 18th MMY
Validity Indicator Profile, 14th MMY
Vineland Social-Emotional Early Childhood Scales, 14th MMY
Visco Child Development Screening Test, 9th MMY
Visual Analog Mood Scales, 15th MMY
Visual Association Test, 16th MMY
Visual Aural Digit Span Test (The), 9th MMY
Visual Motor Assessment, 17th MMY
Visual Object and Space Perception Battery, 17th MMY
Visual Pattern Recognition and Diagnostic Schedule, 9th MMY
Visual Patterns Test, 17th MMY
Visual Perceptual Skills Inventory, 9th MMY
Visual Search and Attention Test, 12th MMY
Visual-Verbal Test, 1981 Edition, 9th MMY
VITAL Checklist and Curriculum Guide, 11th MMY
Voc-Tech Quick Screener, 12th MMY
Vocabulary Assessment Scales-Expressive/Vocabulary Assessment Scales-Receptive, 20th MMY
Vocational Adaptation Rating Scales, 9th MMY
Vocational Assessment and Curriculum Guide, 13th MMY
Vocational Behavior Checklist, 9th MMY
Vocational Decision-Making Interview--Revised, 14th MMY
Vocational Exploration and Insight Kit, 9th MMY
Vocational Integration Index, 14th MMY
Vocational Interest Inventory and Exploration Survey, 12th MMY
Vocational Interest Inventory--Revised, 13th MMY
Vocational Interest Inventory, 9th MMY
Vocational Interest Survey for Australia, 15th MMY
Vocational Interest, Experience and Skill Assessment (VIESA), Canadian Edition, 12th MMY
Vocational Interest, Experience, and Skills Assessment, 9th MMY
Vocational Learning Styles, 12th MMY
Vocational Opinion Index, 9th MMY
Vocational Preference Index, 9th MMY
Vocational Preference Inventory, 1985 Edition, 10th MMY
Vocational Preference Inventory, Seventh Revision, 9th MMY
Vocational Research Interest Inventory, 11th MMY
Vocational Training Screening Test, 9th MMY
Voice Assessment Protocol For Children and Adults (A), 11th MMY
Vulpe Assessment Battery--Revised, 14th MMY


[Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised] Tardor Report Form, 9th MMY
[Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised] WAISR-90 Clinical Report, 9th MMY
[Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised] Tardor Interpretive Scoring System, 9th MMY
[Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised] WISC-90 Clinical Report, 9th MMY
Wachs Analysis of Cognitive Structures, 9th MMY
Wagner Enneagram Personality Style Scales, 15th MMY
Waksman Social Skills Rating Scale, 10th MMY
Walden Structured Analysis and Design Concepts Proficiency Test, 11th MMY
Walker Problem Behavior Identification Checklist, 9th MMY
Walker-McConnell Scale of Social Competence and School Adjustment, 11th MMY
Ward Atmosphere Scale (Third Edition), 14th MMY
Watson-Barker Listening Test--High School Version, 11th MMY
Watson-Barker Listening Test, 10th MMY
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, 9th MMY
Watson-Glaser Critical Thinking Appraisal, Form S, 13th MMY
Ways of Coping Questionnaire, Research Edition, 11th MMY
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence–Second Edition, 19th MMY
Wechsler Abbreviated Scale of Intelligence, 14th MMY
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Fourth Edition, 18th MMY
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Revised, 9th MMY
Wechsler Adult Intelligence Scale--Third Edition, 14th MMY
Wechsler Fundamentals: Academic Skills, 18th MMY
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test--Second Edition Abbreviated, 15th MMY
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test--Second Edition, 15th MMY
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test--Third Edition, 18th MMY
Wechsler Individual Achievement Test, 13th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Fifth Edition, 20th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Fifth Edition, Spanish, 21st MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children--Revised, 9th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fifth Edition, Integrated, 20th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition Integrated, 17th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children-Fourth Edition, 16th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scale for Children, Third Edition, 12th MMY
Wechsler Intelligence Scales for Children--Revised: For the Deaf, 9th MMY
Wechsler Memory Scale III, 14th MMY
Wechsler Memory Scale--Fourth Edition, 18th MMY
Wechsler Memory Scale--Revised, 11th MMY
Wechsler Memory Scale-Third Edition Abbreviated, 16th MMY
Wechsler Memory Scale, 9th MMY
Wechsler Nonverbal Scale of Ability, 18th MMY
Wechsler Objective Language Dimensions, 16th MMY
Wechsler Objective Numerical Dimensions, 16th MMY
Wechsler Objective Reading Dimensions, 16th MMY
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence--Revised, 11th MMY
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence-Third Edition, 16th MMY
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence—Fourth Edition, 19th MMY
Wechsler Preschool and Primary Scale of Intelligence, 9th MMY
Wechsler Test of Adult Reading, 16th MMY
Weidner-Fensch Speech Screening Test, 16th MMY
Weinberg Depression Scale for Children and Adolescents, 14th MMY
Weiss Comprehensive Articulation Test, 9th MMY
Welding Test, 13th MMY
WeldTest (Form AC), 19th MMY
Weller-Strawser Scales of Adaptive Behavior for the Learning Disabled, 10th MMY
Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle [2004 Update], 16th MMY
Wellness Evaluation of Lifestyle, 15th MMY
Welsh Figure Preference Test, 9th MMY
Wepman's Auditory Discrimination Test, Second Edition, 11th MMY
Wessex Head Injury Matrix, 17th MMY
Wessex Revised Portage Language Checklist, 9th MMY
Western Aphasia Battery--Revised, 18th MMY
Western Aphasia Battery, 9th MMY
WH Question Comprehension Test: Exploring the World of WH Question Comprehension for Students With an Autism Spectrum Disorder, 17th MMY
What Do You Say?, 12th MMY
Whitaker Index of Schizophrenic Thinking, 11th MMY
Who Am I?, 15th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test 3, 12th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test 4, 18th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test Fourth Edition Progress Monitoring Version, 18th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test-Expanded Early Reading Assessment, 16th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test-Expanded Edition, 16th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test, 1978 Edition, 9th MMY
Wide Range Achievement Test, Fifth Edition, 21st MMY
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, 11th MMY
Wide Range Assessment of Memory and Learning, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Wide Range Assessment of Visual Motor Abilities, 14th MMY
Wide Range Intelligence Test, 15th MMY
Wide Range Interest and Occupation Test, Second Edition, 16th MMY
Wide Range Interest-Opinion Test, 9th MMY
Wide-Span Reading Test, 10th MMY
Wiesen Test of Mechanical Aptitude (The), 14th MMY
Wiig Assessment of Basic Concepts, 17th MMY
Wiig Criterion Referenced Inventory of Language, 13th MMY
Williams Awareness Sentence Completion, 9th MMY
Winslow Profiles, 19th MMY
WISC-R Split-Half Short Form, 9th MMY
Wisconsin Behavior Rating Scale, 11th MMY
Wisconsin Behavior Rating Scale, 9th MMY
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test--64 Card Version, 15th MMY
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, 9th MMY
Wisconsin Card Sorting Test, Revised and Expanded, 14th MMY
Wisconsin Tests of Reading Skill Development: Comprehension, 9th MMY
WLW Personal Survey, Form 3, 9th MMY
Wonderlic Basic Skills Test, 13th MMY
Wonderlic Personnel Test and Scholastic Level Exam, 14th MMY
Wonderlic Personnel Test, 11th MMY
Wonderlic Personnel Test, 9th MMY
Wood Test of Life Position in Transactional Analysis, 9th MMY
Woodcock Diagnostic Reading Battery, 14th MMY
Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery--Revised, 12th MMY
Woodcock Language Proficiency Battery, 9th MMY
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests--Revised [1998 Normative Update], 14th MMY
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests--Revised, 10th MMY
Woodcock Reading Mastery Tests, Third Edition, 19th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson III(r) Diagnostic Reading Battery, 17th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery--Revised, 12th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery, 9th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson(r) III Diagnostic Supplement to the Tests of Cognitive Abilities, 16th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson(r) III, 15th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson¨ IV Tests of Early Cognitive and Academic Development, 20th MMY
Woodcock-Johnson¨ IV, 20th MMY
Woodcock-McGrew-Werder Mini-Battery of Achievement, 13th MMY
Woodcock-Muñoz Language Survey III, 21st MMY
Woodcock-Munoz Language Survey, 13th MMY
Woodcock-Munoz(tm) Language Survey-Revised, 17th MMY
Word and Number Assessment Inventory, 9th MMY
Word Identification and Spelling Test, 16th MMY
Word Meaning Through Listening, 16th MMY
Word Memory Test (The), 14th MMY
Word Order Comprehension Test, 9th MMY
Word Processor Assessment Battery, 10th MMY
Word Recognition and Phonic Skills, 14th MMY
WORD Test (The), 9th MMY
WORD Test 2: Elementary, 17th MMY
WORD Test 3 Elementary (The), 21st MMY
Wordchains: A Word Reading Test for All Ages, 16th MMY
Work Accident Likelihood Assessment, 19th MMY
Work Adjustment Inventory, 13th MMY
Work Adjustment Scale (The), 13th MMY
Work Aptitude: Profile and Practice Set, 10th MMY
Work Attitudes Questionnaire, Research Version, 9th MMY
Work Elements Inventory, 9th MMY
Work Engagement Profile, 19th MMY
Work Environment Scale, 9th MMY
Work Environment Scale, Second Edition, 12th MMY
Work Experience Survey (The), 14th MMY
Work Integrity Test, 19th MMY
Work Interest Index, 9th MMY
Work Motivation Scale, 21st MMY
Work Orientation and Values Survey, 17th MMY
Work Performance Assessment, 13th MMY
Work Personality Index (2nd Edition), 20th MMY
Work Personality Index, 16th MMY
Work Personality Inventory [Edition 1.0], 20th MMY
Work Personality Profile, 11th MMY
Work Personality Survey, 20th MMY
Work Potential Profile, 15th MMY
Work Profile Questionnaire: Emotional Intelligence, 15th MMY
Work Readiness Inventory, 20th MMY
Work Readiness Profile, 14th MMY
Work Sampling System, Fifth Edition (The), 20th MMY
Work Self-Efficacy Inventory (The), 21st MMY
Work Skills Series Production, 12th MMY
Work Smarts, 20th MMY
Work Temperament Inventory, 13th MMY
Work Values Inventory, 21st MMY
Worker Rehabilitation Questionnaire, 14th MMY
Working Memory Test Battery for Children, 16th MMY
Working Styles Assessment
Working--Assessing Skills, Habits, and Style, 14th MMY
Workplace Skills Survey, 17th MMY
World of Work Inventory, 16th MMY
Worley's ID Profile, 15th MMY
WRITE: Junior and Senior High, 9th MMY
Writing Process Test, 13th MMY
Writing Proficiency Program, 9th MMY
Written Expression Test (The), 10th MMY
Written Language Assessment, 11th MMY
Written Language Syntax Test, 9th MMY


XYZ Inventory, 9th MMY


Y Mathematics Series, 9th MMY
Y-OQ-30.1 [Youth-Outcome Questionnaire-Omni Version], 17th MMY
Y-OQ-SR 2.0 [Youth Outcome Questionnaire-Self Report], 17th MMY
Young Adult Behavior Checklist and Young Adult Self-Report, 14th MMY
Young Children's Achievement Test-Second Edition, 21st MMY
Young Children's Achievement Test, 15th MMY
Youth and Program Strengths Survey, 21st MMY
Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory 2.0, 19th MMY
Youth Level of Service/Case Management Inventory, 16th MMY
Youth Outcome Questionnaire (Y-OQ-2.01), 16th MMY
Youth Program Quality Assessment, 17th MMY
Youth Research Survey, 9th MMY
Youth Risk and Resilience Inventory, 17th MMY
Youth's Inventory-4, 15th MMY


Zip Scale for Determining Independent Reading Level, 9th MMY

Tests reviewed in The Mental Measurements Yearbook series | Buros Center for Testing (2024)
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Author: Jeremiah Abshire

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Name: Jeremiah Abshire

Birthday: 1993-09-14

Address: Apt. 425 92748 Jannie Centers, Port Nikitaville, VT 82110

Phone: +8096210939894

Job: Lead Healthcare Manager

Hobby: Watching movies, Watching movies, Knapping, LARPing, Coffee roasting, Lacemaking, Gaming

Introduction: My name is Jeremiah Abshire, I am a outstanding, kind, clever, hilarious, curious, hilarious, outstanding person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.