146310-morning-coffee-115-torches-and-pitchforks-edition (2024)


The latest patch feedback thread, visually represented by a famous scene from The Simpsons. :lol:Lots of upset people out there is morning. For the first time ever, I am sort of glad to be behind the curve in terms of gear and runes. I only had one Fusion rune, and I guess it's going to suck to lose some DPS but at least I'm not in the same boat as those who'd bothered to fully set themselves up. I feel your pain.Hopefully, Crabine gets a good whiff of the displeasure and sets things right, or at the very least someone steps up and more or less explains WHY they took the drastic actions they did. Until then, I'm going to not sweat it and sit here sippin' mah java:

(Tex and real coffee not shown.)ANYWAY, last night was D&D so all I did was patch up and then not play. Now with a short slide into a peaceful weekend on tap, I am excited to get in and work on my House!Have a great day, Nexus and don't let the nerfs get you down!

Morning:)I have to say that I'm not happy with the rune situation either before or after this patch. For example, I could pretty much do everything I wanted to do on Sophie without too much trouble, She was pretty much exactly where I wanted her to be in terms of general DPS.Now I feel like it's gear or GTFO. I just runed her for Devastation and Onslaught, + 4 on 3 pieces of gear each and I still *almost* died in Vet M-13! :o :angry:Maybe I need some more runes but the cost to rune, re-rune and remove runes and add slots is just to FN high.Seriously?? I was pissed, really pissed. I have run that Vet instance hundreds of times, and I'm here to tell you my damage output was just awful for where I SHOULD be with that gear and those runes.There is something very, very wrong about the runes are at the moment or the damage that the mobs inflict or WTH, maybe it's just me.Now I'm just pissed off. Think I'll go fire one of my employees :angry:

Now I'm just pissed off. Think I'll go fire one of my employees :angry:

Noooooooooooo! Don't take this out on an innocent employee!CRABINE PLZ! LOOKIT WHAT YER MAKING SWEET SOPHIE DO!!!

Have a great day, Nexus and don't let the nerfs get you down!

Only logged in last night for one last kick at the holiday instance, and the grabbing of a last few decor items for my mordesh. End game nerfs are not something I`ll notice yet for a very long time. Still, the DragonCon nerfs are some of my favourite nerfs. Me, I`m still recovering from the local SF convention this past weekend. Coffee is helping. Oh, yes, here are those DragonCon nerfs:

Yea, I just read through the feedback thread and... it's not pretty. I don't raid in WS so not very familiar with the specifics, but it's not hard to tell that Carbine's making some bad decisions again.:(Honestly, the endgame gear progression system in WS seems terribly convoluted in general. I don't raid mainly because of the scheduling required (I'll never do 3 raid nights a week again), but the number of runes and paying costs to put them in/pull them out, rolling slots, leveling runes, all that garbage ensures I won't even bother with the casual GA weekend runs.What's wrong with simplicity? Things may have changed, but WoW had it right last time I played— get a new upgrade, grab an obvious enchant, throw in a few appropriate gems (which you could usually intuit). Done.The sands are shifting too much with this game and I don't think it bodes well for the future of its competitive/endgame scene. Luckily I'm just a humble builder nerd hanging out with dem RP nerds. :P

...hanging out with dem RP nerds. :P

RP nerds Dominion side? I need some of that action but don't know anyone who RP's on this side.:(

I suppose I'll contribute an opposing viewpoint. I'm pretty "meh" on the changes. On Remi, I tank and it's not a big deal (though it might be if I used Siphon instead of Trogun's. I was about ready to switch to Siphon this weekend and then decided I would wait for a new weapon as I didn't want to pay what I would need to create or buy the rune right now). On Sid (warrior) I had the MRA rune. We ran SSM and ... honestly not a lot of change, if any. He's very much pre-raid geared with the exception of a nice BOE sword from GA, and before the runing change, I was doing about 5.5k dps if I can get a straight up non-mechanic fight, and maybe 5.2k dps in the same situation now. It might have even just been statistical noise.I understand this may be more impactful if you are a class that relies on multi-hit for damage. The warrior is more of a crit class. I rarely actually keep track of DPS on Remi as nine time out of ten I'm tanking and I like it that way. Didn't even check my damage on the fight where I went DPS in GA though.Anyhow, was a fun evening. GA farm night so there's a lot of playful voice comm chatter, jokes, goofoffs. I tried to tank Phage Maw standing in the laser. It ALMOST worked. I probably could if I don't stack every single laser up and only shifted every now and then. But we went and finished the rest of the raid even despite running a little overtime and Ohmna shenanigans. But we have a great tank team and despite the threat wipes when not expected, and other odd script errors, one-shot the Big O. No tanking gun. We get nothing but psyblades it seems. So many psyblades are getting sharded. Haven't seen a weapon upgrade in over six months now.I did get my gauntlets through the Kuralak challenge though. We two tanked it because invariably I *will* get a meteor strike (or whatever it is) during the anesthetize if we're single tanking it. However now the imbuement is bugged and I have my 100 Tarnished Gifts and only getting credit for 62. That's very weird (and yes, I've equipped and unequipped the gauntlets, and restarted and all that sort of thing.) Hopefully a support ticket will do the trick though in the past there's always a lot of "please uninstall every addon you have and try" because that's in their script and it's very annoying. Sometimes I think I get better response from the Bug Report forum than support ticket.Only two AMPs away from being build finished there on Sid, so pretty happy about that. I can't tell whether it'll be the Star-Comm AMP or I will actually have time to get EGs for two of them before Star-Comm rep is finished. Holy crap that zone is slow. Defile was kind of beautiful, CB and NW are about 2 weeks each, but Star Comm just crawls. Still that's the last "free" AMP aside from Malgrave's R-12 which I don't think anyone is doing anymore so I'll keep throwing myself against the posts.Tonight, Datascape fun times. We did manage our first kill on Lattice on Monday, would be very nice to blow through SD, Limbo, and the icey area with time to kill Lattice and leave Monday to hilarious wipe time on Maelstrom Authority. We'll see how we do.Hope everyone has a great day.

RP nerds Dominion side? I need some of that action but don't know anyone who RP's on this side.:(

F*%muffining zombie brain can't come up with his name. There is a chua cook on dominion side that I would go to at lunch. Good for light RP.Check WSRP on dom side to find some people. You can also just see if I'm on if you want some RP banter, or deliciously draken hexes and charms.Jezzel Darklash: Professional Draken Witch.

Edited November 5, 2015 by Arachnaas

Luckily I'm just a humble builder nerd hanging out with dem RP nerds. :P

This RP nerd also does content!I'm relieved I hadn't bothered to put in any fusion runes yet, though the changes are annoying on principle. The entire rune system is annoying on principle. >_<Iiiiiiiii finally went back into GA last night! Thanks, Cast. :p Had a lot of fun, even if RNG screwed me over a couple times on the X-89 fight (hello getting little bomb and then getting hit with knockback right as I'm getting off the platform I was destroying xD). Even got a weapon upgrade out of it! Well, maybe more like a side grade. It's 4 ilvls higher than my weapon, so it's got more support rating, but I'm gonna have to play around with runes and such to see if it's worth losing all of the focus pool, focus recovery, crit, and multihit. Oh boy playing around with runes. That will be so fun! >_> Still, kinda looking forward to going back in on Saturday to pick at Kuralak. I feel sorry for the egg people; my job is so incredibly easy on that fight haha.I also finished a picture yesterday!

Jack turned out looking more tired than I intended, but it fits because that's kind of how he's been feeling in RP lately. Poor Dominion-deserter with PTSD. And Antimony's just grumpy I guess. xD

Morning all,i am unsure what to think about the rune changes as I haven't gotten to end game just yet. Honestly the whole rune system is a bit confusing to me and since i am not currently expecting to do any raiding (although I would love to) I haven't really done much research on how runes work.Side note though i really like the western theme in malgrave :D


The impression I got from reading some feedback is that people are tired of seeing changes that don't appear needed. Maybe those changes are tied into other things Carbine's doing, but without warning/regular dialogues, the damage is still done.:( I also feel people who complained about dropping this patch in on a Wednesday, after raid week's already started.My opinion that this is a problem largely draws from the number of times I've seen these kinds of complaints lodged with CRB. I know making regular changes is a part of MMO development, but it feels like WS upsets the (vocal) playerbase more often than should be normal.

RP nerds Dominion side? I need some of that action but don't know anyone who RP's on this side.:(

I was thinking the other day how weird it is that I've never seen you or anyone from your guild on Dom side. :O I lurk in WSRP (which has been a bit of a mixed bag lately) and four different RPish circles (Junction Nexus for mechari, Nexus Construction League for builders, Storytellers of Nexus for events, and Cross Nexus Circuit for roll-based arena nights).Try out WSRP and see if you can make some contacts. Just be aware that we have a very eclectic group of people in that channel since F2P. Dom's RP side has grown a fair bit.

The impression I got from reading some feedback is that people are tired of seeing changes that don't appear needed. Maybe those changes are tied into other things Carbine's doing, but without warning/regular dialogues, the damage is still done.:( I also feel people who complained about dropping this patch in on a Wednesday, after raid week's already started.My opinion that this is a problem largely draws from the number of times I've seen these kinds of complaints lodged with CRB. I know making regular changes is a part of MMO development, but it feels like WS upsets the (vocal) playerbase more often than should be normal.

Well that criticism I think is entirely fair. And when there is supposed to be a balancing "nerf / buff" combo that addresses the issue they're concerned about they quite often seem to decouple the two in patches. Additionally there are rushed patches like this (don't believe this was on the PTR radar) while things that feel like they should have been addressed long ago (rune fragment distribution patterns, sources) languish. So yeah, I get the criticism. Just offering up a counter viewpoint to keep in mind while spearing the chicken on the pitchfork and setting it on fire before storming the castle. (How long does a chicken burn anyhow?:-) )

I'm not getting a pitchfork out. Mostly I'm just annoyed how long it's taken to fix the rune fragment droprate. The current situation is just broken, for everyone. I've weathered it mostly because I had a ton of rune tokens and I don't mind putting non-exceptionals in my alt gear.Some of these changes probably made a lot of sense for bringing multi-hit classes that were benifiting too much from these runes in line, but making the change without forewarning us (except in a buried post in the warrior forums, apparently) was poor form. Though, this was kind of similar to the threat change they did to mulit-hit recently as well, to a lesser extent.I'm guessing Carbine will learn from this and do better in the future. Or hoping anyway. These kind of changes do need to have some warning.That being said, I was running a buff build (T8 AM) in a pug GA on Monday, and on trash pulls my fusion rune (which I got in a level 20 Stormtalon while leveling up) was my third most damaging ability (above T4 CS). That felt a bit weird- haha!In other news, I pugged an x-89 kill, which now brings my second slinger up to ilvl 91 or so (before she had exactly one orange, an ohmna weapon- lol) and got a few glory pieces. Her ST is a bit out of whack (14% is waaaay overkill for doing GA), but I'm not going to invest a ton in runing her properly. Using single power runes, I've been going 2/2 devastation, 2/2 onlsaought on most of her pieces, instead of focusing on devastation like I did on my main. I'm not sure which is better, tbh, but her crit is pretty high (almost 20%, which is where you want it for slingers) so it's probably fine.I do this really odd thing, which is trying to basically keep the finances for my various toons separate. It gives me a sense of progression. So while I picked up a bunch of ability points on Rythar for cheap a few weks ago, I haven't sent them to Liz yet. She will buy them off of him as she can afford them. Strange? I dunno, but it gives me goals.I'm probably the person MMO grind was designed for- lol.

  • Snip*

I was thinking the other day how weird it is that I've never seen you or anyone from your guild on Dom side. :o I lurk in WSRP (which has been a bit of a mixed bag lately) and four different RPish circles (Junction Nexus for mechari, Nexus Construction League for builders, Storytellers of Nexus for events, and Cross Nexus Circuit for roll-based arena nights).Try out WSRP and see if you can make some contacts. Just be aware that we have a very eclectic group of people in that channel since F2P. Dom's RP side has grown a fair bit.

I unfortunately have never gotten into RP. Don't believe I would be any good at it as I am not a very creative thinker. I dd try once but trying to come up with a backstory on about my character was difficult to me:(

Well, lookee there. Three Departmental agents who have/want to/like to RP, in a nice little row.We should do something fun and take the whole faction along with us. :D

I unfortunately have never gotten into RP. Don't believe I would be any good at it as I am not a very creative thinker. I dd try once but trying to come up with a backstory on about my character was difficult to me:(

I just like to listen to them :ph34r:

Yo Tex, that last image got anymore of those pixels spare?Jpg so hard grannies tryna find me.

Well, lookee there. Three Departmental agents who have/want to/like to RP, in a nice little row.We should do something fun and take the whole faction along with us. :D

I'm not an agent, but I wouldn't complain if I got an invite.

  • pours dust and spiders out of mailbox*

Ouais! Nori. I remember some baddies on exile were planning on killing him or something. Bad bad exiles.

Edited November 5, 2015 by Arachnaas

If you want to get involved in existing rp Tex, try going past Chef Noriack's place on Friday night. The Cafe is one of the larger Dominion weekly events.Oh but wait! Nori's skyplot exploded a few weeks ago due to his Cutts Co superblender going supernova, so the Cafe has temporarily located to... Doctor Galex's plot I think? If you're online and in the WSRP channel Firday night you should see the adverts. If not ask someone and they'll direct you.

The latest patch feedback thread, visually represented by a famous scene from The Simpsons. :lol:

Rabble! Rabble! Rabble!

Hopefully, Crabine gets a good whiff of the displeasure and sets things right, or at the very least someone steps up and more or less explains WHY they took the drastic actions they did.

To be fair we know the "why" and independent of other factors it would have been an annoyance at worst. The devil is in the details of course. What's irked people is that the changes were so severe that it has a cascade effect on how you rune. As many people are aware the economy of the new rune system is still seriously dysfunctional and some of the promised mitigations have yet to make it to Live.Sadly the in-test version has at least one dysfunction. But before I go ranting in the Test forums about it I want to see them first hand to see if some of the other changes make that less of an issue.

F*%muffining zombie brain can't come up with his name. There is a chua cook on dominion side that I would go to at lunch. Good for light RP.

Baker Noriack?Morning folks!So I've been playing Wildstar since some of the late pre-launch CBT's. The raid guild I came here with burned out about 2-3 months in and we decided to give WoW a spin. I'll have to admit that I can say a lot of nice things about WoW unfortunately the sword and board aesthetic is something I've grown tired of. While I was focused there I still puttered around here a bit (mostly plot farming).When WoW finally irritated me one time too many I gave up playing there and refocused on Wildstar. The worst part of that decision was that I'd have to rebuild my social network here. Coincidental with my choice was the shift to Megaservers which meant Evindra would be folded into Entity along with the other PvE servers something I'm super happy about as the RP community here is awesome. In a word, RP is my insurance policy. Part of why my guild left SWTOR was the pre-3.0 content drought. Even if that happens here (or CRB manages to completely hose content participation) I will have something to do.Yeah I'm rambling but last night I did squeeze in a couple of RP sessions that were just great :wub:I have all the faith in the world that TT and his team won't let us down... But just in case, she's watching you.


I think it depends on if you have the proper ilvl runed, and if you ask for pointers first. You should be fine if you do that.Herm, maybe I'm getting my forum threads crossed . . .


If you want to get involved in existing rp Tex, try going past Chef Noriack's place on Friday night. The Cafe is one of the larger Dominion weekly events.Oh but wait! Nori's skyplot exploded a few weeks ago due to his Cutts Co superblender going supernova, so the Cafe has temporarily located to... Doctor Galex's plot I think? If you're online and in the WSRP channel Firday night you should see the adverts. If not ask someone and they'll direct you.

Does the WSRP channel allow rp newbies in, like if i say something stupid are they going to rip me a new a-hole?

Does the WSRP channel allow rp newbies in, like if i say something stupid are they going to rip me a new a-hole?

I think it depends on if you have the proper ilvl runed, and if you ask for pointers first. You should be fine if you do that.Herm, maybe I'm getting my forum threads crossed . . .

Does the WSRP channel allow rp newbies in, like if i say something stupid are they going to rip me a new a-hole?

Hardly.Now, there are always going to be isolated buttheads in ANY crowd, but RP channels/people/circles have always been very welcoming and friendly.

Does the WSRP channel allow rp newbies in, like if i say something stupid are they going to rip me a new a-hole?

You will be fine. This is not some kind of raid level RP that will cause conversation wipe if you don't know all your lore.I have seen Proudly Female chua, Mechari that talk like hk-47, ( Don't call me a meatbag if you like having even numbers of limbs) Mechari and Aurin relationships(More than five), mechari and mordesh, Aurin an.......just about everything. So spotty lore is less an issue than you might think.The important part is finding people that you like to interact with, and stories that you can build from.So "JUST DO IT!" you will have fun.

Edited November 5, 2015 by Arachnaas

Morning(ish)!Breakfast this morning was goat yogurt with fruit and honey. Coffee was forgettable.Wildstar was a short session, filled with the passing, purgative pleasure of crating an entire battleship, followed by some preliminary structural work on the new one. I want the view out the windows to be more spaceshippy this time around, and a little more cramp in the corridors. I may come off that second part if I get tired of having to go about the ship on foot while I'm building, but I definitely want to be able to get some interesting views of the ship's exterior from inside it.I can't make myself give a sh*t about equipment in this game. They've been screwing up end game itemization since they started, going from random and stupid to random, stupid and confusing. Maybe I'm still just sore about the master crafter replacing my stalker's prepatch pants with Focus gear. Maybe they'll get it all sorted out before I need something more out of the game than housing. If not, it won't have been for lack of trying, at least!

Goat ... yogurt.I just ... wait ... wut?

Good morning!Well, yesterday was the very last of a much extended Shade's Eve. I ran it a few more times for some decor, and just generally had fun with it. Looking forward to seeing it come back next year, but now I am looking onward to Winterfest/Christmas/Old Chua Claus and his team of Festive Draken seasons event.It will be good to get back to leveling my Engi, and other classes. I am going to have to find an efficacious method that I enjoy so I can afford to build many houses and do gearing... and stuff.And speaking of gearing and stuff, and on the topic of today's coffee thread, everyone struggling with the abrupt rune changes has my sympathies; it's a big pain to have to redo all that work. I am mildly thankful I was just starting to rune, and had not equipped any of my fusion runes yet, so I was not caught under the same wire. I hope Carbine improves the overall situation for you guys.:(I think this weekend I will start watching some more videos for adventures and dungeons and stuff. I've, embarrassingly enough, avoided almost all of them while playing (and yet, 8 months in I am still finding new things to do and enjoy). Years of WoW (and other, less.. how shall I put it... "hardcore" MMOs) where I was innately confident in my abilities, the dungeon mechanics (which were mostly just re-used or very explanatory), and gear/spell choices, left me realising how much it truly bothers me to be 'that guy' in a group who has to learn something! Weren't we all just born knowing all the things? :lol: So, I'm going to try to learn some stuff, so I can start feeling comfortable running group stuff.If anyone knows of some friendly circles or something that doesn't mind a bit of teaching (and theory questions!), I wouldn't turn it down!

If anyone knows of some friendly circles or something that doesn't mind a bit of teaching (and theory questions!), I wouldn't turn it down!

If you happen to be Entity/Exile, <Tears For Gear>. Directly aimed at people wanting to learn dungeons who don't mind wiping a few times along the way (hence the "tears" part).

Edited November 5, 2015 by SlyJeff

If you happen to be Entity/Exile, <Tears For Gear>. Directly aimed at people wanting to learn dungeons who don't mind wiping a few times along the way (hence the "tears" part).

I really appreciate it Sly, thank you.:) I am Entity/Dominion though, sadly (is this were I am supposed to have some faction pride and say #sadlynotsadly? :lol: ).

I really appreciate it Sly, thank you.:) I am Entity/Dominion though, sadly (is this were I am supposed to have some faction pride and say #sadlynotsadly? :lol: ).

Meh i am all for faction pride but since some people have been showing off some bad arse mordesh pics i am seriously debating playing one on the side :ph34r:

Meh i am all for faction pride but since some people have been showing off some bad arse mordesh pics i am seriously debating playing one on the side :ph34r:

If there was ever a forgivable reason to play exile, mordesh would be it.I want in the dominion with my mordesh. I want to be part of the ultra snooty, posh zombie, elite.

Meh i am all for faction pride but since some people have been showing off some bad arse mordesh pics i am seriously debating playing one on the side :ph34r:

Meh i am all for faction pride but since some people have been showing off some bad arse mordesh pics i am seriously debating playing one on the side :ph34r:

You know, I love my Drakens (and don't let them hear me saying this) but some of the Mordesh have really rocked some costumes hard. I would not mind playing one. :wub:... Honestly I'd just rather be able to play any class/race on either faction- or remove the factions but keep some sort of PvP war going.. maybe like, FFA? (Age of Conan style)My main reasons for picking one faction is just so I can help out my other characters, and never worry about "oh darn, I got X item on Y character but I wanted that on the OTHER faction!"I've never really liked factions.

Goat ... yogurt.I just ... wait ... wut?

A good friend of mine has some dairy goats, and he makes Greek yogurtfrom the milk. I was skeptical of it too, until I tried some with mango puree and honey. I like it better than I do the cow yogurt.

I get he's talking about turning coat, but you cain't hang a man on a pink rope!

I get he's talking about turning coat, but you cain't hang a man on a pink rope!

Lucky I don't make him wear a tutu ... :lol:

I did join the torches and pitchforks crowd, but I think I'm more just frustrated with the game than these specific changes. The DPS rune balances were probably needed although I think they went a bit overboard nerfing them so much w/o ptr testing first. The healing rune changes seemed less necessary and playing medic healer feels so gimped. I don't think tranagram has a vision for the class. But mostly the service token - gear problem has been rankling me for some time. My raiders have been telling me that getting new pieces of gear is straight up not fun and many of them feel pressured into spending cash. I hate a cash shop that does that and I feel terrible for my raiders. I'm losing a great player because of Carbine's cash-grabby cash shop. I wanted to support this game with my money. I wanted to buy cool cosmetics and play with fortune coins, but I can't do that because I can't support this iteration of the cash-shop.We went into GA last night, but unfortunately didn't get a clear. I had a lot on my mind and messed us up a couple times, but convergence held us up for almost an hour. Got ohmna to do on Sat, then SD... assuming anyone shows up. I can't even appeal to people when they tell me they're leaving anymore, because they have valid reasons and I know they are upset. It really *cupcake*ing sucks.

Wednesdays are D&D night for me, so I don't usually get on. Tuesday was a fluke. I got sidetracked catching up on The Flash and The Awesomes with my kids. :lol:I'll be leaving work today at 2PM CST. I should be on no later than 330-4PM CST if traffic and the kid cooperate.That said, I am on *most* weekday evenings between 4-9PM *at some point* although actual times vary. Weekends, assuming no big events, I get only early (like 5AM) and game off and on all day.You can also look for Pala Max or bug Sophia Snobberton (that's Khandi here) to send you an invite. Actually *any* member can invite, so long as they have a sub or enough Cosmic Points.

Edited November 5, 2015 by Tex Arcana

Oi Tex, till what time are ya'll usually on in the guild?I also sent out a friend request to your toons, Lana Kaine, SterlingM Archer, Ray Gillette, and Pam Poovey on my Dommie toon (Jon Constantine) for a ginvite, maybe? :D

Sounds good. Also D&D is awesome so hope you enjoy that! Also also, The Flash is an awesome show! I also enjoy Arrow and Gotham (no matter what others think of those shows). Yesterday's Arrow was AMAZING in particular because it brought back Constantine for one more show!!! :D :D I am very big Constantine fan lol.

I've been living under a rock these days, what have they done with runes now? (I know i could look elsewhere in the forums, but those places get scary. :p)

Sounds good. Also D&D is awesome so hope you enjoy that! Also also, The Flash is an awesome show! I also enjoy Arrow and Gotham (no matter what others think of those shows). Yesterday's Arrow was AMAZING in particular because it brought back Constantine for one more show!!! :D :D I am very big Constantine fan lol.

Oh I love pretty much all of the current crop of Super-Shows. If you have Hulu, give The Awesomes a look. It's animated, but just a wonderful look at the inner-workings of super-heroic friends and families.

I've been living under a rock these days, what have they done with runes now?(I know i could look elsewhere in the forums, but those places get scary. :P)

"Nerf" is all I understand in all those pages. The #hardcores use WAY WAY WAY too many abbreviations and percentages for me to keep up. :lol:

I've been living under a rock these days, what have they done with runes now?(I know i could look elsewhere in the forums, but those places get scary. :P)

Weapon fusion runes (Stormtalon's Eye, Mordecai Redmoon's Ammunition, Siphon, etc.) are doing a lot less damage (like 60%), and can no longer multi-hit.

Oi Tex, till what time are ya'll usually on in the guild?I also sent out a friend request to your toons, Lana Kaine, SterlingM Archer, Ray Gillette, and Pam Poovey on my Dommie toon (Jon Constantine) for a ginvite, maybe? :D

I will be on at some point this afternoon, like...4pm EST because I have to meet an insurance adjuster at my house. :angry:On Halloween, a car missed a turn and went barreling between the back of my house and the back of the house behind me (we both live on corners) and wiped out her fence entirely and half of mine and a big chunk of my neighbors that live beside me.And then they fled the scene.Terrific :angry:

Weapon fusion runes (Stormtalon's Eye, Mordecai Redmoon's Ammunition, Siphon, etc.) are doing a lot less damage (like 60%), and can no longer multi-hit.

I had just bought a Stormtalon rune earlier this week, and was worried the nerf would kill it...it didn't really seem to. (but, my build is a crit build and not a multi-hit build...so there's that to consider.)I can't tell if the people complaining the most are just the type of people who would have complained just as loudly at a much smaller nerf, or if they were "uber farmers" who have raid farming min/maxed down to the exact amount of minutes and seconds the raid should take- I just know from what I saw it was much ado about nothing...or at least had no real noticable effect on my build. Even with the nerf, Stormtalon is still pretty much the best fusion I could have for my weapon, unless I go with Siphon (expensive)- I could plug another set rune in that slot...but from what I could tell on the "runemaster" addon, I'll only get a .5% or 1% stat boost here or there if I take something else anyways.Also from last nights observations- Healers seemed to be one of the biggest intended targets of the rune nerf...but from what I could tell, were doing their job just fine despite the changes.

Edited November 5, 2015 by Pygar Jetrunner

Ok, so it's way above my uber casual level. Thx

Ok, so it's way above my uber casual level.Thx

It's all that and the fact that people felt like these runes didn't need to be messed with at all.At this point in the game though, runes are pretty important, even on lower level characters.

I had just bought a Stormtalon rune earlier this week, and was worried the nerf would kill it...it didn't really seem to. (but, my build is a crit build and not a multi-hit build...so there's that to consider.)I can't tell if the people complaining the most are just the type of people who would have complained just as loudly at a much smaller nerf, or if they were "uber farmers" who have raid farming min/maxed down to the exact amount of minutes and seconds the raid should take- I just know from what I saw it was much ado about nothing...or at least had noticable effect on my build. Even with the nerf, Stormtalon is still pretty much the best fusion I could have for my weapon, unless I go with Siphon (expensive)- I could plug another set rune in that slot...but from what I could tell on the "runemaster" addon, I'll only get a .5% or 1% stat boost here or there if I take something else anyways.

Well, it kind of depends on the class. And remember, healers were hit too. If these runes are now less powerful than just taking stats, that means reworking your rune set so you aren't going over diminishing returns. So yeah, at the bleeding edge of content that will matter. And when you were relying on certain things to happen for procs, I can see it even being a bigger hit.On person was citing a 10% loss in damage- if that's true (I don't know the class), then yes, that would be a pretty big deal. I don't know how he/she arrived at that number.But the biggest complaint really isn't the changes, as much as they were out of the blue, giving people no time to prepare or test, while a much bigger issue (rune fragment supply) is looming and should have been addressed and pushed to live already.

Edited November 5, 2015 by SlyJeff

I, of course, switched my tank weapon rune to siphon on Tuesday. Yay me! xD Le sigh.In the end, it's not really that big of a deal. I think it's just annoying. Honestly, the overall end game is MILES better than it was prior to F2P. The rune changes have been so frustrating to us vet players because we had to rune up so much at once and basically redo all the work we had already done (spending a fair amount of in game and possible RL money to do so). For newer raiders, it's not quite as bad. It's still expensive as heck and time consuming, but at least they are excited about it instead of annoyed at having to redo it. They also have been able to PLAN a bit to have to rune all the shiny new gear they are getting.I learned a long time ago to wish people the best and let them know we aren't going anywhere when they need a raiding break. It's a lot of commitment and effort to raid. It's like the video game equivalent of a team sport. Sometimes, you just get tired. That's OK. The key is not letting those folks drag you and the rest of your raid team down with their frustrations. That stuff can spread like WILDFIRE, hence it's better to encourage them to break when needed rather than try to get them to stay (and share their unhappiness with everyone). Many of them come back. Many of them don't. Most of them at least check in now and again. I'm always happy to see familiar faces peek in and say hi to us:)This week, we have all new pairs to learn. It's exciting and nerve-wracking! It's a bit hard to keep up with all the various and sundry mechanics on the 9 different pair fights (and we've only seen about half of them so far). We'll just keep on keeping on though. Sooner or later, we'll actually see Avatus. Crazy thought! LOL

Somehow I saw this coming :lol:Pfft Texans..... oh wait :blink:

Edited November 5, 2015 by Wolfuse

Wednesdays are D&D night for me, so I don't usually get on. Tuesday was a fluke. I got sidetracked catching up on The Flash and The Awesomes with my kids. :lol:I'll be leaving work today at 2PM CST. I should be on no later than 330-4PM CST if traffic and the kid cooperate.That said, I am on *most* weekday evenings between 4-9PM *at some point* although actual times vary. Weekends, assuming no big events, I get only early (like 5AM) and game off and on all day.You can also look for Pala Max or bug Sophia Snobberton (that's Khandi here) to send you an invite. Actually *any* member can invite, so long as they have a sub or enough Cosmic Points.

And they can hit me up Wolfuse Howlin, I be a freebot with POWER!!!!!!

Well, it kind of depends on the class. And remember, healers were hit too. If these runes are now less powerful than just taking stats, that means reworking your rune set so you aren't going over diminishing returns. So yeah, at the bleeding edge of content that will matter. And when you were relying on certain things to happen for procs, I can see it even being a bigger hit.On person was citing a 10% loss in damage- if that's true (I don't know the class), then yes, that would be a pretty big deal. I don't know how he/she arrived at that number.But the biggest complaint really isn't the changes, as much as they were out of the blue, giving people no time to prepare or test, while a much bigger issue (rune fragment supply) is looming and should have been addressed and pushed to live already.

10% is really not that big of a deal in the end- some of the dps classes/builds out there probably needed the nerf, and can take the adjustment and just keep rolling.I think the part I get even less is the panic over the "suprise" factor of the nerf. For starters, there are addons out there that let you theory-craft this kind of stuff without wasting money or materials. Secondly, nerfs like this are frequently aimed at the higher end players in hopes to level the playing field for everybody else- giving those guys weeks of advanced notice means a nerf like that ends up "screwing the little guy" instead....so not feeling too much sympathy for them here honestly.

Edited November 5, 2015 by Pygar Jetrunner

Rune Nerfs ==> Re-Runing ==> Service Tokens ==> Cash Shopsorry for being so cynical, but this is how it looks to me

10% is really not that big of a deal in the end- some of the dps classes/builds out there probably needed the nerf, and can take the adjustment and just keep rolling.I think the part I get even less is the panic over the "suprise" factor of the nerf. There are addons out there that let you theory-craft this kind of stuff without wasting money or materials. Also, nerfs like this are frequently aimed at the higher end players in hopes to level the playing field for everybody else- giving those guys weeks of advanced notice means a nerf like that ends up "screwing the little guy" instead....so not feeling too much sympathy for them here honestly.

Nah, 10% is enormous when you are progression raiding, at least in my experience.And no, I disagree with the addons that can test this stuff. Theory is one thing, but you never really see how it all interacts until you play with it. And the weeks of advanced notice usually results in creating guides and tools for the "little guy" who didn't have to do any of the work (read: me!) When Conduction put out his runing spreadsheet, which I relied on for my own runing, he did it by spending hours and hours testing stuff on the PTR. I was extremely grateful for his work and willingness to answer questions I had.And even more than that, a nerf can change things mid-progression, so to do this mid lockout is bad for progression. We were working on a boss Tuesday that we've been doing for weeks. We are used to pushing him into a certain phase a certain amount of time in. If we go back tomorrow and that has changed because damage is different, well that's just not cool (and 10% damage across our raid, which I don't thin happened, would certainly lead to a number of changes). You expect things can change on a Tuesday morning, but you generally expect the fight to be the same on Friday as it was on Tuesday.

Rune Nerfs ==> Re-Runing ==> Service Tokens ==> Cash Shopsorry for being so cynical, but this is how it looks to me

I said the exact same thing hours ago in the feedback thread.Obvious cash-grab is obvious.Fully expect to see more and more and more of this kind of skeevy crap, at least until February when everyone's free months run out. Until then, they HAVE to monetize us every possible way, because many folks who WOULD be subbing right now, aren't.Of course, by then, I expect more than a few of us will tire of the skeeviness and move on to pastures with less milking.

Nah, 10% is enormous when you are progression raiding, at least in my experience.And no, I disagree with the addons that can test this stuff. Theory is one thing, but you never really see how it all interacts until you play with it. And the weeks of advanced notice usually results in creating guides and tools for the "little guy" who didn't have to do any of the work (read: me!) When Conduction put out his runing spreadsheet, which I relied on for my own runing, he did it by spending hours and hours testing stuff on the PTR. I was extremely grateful for his work and willingness to answer questions I had.And even more than that, a nerf can change things mid-progression, so to do this mid lockout is bad for progression. We were working on a boss Tuesday that we've been doing for weeks. We are used to pushing him into a certain phase a certain amount of time in. If we go back tomorrow and that has changed because damage is different, well that's just not cool (and 10% damage across our raid, which I don't thin happened, would certainly lead to a number of changes). You expect things can change on a Tuesday morning, but you generally expect the fight to be the same on Friday as it was on Tuesday.

I kind of get that point of view for high end PVE...but then again, if it was too easy to do the raid, it wouldn't be compelling and people would get bored with it. I can make the argument that "trial and error" gameplay to figure this stuff out in-game instead of on the test server is better for the game overall, even if it causes people some stress short term. (I have yet to try the high end PVE myself, but I am very excited to know that it is not just a cake walk.)

I said the exact same thing hours ago in the feedback thread.Obvious cash-grab is obvious.Fully expect to see more and more and more of this kind of skeevy crap, at least until February when everyone's free months run out. Until then, they HAVE to monetize us every possible way, because many folks who WOULD be subbing right now, aren't.Of course, by then, I expect more than a few of us will tire of the skeeviness and move on to pastures with less milking.

Clearly they know they will make more money from cash shop than they ever would from subs. Hence the generous free model vs the lackluster sub model.

I kind of get that point of view for high end PVE...but then again, if it was too easy to do the raid, it wouldn't be compelling and people would get bored with it. I can make the argument that "trial and error" gameplay to figure this stuff out in-game instead of on the test server is better for the game overall, even if it causes people some stress short term. (I have yet to try the high end PVE myself, but I am very excited to know that it is not just a cake walk.)

I guarantee you, this kind of "challenge" doesn't make raiding any more exciting or less boring. Once you try the raids, you'll see they are VERY exciting, and gear/runes has little to do with it.Trial and error in-game is just to expensive to do right now, given it would cost hundreds of plat OR service tokens (real life money) in order to get a handle on all the options. No one is going to spend that much to test, and no one should have to. That would be some serious P2W *stuff* right there.

I said the exact same thing hours ago in the feedback thread.Obvious cash-grab is obvious.Fully expect to see more and more and more of this kind of skeevy crap, at least until February when everyone's free months run out. Until then, they HAVE to monetize us every possible way, because many folks who WOULD be subbing right now, aren't.Of course, by then, I expect more than a few of us will tire of the skeeviness and move on to pastures with less milking.

Or they could just make the sub better

Clearly they know they will make more money from cash shop than they ever would from subs. Hence the generous free model vs the lackluster sub model.

So they think.The combination of lackluster sub model and single-character cosmetic unlocks just means they don't get ANY of my money. I am not the only one. Take a look at the THREADMAGEDDON over in the Marketplace sub-forum. A *lot* people are saying the same thing, "Make it worth it to sub or make it worth it to buy from the shop."As it stands now, it's neither.

I, of course, switched my tank weapon rune to siphon on Tuesday. Yay me! xD Le sigh.In the end, it's not really that big of a deal. I think it's just annoying. Honestly, the overall end game is MILES better than it was prior to F2P. The rune changes have been so frustrating to us vet players because we had to rune up so much at once and basically redo all the work we had already done (spending a fair amount of in game and possible RL money to do so). For newer raiders, it's not quite as bad. It's still expensive as heck and time consuming, but at least they are excited about it instead of annoyed at having to redo it. They also have been able to PLAN a bit to have to rune all the shiny new gear they are getting.I learned a long time ago to wish people the best and let them know we aren't going anywhere when they need a raiding break. It's a lot of commitment and effort to raid. It's like the video game equivalent of a team sport. Sometimes, you just get tired. That's OK. The key is not letting those folks drag you and the rest of your raid team down with their frustrations. That stuff can spread like WILDFIRE, hence it's better to encourage them to break when needed rather than try to get them to stay (and share their unhappiness with everyone). Many of them come back. Many of them don't. Most of them at least check in now and again. I'm always happy to see familiar faces peek in and say hi to us:)This week, we have all new pairs to learn. It's exciting and nerve-wracking! It's a bit hard to keep up with all the various and sundry mechanics on the 9 different pair fights (and we've only seen about half of them so far). We'll just keep on keeping on though. Sooner or later, we'll actually see Avatus. Crazy thought! LOL

At least I know there is a guild similar to progress we had in ours before the roster boss took us out. 5/9 here (with the 5 being the cheesy fire/earth pair) with some experience on gloom. If I could ever find the time or willingness to level a dirty exile then I might hit you guys up :P. Or maybe jeff's...haven't decided yet:).As for me, just have not had the time to play lately, damn engineering uni classes taking up my time:( :angry:. Anyone want to do some Probability combined with calculus?:)

I did join the torches and pitchforks crowd, but I think I'm more just frustrated with the game than these specific changes.

Me too. I hate being bitter and I don't like getting myself to the point of sounding shrill. I think what really hurts is that this model is soooo close to awesome. Seems like they're relying too much on game design (ve vill haffs GOLD SINKS!) and not enough on a real player perception.As much as I keep zinging them about Service Tokens I like to believe that whacked plat costs are due to faulty metrics interpretation instead of any initiative to sell Service Tokens. I do zing them to about it to give them the player perception of what's happening.

Honestly, the overall end game is MILES better than it was prior to F2P.

So much this and a vast improvement compared to launch.

Anyone want to do some Probability combined with calculus?:)

  • laughs* Somehow I managed to escape without dealing with Queuing Theory. Kinda wish I did though. Seems that the revised ICComLib is going to require somebody versed in telecoms development and can makes heads or tails of some academic papers.

I guarantee you, this kind of "challenge" doesn't make raiding any more exciting or less boring. Once you try the raids, you'll see they are VERY exciting, and gear/runes has little to do with it.Trial and error in-game is just to expensive to do right now, given it would cost hundreds of plat OR service tokens (real life money) in order to get a handle on all the options. No one is going to spend that much to test, and no one should have to. That would be some serious P2W *stuff* right there.

Eh...there are still other options here besides just paying out of pocket. People can use omni-bits to get service tokens, and it is also possible in some cases for people to pick new runes that don't require slot re-rolls. (or if the tokens are for rescuing runes instead of destroying them- you can just destroy them and replace them with plat.)Aside from that, they call this type of business model a "free-to-play game" instead of "free-candy-handout" for a reason- sure, they will let you play for free but if they can find ways to make you pay they are going to....and they rightfully should, becasue if nobody gives them money then they will shut the game down. People can buy service tokens for less than the cost of a good cheeseburger- this situation is far from the worst "F2P cash grab" tactic I have seen.As mentioned above, I had one rune that was on the nerfbat list- even if I still end up replacing it, I certainly don't have to re-roll and re-rune every slot I have to make the change...and IMO that is how something like a fusion rune should work- it should be a nice "kicker" to add to your build when you are filling in your final slots, not the cornerstone of your whole build. (Class sets should be the foundation of your build)

Edited November 5, 2015 by Pygar Jetrunner

As much as I keep zinging them about Service Tokens I like to believe that whacked plat costs are due to faulty metrics interpretation instead of any initiative to sell Service Tokens.

Totally agree. "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence" ("incompetence" is probably too harsh in this case, but the quote explains my feelings about a lot of the poor decisions lately)

Hello Everybody -Another fine night in Wildstar. Raiding circle is going strong, and as she mentioned earlier Jack and Antimony joined us, always nice to have more from Blazing Saddles with us. Making great progress every session, probably hit second floor during the next session Saturday night.What? There is no raid level RP gear? What then have I been buying from Antimony the past few weeks. I mean it is not super expensive, just a couple plat per item, but the rune costs are in line with PvE runes. Antimony says she doesn't set the prices, she just crafts the gear and runes for me and sells them to me for the cost of the materials. To hear her tell it the Correct use of Semi-colon and No Run on Sentences materials are the hardest to find. She also informed me I would need this gear if I wanted to join some of the better RP conversations. I think something fishy is going on.Sly Jeff - I read somewhere else that Tex likes to give you a hard time about raiding occasionally. Next time just remind him 5 members of Blazing Saddles (soon to be seven, two in the attunement pipeline) are raiding now. Blazing Saddles is HARDCO (not quite hardcore, still working on the last part) :PFavorite quote from last night, Jack Shade said (yes there is a Jack Shade in my Guild) "We need to do DS now". Give a SS an inch and he will take a mile.

Edited November 5, 2015 by CastVG

Totally agree. "Never ascribe to malice that which can be explained by incompetence" ("incompetence" is probably too harsh in this case, but the quote explains my feelings about a lot of the poor decisions lately)

I don't think its malice on Carbine's part, NCSoft's though I'm not to sure about. I saw what NCSoft did with City of Heroes (cash grab + close the game). For carbine, I think its greed + incompetence + NCSoft. Greed meaning they want money now. Incompetence meaning they think pressuring players into spending money on gear is a better way to make people use the Cash Shop than making them simply really want to buy the items that's in it.

Does the WSRP channel allow rp newbies in, like if i say something stupid are they going to rip me a new a-hole?

You should be fine, unless you say something like "Exiles are cool and I want to join them." In such a case I shall refer you to Tex's picture. :PAlso for the record Tex goat yogurt is far older and more widespread than cow yogurt. America are actually the wierdos that use tons of cow products instead of goat products. Goat yogurt is also healthier for you. It's really a shame that I am obsessed with my cow yogurt so much XD.

Edited November 6, 2015 by ZuberiGF

America is a weirdo, I agree. HahahaHi all. I had a stressful full day putting out fires at work so only now caught up with the forums. I'm on the side of pitchforks, stuff for class balance need to go ptr first. Sigh. I'm pretty darn happy today despite all the stress at work. No WildStar probably until the weekend and then I'm braving a dungeon. I swear. Vets on Dominion beware, this nooblet is queuing!!! LolUsed cross server dungeon queue in Taiwan blade and soul and upgraded my weapon. I gotta say I'm addicted to his whole upgrade while leveling system. As a completionist it keeps me in leveling longer and gives me stuff to farm from the get go. Putting costumes along the leveling path too that you have to farm is genius too. Last night I also got the skull shoulder in wildstar and now Daemona looks like Jack. It's amazing. I basically played 3 mmos last night. It's called binging haha. Better than Dragon age where if I had started the new dlc I got, I'd be calling in sick to work lol. Speaking of Jack... The toys for shade's eve are amazing. Best frill I've ever gotten and I only did cause I had spares. Leave it to me to figure out the expedition on the last day of the event!!!! Sigh

Edited November 6, 2015 by DeaHamlet

Eh...there are still other options here besides just paying out of pocket. People can use omni-bits to get service tokens, and it is also possible in some cases for people to pick new runes that don't require slot re-rolls. (or if the tokens are for rescuing runes instead of destroying them- you can just destroy them and replace them with plat.)Aside from that, they call this type of business model a "free-to-play game" instead of "free-candy-handout" for a reason- sure, they will let you play for free but if they can find ways to make you pay they are going to....and they rightfully should, becasue if nobody gives them money then they will shut the game down. People can buy service tokens for less than the cost of a good cheeseburger- this situation is far from the worst "F2P cash grab" tactic I have seen.As mentioned above, I had one rune that was on the nerfbat list- even if I still end up replacing it, I certainly don't have to re-roll and re-rune every slot I have to make the change...and IMO that is how something like a fusion rune should work- it should be a nice "kicker" to add to your build when you are filling in your final slots, not the cornerstone of your whole build. (Class sets should be the foundation of your build)

I think you missed my point. To *test* this stuff would mean putting different runes in to gear and extracting them out. Only way to do that right now on live (which is where this would need to be tested since the chances aren't on PTR) is with service tokens. And no one is going to burn a ton of tokens/omnibits testing runes.

Ok so who is going to make this morning's coffee? If no one does it in Ten minutes I will get on it.

Hello Everybody -Another fine night in Wildstar. Raiding circle is going strong, and as she mentioned earlier Jack and Antimony joined us, always nice to have more from Blazing Saddles with us. Making great progress every session, probably hit second floor during the next session Saturday night.

Ah, I didn't know you had a raiding circle going- great! That's how my team got my started in GA (went 5/6 before splitting off into separate guilds because we had too many people) Is it a PUG circle, or are you doing signups and the like? If the latter, I can always make my site available for you (it does sign ups + easy fight assignments for things like Kuralak).As for Tex, he likes raiders, I think. I also think he's glad not to be one :D

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