EU 61 Scholar 37.2 Billion Raw Silver - 14 Maid - 20 Pet - 32K Cr... | ID 220320091 | PlayerAuctions (2025)

SERVER : EU / Europe ( PC )

I'm the original and only owner of this account!
There aren't creditcard or any other payment method registered to the account.

Original Email comes with the account!
You will receive all the information needed to take the full ownership of the email ( First/Last Name, Date of Birth, Security Question / Answer)
For any further information don't hesitate to PM me!


I will not accept refund request if you don't like the Character/Class or the Account itself, You can try the game for free registering to the website! Acknowledge what you are buying!


All pearl items in this account ( Maids, Pets, Outfits, Etc ... ) comes from Central Market and events! You don't have to worry about getting banned for fraudulent payments!

Account Overview:

LV. 61 Scholar
The account has 4 Season Character Tickets left.
Account with 37.2 Billion Raw Silver, 14x Maid ( 7x Storage, 7x Marketplace ) 20x PET ( +3 Extra Kuku for T2/T3 Try )
Loyalties: 134.374
Energy: 77
Contribution Points : 163
130 Days of Book of Combat
47 Days of Value Pack ( Including the Blessing of Old Moon Pack )
82 Days of Blessing of Kamasylve
28 Days Secret Book of Old Moon

Character Info : Lv. 61 Scholar ( Season ) ( Check Screen ) : EU 61 Scholar 37.2 Billion Raw Silver - 14 Maid - 20 Pet - 32K Cr... | ID 220320091 | PlayerAuctions (1)

If you don't like the character appearance, you can change it anytime using Value Pack!

SkillPoints : 860

Gear :

AP: 241 Aweke AP: 243 DP: 308

PEN Tuvala Armor
PEN Tuvala Helmet
PEN Tuvala Gloves
PEN Tuvala Shoes
PEN Tuvala Hammers
PEN Tuvala Sledgehammer
PEN Tuvala Gravity Cores

Accessories :

2x PEN Tuvala Earring
2x PEN Tuvala Ring
PEN Tuvala Necklace
PEN Tuvala Belt

Mediah Questline Completed.

This is a Seasonal Character, Season Pass is completed, so you can graduate right away!
There is the Capotia Set for better stat, you can equip it as soon as you graduate!

Capotia Set ( In Heidel's Storage ) :

PEN Capotia Necklace
PEN Capotia Belt
2x PEN Capotia Ring
Capotia Earring

Main Storage Heidel ( Check Screenshot ) : EU 61 Scholar 37.2 Billion Raw Silver - 14 Maid - 20 Pet - 32K Cr... | ID 220320091 | PlayerAuctions (2)

EU 61 Scholar 37.2 Billion Raw Silver - 14 Maid - 20 Pet - 32K Cr... | ID 220320091 | PlayerAuctions (3)
Shop and Loyalties :

1x Artisan's Blessing ( 30 Days )
603x Artisan's Memory
3x [Event] Classic Outfit Box ( Contains a box of class-specific items. You can open it on any character, you will receive a Classic Outfit Set suitable for your class. )
2x Nostalgia Classic Box ( Contains a box of class-specific items. You can open it on any character, you will receive a Classic Outfit Set suitable for your class. )
3x Thankful Premium Outfit Box ( Contains a box of class-specific items. You can open it on any character, you will receive a Premium Outfit Set suitable for your class. )
2x [Event] Choose Your 2023 Outfit Box ( Contains a box of class-specific items. You can open it on any character, you will receive an Outfit Set suitable for your class. )
1x [Event] Exciting Adventure Outfit Box ( Contains a box of class-specific items. You can open it on any character, you will receive an Outfit Set suitable for your class. )
1x [Event] Choose Your 10 Years Outfit Box ( Contains a box of class-specific outfits )
1x Outlaws of Margoria Outfit Box
1x [Event] Underwear Box
1x [Event] Swimsuit Selection Box
3x Inventory +2 Expansion Coupon
9x Inventory +4 Expansion Coupon
5x Inventory +8 Expansion Coupon
3x Inventory +16 Expansion Coupon
736x Valks' Cry
32291x Cron Stones
482x Item Collection Increase Scroll
10x Item Collection Increase Scroll: Advanced
1x Mount Skill Selection Coupon
26x Mount Skill Change Coupon
1x Premium Horse Appearance Change Coupon
1x Mount All Skill Training Coupon
2x Horse Breeding Reset ( 1x Female, 1x Male )
2x Reset Mount Growth
50+x Elion's Tear
2x Patrigio's Apparel Bag
17x Theiah's Orb
18x Advice of Valks* +10 ( Add 10 Failstack )
4x Advice of Valks +15
37x Advice of Valks +20
1x Advice of Valks +21
1x Advice of Valks +24
6x Advice of Valks +25
2x Advice of Valks +26
3x Advice of Valks +27
1x Advice of Valks +28
27x Advice of Valks +30
1x Advice of Valks +31
1x Advice of Valks +38

31x Advice of Valks +40
26x Advice of Valks +50
18x Advice of Valks +60
9x Advice of Valks +70
2x Advice of Valks +77
18x Advice of Valks +80
1x Advice of Valks +88
9x Advice of Valks +100
1x Advice of Valks +120
1x Advice of Valks +140
5x Advice of Valks +150

* ( You can only use this item [ Advice of Valks ] if your Enhancement Chance [ Failstack ] is 0. )


1x T4 Shudad's Courier
1x T3 Young Golden Dragon
4x T1 Wizard Gosphy ( In Heidel's Storage )
1x T1 Young Griffon ( In Heidel's Storage )
1x T1 Arctic Fox ( In Heidel's Storage ) ( Talent Item Drop Rate % )
1x T1 Desert Fox ( In Heidel's Storage )
2x T1 Naughty Dog ( In Heidel's Storage )
1x T1 Lost Penguin ( In Heidel's Storage )
2x T1 Haetae ( In Heidel's Storage )
1x T1 Sooty Roary ( In Heidel's Storage ) ( Talent: Weight Limit Increase )
1x T1 Sky Hawk ( From Calpheon Questline )
1x T1 Fluffy ( From Serendia Quest Line )
1x T1 Shaggy Dog ( From Balenos Quest Line )
1x T1 Junaid Cat ( From Mediah Quest Line )
4x T1 Kuku Bird ( you can take out ONLY ONE at a time )

Extra & random stuff :

Many EXP scroll :
153 x Combat & Skill + 530% ( 60m )
60 x Combat + 200% Skill + 30% ( 120m )
47 x Combat & Skill + 300% ( 60m )
76 x Combat + 600% Skill + 90% ( 60m )

2x T3 ( Brilliant ) Fairy in Heidel's Storage ( You have to do the short questline to register the fairy )

4x Weapon Exchange Coupon Set ( Main Weapon/Awekening/Sub-Weapon )

2x [Season] Boss Gear Exchange Coupon

103 x Days of Sealed Book of Life ( Life Exp +50% )

956x Marni's Unstable Fuel

2x Marni Stable Fuel

1x Narchillan Grar SET ( can't be sold, stats compared to duo/tri blackstar gear )


6x J's Hammer Of Loyalty

2x Vipiko's Dreaming Horse ( You can choose a T9 Horse )

1x T8 Horse ( Lv. 1 ) ( Emblem in Heidel's Storage )

61x [Event] Dim Origin of Dark Hunger ( In Heidel's Storage )

EXTRA 3 ( Screenshot ) :

I haven't Selected the free TET Blackstar Weapon from Y Reward, so you can pick the one you prefere between Main weapon, Awekening weapon or Off-hand!

The FREE PEN BLACKSTAR is available as i completed Mediah Questline, you can pick it right away and select between main weapon or awekening weapon.

J's Hammer of Precision ( Worth around 27.5 Billion in central market ): I haven't picked it up because the Family Playtime is @ 89 Hours, and you need 200 Hours of playtime to redeem it! ( J's Hammer of Precision will be removed during the November 28, 2024 maintenance )

EU 61 Scholar 37.2 Billion Raw Silver - 14 Maid - 20 Pet - 32K Cr... | ID 220320091 | PlayerAuctions (4)

EU 61 Scholar 37.2 Billion Raw Silver - 14 Maid - 20 Pet - 32K Cr... | ID 220320091 | PlayerAuctions (2025)
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Author: Kieth Sipes

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Views: 6010

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Author information

Name: Kieth Sipes

Birthday: 2001-04-14

Address: Suite 492 62479 Champlin Loop, South Catrice, MS 57271

Phone: +9663362133320

Job: District Sales Analyst

Hobby: Digital arts, Dance, Ghost hunting, Worldbuilding, Kayaking, Table tennis, 3D printing

Introduction: My name is Kieth Sipes, I am a zany, rich, courageous, powerful, faithful, jolly, excited person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.